Organizing Authority: The Hobie Class Association of North America and Division 4.

Sailing Venue:Cascade Locks, Columbia Gorge, Oregon. This site has thermally driven wind and is known for its great breeze. We will be starting earlier in the day and ending in the early afternoon – before the thermals have a chance to really kick in. We are also setting a wind limit for this event at 20 sustained knots.

Rules: The event will be conducted in accordance with the Racing Rules of Sailing. This is an international competition; therefore, pursuant to the US Sailing prescription to RRS 88.2, the US SAILING prescription to RRS 40 will not apply.

Eligibility, Entry, and Classes: The event is open to Hobie 18-(with possible A and B fleet starts), Hobie 20, Tigers and Wildcats classes. Per IHCA Rule 26, all skipper and crew must be 2014 HCA members.

** If a class does not have five (5) boats confirmed (registered and paid) on or before July 1st, the class will be canceled, teams notified, and refunds mailed out.

Registration and Fees:

Early Registration by July 1, 2014 – $375
Late Registration after July 1, 2014 – $450
Additional social tickets will be available at the venue.
Registrar:Paul Evenden (604)-816-3043/

Online Registration:

Racing Schedule: Registration and check-in will take place on 8/3/14 – 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
The Regatta will have five days of racing (8/4/14 – 8/8/14) with the objective of 3-5 races per day, back to back. The first warning signal will be at 11:00 on 8/4/14.

Social Schedule:

8/4/14–Welcome Dinner Party;

8/6/14 Mid-week Dinner Party;

8/8/14 Awards Banquet and Dinner

Measurement: Boats will not be weighed in at this event. Competitors are responsible for ensuring their equipment is IHCA Class Legal. Crew members will be weighed in accordance with the class rules. During the event, any boat may be subject to inspection.

Advertising: Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.

Sailing Instructions: The sailing instructionswill be available at registration.

Radio Communication: Under rule 87, IHCA class rule 16.3 is changed as follows: Competitors are permitted to carry VHF radios while racing.
Insurance: Each participating boat shall have current third party liability insurance with a minimum coverage of not less than $100,000. Proof of insurance will be required upon on-site registration.

Camping, RV Parking & Accommodations:

Trophies: Trophies will be awarded based on number of pre-registrants.

Inspections: No Mussel inspections are required.

Charter Info:Paul Evenden –

Information: Event Chairs:

Laura Sullivan 425-432-7749 /

Paul Evenden (604)-816-3043 /
