Welcome to 5th grade
Mrs. Pugh’s Class Room 32
Below, I have listed some basic information about our class.
Notebooks/ Organization of school supplies
1. Agendas- Students will record homework and complete a student reflection each day. Please be sure to sign the agenda each night.
2. Evening Opportunities/Homework- A spelling contract for the year will be kept in plastic sleeve protector in your child’s binder.
3. All other assigned worksheets will be kept in the homework folder to be completed.
Please read the Homework policy for further information about how homework is assigned in fifth grade.
***If a child does not have their homework he or she will have to make up the assignment at lunch. It is essential for students to practice the concepts that we are working on in class for mastery to occur. It there is a pattern of missed work, you will be notified.
4. All students should have 3 three- subject spiral notebooks. One is for Math, the second is for Science/Health/Social Studies, and the third is for Language Arts (Reading, Writing and Spelling). Students should take their notebooks home each night and review any class notes. We will always start off our lessons with a review of the previous day’s lesson. In addition, your child will keep all important hand-outs from class in their binder behind a particular subject.
5. Classwork Assignments- Classwork is assigned throughout the day. If a child does not finish their classwork during the amount of time given he or she will need to file it in their homework folder and complete the task later, either at home or when extra time is provided. Classwork will consist of a variety of different skills such as vocabulary, basic math skills, math problem solving, Science, Social Studies, Health, grammar, writing prompts and reading comprehension.
Discipline Plan
1. class rules and consequences
2. rewards and incentives
3. We will be following AWE’s core values.
Please read the classroom discipline plan for further details. This document can be found on my classroom Wiki page.
Parent Teacher Conferences
1. As needed (please try to call, e-mail or write a note in your child’s agenda to set up a time.)
2. Due to meetings and other obligations, Monday’s and Thursday’s will be the only time for afternoon conferences. Morning conferences can be scheduled during our planning time from 9:45-10:30 on Monday, Thursday and Friday.
3. If I do not respond to an e-mail within 24 hours, please call the school. This usually means that our server has blocked your e-mail from coming through.
Weekly Folders
1. Thursday will be the day to look for the red folder with your child’s weekly progress.
2. Your child’s assessments will be tracked each week along with conduct and work habits.
3. Please initial and return all classroom assessments. These will be kept in your child’s portfolio until the end of the year.
4. Other work samples such as homework and classwork should be kept at home.
5. Important papers will also be sent home in this folder unless the school wants us to send something that day. Then the important paper will be in the homework folder.
1. Writing- Fifth grade will respond to local county writing tasks 4 times this year. Two of the tasks are Narrative, in which students will tell a personal or imaginative story. The other two prompts are Expository. This type of writing will be taken through the entire writing process and is related to our Science or Social Studies units. We will be teaching writing through the Writer's workshop model. Other types of writing include letters and poetry.
2. Reading- Your child should read for pleasure for 30 minutes each night. This nightly reading should be recorded in your child’s agenda. Your child will also read independently for 30 minutes in class. It is important for your child to read in order to build endurance for reading longer selections. Your child should have a chapter book and one non-fiction book at all times. We will visit the library as a class once a week. Your child will have AR goals that he/she will have to meet weekly based on their STAR reading level. We will also teach reading skills through mini lessons and guided reading groups.
3. Spelling- The words can be found on Spelling City.com. It is the child’s responsibility to copy words into their agenda from the website. I will give students about 10 minutes in class to copy words each week. You are welcome to print a list out at home if you feel that your child needs additional time. Students will take a spelling test and a vocabulary test every Friday. They will also have Spelling homework each night. (See Spelling contract for daily assignments.)
4. Math- We will study data, geometry, decimals, fractions, multiplication, division, place value, order of operations, properties, measurement conversions, algebra, probability and problem solving. Please make sure your child is able to recall basic multiplication and division facts. We will practice facts using Math Facts in a Flash.
There will be a weekly Computation Test. A practice computation homework worksheet will be given on Tuesday in order to prepare for the test on Thursday. We will go over the homework in class on Wednesday so that your child will have enough time to ask questions and practice the problems before the weekly test which is on Thursday.
5. Social Studies- Our units of study will be integrated in to our Science, Reading and Writing curriculum.
6. Science- Our units of study include Weather/Climate, Landforms, Forces and Motion/Simple Machines, and Ecosystems. There is an EOG in Science this year. This subject area will be integrated with technology, Social Studies, Reading and Writing.
Grade 5
To be a GAMER, you must show responsibility by having all materials, homework, classwork, and follow the rules. To qualify to be a gamer, you must have only signed the logbook 4 times in the 1st quarter, 3 in the second quarter, 2 in the 3rd quarter and only once in the 4th quarter. Gamers are rewarded by participating in the quarterly game day.
Please remember that you must go through the volunteer screening process before you are able to go on any field trips or assist in the classroom. The office has that paperwork. If you have previously gone through the process another year, then you should be good to go.
Attendance/ Tardy Policy
1. Please send a note with your child the day he/ she return to school. (dates absence and reason for absence) We have to code the absence in the NCWISE computer system.
2. Read school policies in student handbook.
3. Please note our new tardy time is now 8:05.
Field Trips
· Fifth grade will be taking several field trips.
· Some of the tentative field trips we have planned are Camp Don Lee, Camp Flint Lock and an ECU play, Pilgrim/ Indian Camp. Please look for the field trip letter that will be coming home in the upcoming weeks.
· We also have an overnight trip to Washington, DC scheduled for March.
· ***We will need chaperones for all field trips.
· ***All trips must be paid for in advance and the cost is non-refundable.
· ***All of these trips are tentative this year and may be canceled due to transportation costs and the nature of our economy.
· We will let you know of the exact dates as soon as they are coordinated.
Awesomeville Fair
April 27, 2012
• This is our major PTA Fund-raiser.
• Each grade level will have a booth with games and prizes.
• We will have a class theme basket for the silent auction.
• We will need volunteers to help run the booth and donate items for the class basket.
I look forward to working with all of you this year.
Tiffany Pugh