Meeting opened 9.50amat the Two Sisters and a Cook Restaurant, Mundaring WA.
MEMBERS PRESENT:Rosemarie Winsor[President],Colleen Falls [secretary], Rosalind Bongers [treasurer], Dianne Davis, Andrea Randle, Heather Lindsay-Smith, Jenny Beutel, Kerry Bain,
APOLOGIES: Jenny Hall, Regina Lau, Gillian Baker-Murphy, Mary Hodgetts, Louise McInnes, Tessa Jupp, Stephanie Oitiker, Louise Duck, Diane Cooke.
Minutes of Previous Business Meeting
Motion: “To accept the minutes of the previous business meeting held on the 18th August,2015 as a true and accurate record.” Moved: Colleen Falls 2nd:Andrea Randle Accepted: ByAll
Correspondence: Email from Milena Mijas from National Asthma Council regarding Asthma education seminar $2000 grant
towards the cost of arranging the event.
“All Correspondence readand moved to be accepted”
Moved: Colleen Falls Accepted: By All
Reports: (now included within these minutes)
President’s report– presented [see attached]
Education Liaison Officer’s report– presented [see attached]
Secretary’sreport– Nil
Treasurer‘s report – Aug –Dec Quarterly report
Motion: “To accept all reports”
Moved: Rosemarie Winsor 2nd: Jenny BeutelAccepted: By all
Business arising from minutes: Follow up outcomes:
- Gifts to Diabetes WA and staff completed- grateful thanks from Penny.
- Gift to Auditor- delayed due to handover of treasurer position, Rosalind Bongers will organize.
- March 2016 Seminar confirmed
- DVD’s- 10 mailed to Rural Health West, they will distribute at their discretion.
- Ayeshah Ali now has access to upload items onto website, making 3 people including myself.
General Business:
- Asthma event for February as per correspondence from Milena Mijas , National Asthma Council
Discussed and organized for full day on Asthma by NMC on 13th February 2016 for 30 people.
Bendigo Bank to handle enrolments and fees, with a charge of $50 fee to attend.
- New venue for monthly meetings as of April 2016 as Diabetes WA moving to new venue.
Western Australia Primary Health Alliance [WAPHA], 2-5, 7 Tanunda Drive, Rivervale WA 6103
- Xmas Hamper thank you for Bendigo Bank and Jane Butcher, Andrea Randle has offered to organize. A budget
of $100 to $150 agreed by All.
- Old records- discussed. Colleen Falls to assess past files and records as what to be kept and Andrea Randle volunteered to have scanned onto digital data,
Motion:”To buy a computer storage system for paperless data”.
Moved: Colleen Falls 2nd: Rosemarie Winsor Accepted: By All
Next Meeting:15th February 2016Next Seminar:12th March 2016
Next Business Meeting: 18th April 2016
Next AGM: 15th August 2016
Meeting Closed: 10.30am
Minute Taker: Colleen Falls (Secretary)
President Report WA Practice Nurses Association Inc.
Business meeting 5th December 2015
There has not been a lot of activity since the previous business meeting report in August.
The main focus of my report for this month is to say a very big thank you to our new committee members in particular. Several of you have been actively taking on roles to share the workload.
I have been keen to encourage more members to be actively involved for a few years now to decrease the workload of our small committee. It is great to have you giving your time to assist.
We also have some members actively contributing their time to the newsletter behind the scenes, sending out welcome packs to new members, and assisting with setting up at Seminars etc. All of these people are very valuable as this helps us to continue providing support for our members in many ways.
It was very obvious recently when circumstances beyond my control prevented me from facilitating at our monthly meeting in November. By having extra members/helpers aware of what is involved in setting up the monthly meetings and the fresh ideas, it meant everyone could get together and work as a team to ensure the event went ahead. I believe it was a very informative evening that I was sorry to miss.
At our last business meeting, it was decided to only have 3 meetings a year to reduce the work load of our voluntary committee. One of these was to be held at our end of year Thank you breakfast for helpers and committee. This is the first of the meetings. I hope it will make everything a lot easier for us all. Reducing the time away from our families and any other personal commitments we all have.
Thank you everyone for your help and support to the executive committee. It is lovely to have a bigger “team” and having us all work together to achieve our goals.
I look forward to working with you in 2016. Wishing you all a very happy and safe Christmas Season and see you at the first meeting for 2016 on 15th of February.
Rosemarie Winsor
5th December 2015
Education Liaison Officer Report for Business meeting 5th December 2015
Our Seminar in September was very well attended and we received very positive feedback on the evaluation form results.
Our Seminar for 12th March 2016 is booked and enquiries have already started to come in. We will have the usual immunization update in the morning presented by Jane Gardiner. The afternoon topics are still to be confirmed.
There were still ongoing issues with payments and registration forms not being sent in together. This increased the workload for both the treasurer and myself. Therefore, registrations for Seminars were only accepted once all paperwork and payment were sent to the treasurer. We will continue this for March.
Several members assisted with preparations prior to and at the Seminar. We now also have a few members involved with setting up the refreshments table at Seminars and supper at the monthly meetings. Thank you all very much for your participation.
I have had assistance from Members offering to look into future articles for our newsletter. I gratefully accepted these offers and many of the September articles are due to the help from these members. This assistance is ongoing and beneficial as it allows for continuing fresh ideas.
In summary, it is really great to have more people involved with various aspects of WAPNA events. Thank you so much for your time. I really do appreciate it.
Rosemarie Winsor RN
Education Liaison Officer
5th December 2015