Week of August 29-September 2, 2011
Teacher: A. Hall Blocks: 1, 2, & 3
Word of the Week: perseverance Rooms: 103
Monday / NCSC Objective(s): 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1TLW: discuss the historical aspects and characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon period to determine its influence on the literature of the time; present their personalized poster to the class; review characters; select and argue a stance on several issues related to Beowulf
Procedures / Anglo-Saxon period – p. 6-17 Introduction speeches (acrostics)
Beowulf anticipation guide Review unit menu & study guide
Vocabulary List:
1. week one / Starter: SAT vocabulary 1.1
Review: discussion / A V
T K / 1 2
3 4
Homework / Syllabus signed (due by 9-2); parent contact (due by 9-2); Me Blog (due by 9-2)
Materials / T – Anglo-Saxon notes & ppt; anticipation guide; textbooks; Beowulf unit materials
S – paper; pencils; acrostic
Evaluation / Ongoing
Tuesday / NCSC Objective(s): 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1
TLW: define the terms epic and epic hero; read and analyze an epic poem from the Anglo-Saxon people, using their knowledge of epic heroes to determine what characteristics make Beowulf an epic hero; identify traits of an epic hero, and identify some epic heroes previously studied in literature
Procedures / Beowulf – p. 21-28 Complete epic hero chart
Work on Beowulf unit materials
Vocabulary List:
1. week one / Starter: SAT vocabulary 1.2
Review: discussion / A V
T K / 1 2
3 4
Homework / Syllabus signed (due by 9-2); parent contact (due by 9-2); Me Blog (due by 9-2); Beowulf menu (due 9-5)
Materials / T – textbooks; unit materials; epic chart
S – paper; pencils; Beowulf materials
Evaluation / Ongoing
Wednesday / NCSC Objective(s): 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1
TLW: read and analyze an epic poem from the Anglo-Saxon people, using their knowledge of epic heroes to determine what characteristics make Beowulf an epic hero; identify traits of an epic hero, and identify some epic heroes previously studied in literature
Procedures / Semester Project presentation SP question/answer session
Beowulf – p. 30-38 Adjectives (sect. 3 p. 24-25) & interjections
Vocabulary List:
1. week one / Starter: SAT vocabulary 1.3
Review: discussion / A V
T K / 1 2
3 4
Homework / Syllabus signed (due by 9-2); parent contact (due by 9-2); Me Blog (due by 9-2); Beowulf menu (due 9-5)
Materials / T – SP presentation; textbooks; unit materials
S – paper; pencils; Beowulf materials; epic chart
Evaluation / Ongoing
Thursday / NCSC Objective(s): 4.1, 4.2, 5.3, 6.2
TLW: view a movie adaptation of an epic; compare/contrast the film version of an epic with the excerpt studied in the textbook to evaluate the effectiveness of each
Procedures / View Beowulf – previously approved Comparison/contrast chart (film vs. excerpt)
Vocabulary List:
1. week one / Starter: SAT vocabulary 1.4
Review: discussion / A V
T K / 1 2
3 4
Homework / Syllabus signed (due by 9-2); parent contact (due by 9-2); Me Blog (due by 9-2); Beowulf menu (due 9-5)
Materials / T – TV cart; movie; venn diagram; unit materials
S – paper; pencils; Beowulf materials
Evaluation / Ongoing
Friday / NCSC Objective(s): 4.1, 4.2, 5.3, 6.2
TLW: view a movie adaptation of an epic; compare/contrast the film version of an epic with the excerpt studied in the textbook to evaluate the effectiveness of each; review the historical context and literary selections of the Anglo-Saxon period; complete activities found on the Beowulf unit menu
Procedures / Finish Beowulf – previously approved Comparison/contrast chart (film vs. excerpt)
Anglo-Saxon review Work on Beowulf unit menu
Vocabulary List:
1. week one / Starter: review week one SAT vocabulary
Review: discussion / A V
T K / 1 2
3 4
Homework / Progress report signed (due by 9-9); précis presentation (on 9-9); Beowulf menu (due 9-5)
Materials / T – TV cart; movie; unit materials; Anglo-Saxon review
S – paper; pencils; Beowulf materials; Venn diagram; Anglo-Saxon notes
Evaluation / Ongoing
*STG – Strategies - Levels 1,2,3,4
LS – Learning Styles – Auditory, Visual, Tactile, Kinesthetic