Executive Regulations of the SCE law approved by the General Assembly decision No. C / 5/12/37, dated 06/14/1437 Hijri and approved by the Ministry of Commerce and Investment
Content Index
Chapter One: Definitions...... 2
Chapter Two: SCE Bodies...... 3
A- The General Meeting...... 3
B- Board of Directors...... 3
C- General Secretariat...... 4
D - Engineering Division ...... 4
E - SCE Branches...... 5
Chapter Three: Election of SCE board of directors ...... 5
Chapter Four: Registration and Membership ...... 10
Chapter Five: Financial Provisions...... 10
Chapter Six: Final Provisions...... 11
Chapter One: Definitions
Article 1:
The following terms and phrases have meanings set out next to each of them - unless otherwise required by context:
The law: SCE law issued by Royal Decree No. (M / 36) dated 09/26/1423 H, as amended.
Regulation: The Executive Regulations of the SCE law.
The Ministry: The Ministry of Commerce and Investment
The Minister The Minister of Commerce and Investment
The Council: The Saudi Council of Engineers.
The General Assembly: A General Assembly consisting of the core members who paid their annual subscriptions.
Board of Directors (BoD): SCE board of directors.
BoD Chairman: Chief of the SCE board of directors.
Member of Board of Directors: Member of the SCE board of directors.
The Secretary General: The SCE Secretary General.
Supervision Committee: The committee supervising the elections the BoD members.
Appellate Committee: The committee which looks into the appeals submitted regarding the elections the BoD members.
The Engineering Division: A unit made up of a group of the SCE members who are specialist in one of engineering disciplines and contribute, through the division, to developing their professional specializations on the basis of specific rules.
The Technical Committee: A group of SCE members specializing in one of the technical aspects of the General Secretariat works.
The Professional Accreditation: Registration in the SCE and get professional class.
The Membership The document issued by the SCE for the core members, the associate members, and honorary members, as per membership standards and requirements.
The Engineering Disciplines: Major or Secondary academic or engineering disciplines.
Chapter Two: SCE Bodies
A. The General Assembly:
Article 2:
The General Assembly holds its meetings, in accordance with the following:
- The BoD determines the location of meeting.
- The date of the General Assembly Meeting shall be within three months following the end of the financial year.
- The General Assembly meetings are chaired by the Board Chairman, his Deputy, and in case it is not applicable, a representative authorized by the BoD in case.
- Invitations shall be sent to all core members to attend the General Assembly Meeting. These invitations shall be posted on the website of the SCE, as well as published in three local newspapers, and the meeting agenda shall be defined in the invitations.
- A statement of the names of the core members attending the .
- All what is discussed during the meetings shall be recorded in the minutes of meetings and this minutes shall be saved in a special record to be kept with The BoD secretariat.
- The General Assembly shall discuss topics enlisted in its agenda in addition to any proposals and claims submitted by members.
Article 3:
The General Assembly will hold extraordinary meetings in one of the following conditions:
- If the Ministry think it is necessary to invite the General Assembly to convene.
- If the BoD think it is necessary to invite the General Assembly to convene.
- If one hundred core members requested a meeting to be held ,provided that, attaching an explanatory memorandum including the reasons for the request and topics proposed for discussion, and such kind of meeting shall not exceed tow times per year.
B. Board of Directors (BoD):
Article 4:
The BoD shall be composed of different groups of engineers, according to the following categories and seats:
- The Private Sector (four seats)
- The Public Sector (three seats)
- Engineering offices owners (two seats)
- Engineering Professors (one seat)
C. The General Secretariat:
Article 5:
The SCE shall has a general secretariat to manage it executive affairs in accordance with the plan of action proposed by the BoD and approved by the General Assembly.
Article 6:
The General Secretariat shall handle the following tasks:
- Manage the General Secretariat affairs, making sure the workflow is always in progress
- Propose the technical, administrative, financial, and professional rules.
- Represent the SCE in front of public and private authorities in coordination with the Chairman of the BoD.
- Propose the operational plans and develop appropriate programs.
- Prepare the annual budget for the SCE and present it to the BoD for approval.
- Propose the BoD meeting agenda and prepare memos, studies and information for topics to be discussed.
- Implement the decisions, general and operational plans approved by the BoD.
- Assign staff to handle the work of the General Secretariat according to business needs and in line with the administrative and financial rules.
- The General Secretary shall has the power to represent the SCE before the various courts, judicial or quasi-judicial commissions and shall has the power to appoint an Attorney in this regard.
D. The Engineering Divisions:
Article 7:
Engineering divisions are established in the SCE by a decision of the BoD and its members and these divisions shall practice their professional functions in accordance with the work rules established by the BoD.
E. SCE Branches
Article 8:
The SCE may create branches or offices in Saudi Arabia by a decision of the BoD based the BoD on rules that determine the financial and administrative relationship between the branches and the General Secretariat.
Article 9:
The SCE may, upon a decision of the BoD and based on the recommendation of the General Secretariat, form coordinating committees in regions, provinces, or cities in which no branches of the SCE were established, from volunteers among the SCE members to facilitate the work of the SCE and coordinate its activities in those cities and provinces.
Chapter Three: Election of SCE BoD
Article 10:
The Minister shall form a three-member committee to supervise the elections of Board members according to the following:
- The supervisory committee shall include two members from the ministry and shall be headed by one of them.
- A member of the SCE General Secretariat:
This Committee shall have the following functions and powers:
- Set the organizational procedures and timetable for the implementation of the electoral process in accordance with this executive regulation.
- Form subcommittees and select their functions.
- Prepare records of the electoral process until the announcement of the final results and submit them to the Minister for approval.
Article 11:
BoD Membership election are held under the supervision of the Ministry, according to the following candidacy procedures and mechanisms :
A- Candidacy Method:
Running for membership elections is individually and it isn’t allowed to agree on electoral lists for membership of the BoD between the candidates.
B- Candidate Publicization Regulations
Candidate Publicization is carried out by the SCE and under the supervision of the committee, by following appropriate professional means that are uniformly fair to the candidates to reach voters during the election period specified in the timetable, according to the following:
First: Issuing a customized handbook contains information page for each candidate and that page should include all the information about his qualifications, experience, and biography including professional scientific accomplishments, his vision, and his goals and plans that he/she aims to achieve, taking into account the role required by the SCE as Board member so that they don't include any promises or electoral programmes outside the functions and power scope of that member, and this handbook is provided at the SCE headquarters and its branches to publicize candidates, and is also sent to all members and posted on the SCE website.
Secondly: Candidates may use local newspapers and professional journals specialized in writing professional articles for publishing their views and professional opinions, and they can also take advantage of their websites to publicize themselves.
Thirdly: While implementing the publicization method, The candidate is committed to observe the morals and values of society and what achieves fair competition and comply with the following regulations:
- Adhere to regulations, rules, profession ethics and respect for order and society values and principles.
- Fair competition and respect for the rights of other candidates and to refrain from any act that might affect them adversely.
- Refrain from any act that might negatively impact individuals engineers or other engineering entities by any means.
- The candidate will be held responsible for any offense committed by him or one of his assistants without prejudice to the responsibility of the offender.
- Stop publicization and removing the resulting impacts at the end of the period specified for electoral process.
- Candidate is prohibited from doing the following:
- Disturbing public order, creating disorder, or sparking any sectarian, tribal, or regional conflict or offending any voters or candidates directly or indirectly.
- Use Masjids, public utilities, government facilities, science institutions, charity associations, sporting and cultural clubs, public authorities, or associations of public benefit and other authorities and public institutions and the like for his/her election campaign.
C. Use government or private TV channels inside or outside Saudi Arabia.
D. Do promotional activity for his/her campaign by support by any foreign party.
E. Use the State logo, flag, any governmental logo, SCE logo, the religious, historic, or tribal symbols or public figure names or pictures in the election campaign.
F. Advocate any other candidate, or participate with him/her in publicization or promotional material.
Fourthly: The supervisory committee shall investigate the candidates commitment to publicization instructions and regulations, adjust and correct any irregularities without affecting the rights of the rest of the candidates. Any candidate violates these instructions and regulations is shall pay the correction costs and shall be excluded from the final list upon a decision of this committee.
C- Election Method:
- Votes are collected through ballot and it is permitted to use modern technology in the electoral process as an aid in accordance with the decision of the supervisory committee.
- The voter shall have one vote and it and shall choose only one candidate upon voting.
Article 12:
The supervisory committee shall consider complaints, objections, and grievances received according to the following:
- Objecting to the preliminary list of candidates, shall be received within a week of the date of its publication, and objection right is granted to all candidates and voters.
Article 13:
Objection shall be raised against the following:
- When a candidate is not eligible to candidacy.
- When core membership conditions are not met by voters and their membership is not valid.
- When candidates or voters committed irregularities and violations related to election procedures and instructions.
- Objections that the committee considers important.
- Decisions issued by the subcommittees assisting the supervisory committee which may affect the conduct of the electoral process or its results.
Article 14:
The supervisory committee shall investigate complaints, objections, and appeals received and shall make the necessary decisions in this regard. Its decision is final and shall enforce the following:
- Exclude any candidate from the list of candidates.
- Exclude any voter from the list of voters.
- Stop any electoral activity.
- Stop any decision made by the electoral subcommittee.
Article 15:
The election supervisory committee shall define the election date, which shall be conducted at least two months before the date of the end of the current cycle of the BoD.
Article 16:
The election date, procedures, and instructions shall be made known to all the core members, published at SCE headquarters and its branches, and posted on the SCE website and a number of media channels in accordance with recommendations of the supervisory committee.
Article 17:
The BoD membership candidate shall meet the following conditions:
- Filing an candidacy application before the electoral supervisory committee during the period specified for receiving candidacy applications conditions as per election conditions and regulations.
- Candidate should be a core member in the SCE and his/her membership must be valid before the date of accepting candidacy applications and should not be an employee at the SCE.
- Candidate should be at least a professional engineer at the SCE.
- Candidate should not be dissociated from the SCE or have an unsettled case, either as defendant or plaintiff, with the SCE for any reason.
- The candidate should express his commitment to meet requirements and responsibilities of his BoD membership.
- The candidate shouldn't be a BoD member on two consecutive terms or part thereof without a full term out.
- The candidate should have good conduct and should not has been previously convicted of a dishonorable offense unless exonerated.
- The candidate resume should be attached with the application.
Article 18:
The Minister forms a three-member committee to investigate the appeals filed against final election results according to the following:
- The committee shall include two members from the Ministry and shall be headed by one of them.
- The third member should be a member of the SCE General Secretariat.
Article 19
Each candidate may appeal against the final election results before the Appellate Committee by submitting a written objection within a maximum period of five working days from the date of the announcement of the results.
Article 20:
The Appellate Committee shall consider the appeals and settle them within fifteen days its decision is final in this regard.
Article 21:
It is not permissible to re-hold the elections unless with the consent of the Minister and upon mandating reasons.
Article 22:
Membership shall be won by candidates who received most votes, according to the different categories of engineers and in case of two candidates get equal votes, the winner of membership shall be the most senior candidate. If both candidate are at the same seniority level, lots are drawn between them. in the case of incomplete seats in one of the engineer categories, priority is given to the candidate who wins the most votes in the other engineer categories.
Article 23:
The BoD member is obliged to disclose any interest or relationship arising, which may arise from, or are related to his membership in the BoD or its decisions directly or indirectly as per the principle of transparency in his/her work.
Article 25:
If a BoD member's seat becomes vacant for any reason, it will be filled with the candidate who won the biggest number of votes by category and if this is not applicable, it will be filled by candidate who won second most number of votes and so on. If the backup list of the vacant seat category doesn't include any other candidates, the vacant seat will be filled with the candidate who won the biggest number of votes in other categories and his membership shall continue until the end of the his predecessor membership term.
Article 26:
BoD meetings shall be held at the headquarters of the SCE and may be held in any other place determined by the Chairman of the BoD.
Article 27:
The meeting invitations shall be sent to members before ten working days at least from the scheduled date for holding the meeting in the form of a letter sent to by Chairman of the BoD to all members and includes the meeting agenda.
Article 28:
Minutes of each BoD meeting shall be prepared and it shall enlist the names of those present at the meeting and includes discussions and decisions made and shall be saved at BoD Secretariat.
Chapter Four: Registration and Membership
Article 29:
SCE membership is deemed valid upon finishing all registration procedures according to membership class specified for each category and the conditions met.
Article 30:
Honorary membership shall be awarded upon decision of the BoD in accordance with the following:
- The honorary member should be nominated by the three members of the BoD, ten SCE core members, or the General Secretariat.
- The Secretariat should prepare a report about the honorary members’ contributions to the engineering profession.
Article 31:
The SCE shall receive membership fees according to the membership regulation approved by the General Assembly.
Chapter Five: Financial Provisions
Article 32:
To the BoD has the right to manage the funds of the SCE in accordance with the provisions of the SCE law and deposit money in a bank (banks) in accordance with the SCE financial rules, policies and procedures.
Article 33
The SCE shall receive fees determined under the rules prescribed by the BoD rules for providing the following services:
- Professional tests.
- Accreditation, certification of documents, signatures, and letters.
- Technical advice in the engineering fields.
- Training of engineers and technicians.
- Technical arbitration in disputes in accordance with the regulations and instructions.
- Publication of books, researches, journals, translation, and information.
- Seminars, conferences and workshops convened by the SCE alone or in association with others.
- Any other services approved by the BoD.
Chapter Six: Final Provisions