NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 614.4/Biospheric Sciences

Greenbelt, MD 20771

/ (301) 614-6629


B.A. Geology, Haverford College, Haverford PA 1989

Ph.D. Geological Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 1994

Professional Experience

NASA Landsat Project Scientist, 2010 -

Deputy Project Scientist, Landsat Data Continuity Mission, 2002 – 2010

Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2001 –

Assistant Research Scientist, University of Maryland, 1997-2001

Deputy Team Leader, Landsat Science Team, 1997-2001

Research Scientist, Hughes Information Systems, 1996-1997

Postdoctoral Associate, Cornell University, 1994-1996

Selected Recent Publications

Masek, J.G., W.B. Cohen, D. Leckie, M.A. Wulder, R. Vargas, B. de Jong, S. Healey, B. Law, R. Birdsey, R.A. Houghton, D. Mildrexler, S. Goward, and W. Brad Smith, Recent rates of forest harvest and conversion in North America, J. Geophys. Res., 116, G00K03, doi:10.1029/2010JG001471, 2011.

Dolan, K.A., Hurtt, G.C., Chambers, J.Q., Dubayah, R.O., Frolking, S., and Masek, J.G., Using ICESat’s Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) to assess large-scale forest disturbance caused by hurricane Katrina, Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 86-96, 2011.

Wulder, M.A., J.C. White, J.G. Masek, J. Dwyer, and D.P. Roy. Continuity of Landsat observations: Short term considerations, Remote Sens. of Environment, 115, 747-751, 2011.

Huang, C.Q., Goward, S.N., Masek, J.G., Thomas, N., Zhu, Z.L., and Vogelmann, J.E., An automated approach for reconstructing recent forest disturbance history using dense Landsat time series stacks, Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 183-198, 2010.

Dolan, K., J. Masek, C. Huang, and G. Sun, Regional forest growth rates measured by combining Icesat GLAS and Landsat data, J. Geophysical Research, 114, G00E05, doi: 10.1029 / 2008JG000893, 2009.

Rittenhouse, C.D., A.M. Pidgeon, T.P. Albright, P.D. Culbert, M.K. Clayton, C.H. Flather, C. Huang, J.G. Masek, V.C. Radeloff. Avifauna response to hurricanes: Regional changes in community similarity, Global Change Biology, 16, 905-917, 2009.

Masek, JG., C.Q. Huang, R. Wolfe, W. Cohen, F. Hall, J. Kutler, and P. Nelson, North American forest disturbance mapped from a decadal Landsat record, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 2914-2926, 2008.

Goward, S.N., J.G. Masek, W. Cohen, G. Moisen, et al., Forest disturbance and North American carbon flux, EOS Transactions, 89, March 11 2008.

Masek, J.G., E.F. Vermote, N. Saleous, R. Wolfe, F.G. Hall, F. Huemmrich, F. Gao, J. Kutler, and T.K. Lim, A Landsat surface reflectance data set for North America, 1990-2000, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 3, 68-72, 2006.

Masek, J. G., and G. J. Collatz, 2006, Estimating forest carbon fluxes in a disturbed southeastern landscape: Integration of remote sensing, forest inventory, and biogeochemical modeling, J. Geophys. Res., 111, G01006, doi:10.1029/2005JG000062.