A Servant’s Guide

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

Rev. August 2013


That’s all it takes!

ONE smile

ONE hug

ONE hour

ONE day

ONE prayer

ONE card

ONE witness

ONE handshake

ONE teacher

ONE meal

ONE hour


In this busy world in which we live, we don’t think we have time to make a difference because we only think in terms of great quantity. It feels overwhelming, and in the end we do nothing. Still, we yearn to make a difference.


Thank you to every one of you who share in the ministry of Pender UMC as you use your time, talents and spiritual gifts so that God’s kingdom will move forward: One humble act at a time.

Experience the power of ONE!

A Servant’s Guide

…is the tool we use at PenderUnitedMethodistChurch for dedicating ourselves in ministry as we Know God, Share God, Grow in God, and Love God.


Inside “A Servant’s Guide” you will find descriptions of ministries. Find one that excites you and matches up with your spiritual gifts and talents. Send an e-mail to to indicate where you would like to serve. The ministry leader will then contact you.

NOT SURE WHAT TO SIGN UP FOR? Explore ministry possibilities based on your gifts, passions, personality and experience with apastor at the Pender Connection Class, a basic introduction class to the people, beliefs, and ministries of Pender. Every new member is encouraged to take this class as it provides a solid foundation to grow with others in faith and family. It takes place over a3-week span of time, usually on Sunday afternoons. Past groups love the ability to get to know other newer people to Pender and the pastors on a more personal basis.

Vision Statement

PenderUnitedMethodistChurch will be a tree of life in the community rooted in God’s living Word with branches growing and moving by the Spirit and spreading the love of Jesus for all.

Mission Statement

To make disciples for Jesus Christ

Table of Contents










Janet McConaghie, Cluster Leader

703 266-8075

Meredith Kinerney, Assistant Cluster Leader 703 988-0883

Music Ministry
Supporting and strengthening the worship experience through the integration of music is the purpose of this ministry. There are many ways to participate in this vital ministry, and only a love for God’s music is required. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Creative Communication
. Evangelism
. Knowledge
. Leadership
. Administration
. Craftsmanship
. Helps
Adult Music Groups
Sanctuary Choir: Leads worship primarily at the 11:00am Sunday service. Knowledge of reading music is not required.
Handbell Choirs: Our groupscover all ages and experience levels. You do not need to know how to read music to ring handbells.
Instrumentalists: We welcome instrumentalists of all types who would like the opportunity to play during worship. / Thursdays,
7:30 pm in the
Tuesday evenings in the
Call for rehearsal times.
Common Ground Music: Our family praise and worship service is looking for musicians and vocalists to assist with the music at 9:30. In addition, we utilize those with computer skills to help design and present our videos and song graphics each week. The commitment for any of these positions is flexible, so please consider this contemporary worship service as a means of using your gifts and talents. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Creative Communication
. Evangelism
Youth Music Groups
Students in 7th through 12th grade are invited to participate. Refer to the Pender web site for group details and contact information.
Youth Choir: This group sings approximately once each month on Sunday mornings. They celebrate the end of the school year with a mission trip!
Youth Handbells: There are two groups for 7th-12th graders. Ringers are assigned based on experience.
Instrumental Ensemble: This group consists of strings, woodwinds, and brass players. They play about 4-5 times a year. / Sundays 5:45 pm in the
Sundays 5:00 pm in the
Sundays 4:15 pm in the
Children’s Music Groups
Pre-school through the 6th grade are invited to participate. Refer to the Pender web site for group details and contact information.
Vocal Choirs:
Cherub Choir (Pre-school-K)
Asbury Choir (Grades 1-2)
Wesley Choir (Grades 3-6)
Handbells and Handchimes:
Cherub Bells (Pre-school-K)
Rainbow Chimers (Grades 1-2)
Genesis Ringers (Grades 3-4)
Jubilation Ringers (Grades 5-6) / Thursdays @ 5:00 pm
Thursdays @
5:30 pm
5:30 pm
4:45 pm
4:45 pm
Music Ministry – Adult Volunteer Opportunities
Accompanists: If you play piano, you can play for a children’s or youth choir on a regular or substitute basis
“Second Adult” Support: We seek adult volunteers to assist directors during rehearsals – musical skills are not required / Spiritual Gifts:
.Creative Communication
Music Ministry - Spring Musical
Telling Christ’s story through musical presentations brings the Good News to both performers and audiences. Volunteers in this ministry area help with costumes, choreography, sets, music, and general logistics for the musicals. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Shepherding
. Craftsmanship
. Creative Communication
. Helps
. Evangelism
Worship Support
Worship support provides an environment to enhance the congregation’s worship experience through preparation and maintenance of the worship areas of the Church. This ministry works to support, recruit and train volunteers for those groups who assist with worship. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Administration
. Evangelism
. Knowledge
. Leadership
Welcoming, serving, and assisting – that is the role of ushers at Pender. Members of this ministry staff the entrances to worship, escorting congregants and visitors to seats, giving out bulletins, and generally directing traffic flow during communion and special services. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Helps
. Hospitality
Even children and youth can play a part in worship service. Pender encourages our younger members to serve as an acolyte during worship services, taking responsibility for the lighting and extinguishing of altar candles at services, handing ushers the offering plates and leading the pastors and congregation to the exit after services are completed. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Helps
Wedding Coordinators
Here comes the bride. But not without a wedding coordinator at Pender. Volunteers of this ministry work with couples that are planning a wedding using Pender’s facilities. In support of the pastors, these volunteers help ensure the smooth flow of the wedding service and provide oversight of church resources before, during and after the ceremony. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Administration
. Encouragement
. Helps
Sanctuary Care
Ever wonder who cares for the Sanctuary prior to and after services? Volunteers of this ministry are the silent stewards of our worship area. They attend to the candles, police the pews, ensure the attendance rolls are ready for use, and other housekeeping needs. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Helps
Communion Stewards
These servants work to ensure that the communion elements are always ready for use and in place when the pastors plan to serve communion. Can you pour liquids into tiny glasses? We need you here and we even have funnels! / Spiritual Gifts:
. Helps
Communion Servers
Are you a sacramental person? Do you like holding things? You can help us with communion by being a server, and offering the sacraments to our worshippers. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Hospitality
. Helps
Seasonal Flowers
Congregants honor family and God with flower offerings. These are coordinated and placed in the Sanctuary by volunteers of this ministry for the appropriate services. This ministry coordinates and procures flowers, plants and decorations for special liturgical seasons such as Easter and Christmas. Say yes to “Flower Power!” / Spiritual Gifts:
. Helps
Audio Visual
Can you hear me now? Not without members of this team. This ministry serves worship as well as special services for oral and visual support, electronics and recordings. This ministry maintains the equipment and works to assure present and future needs for equipment are monitored. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Creative Communication
. Helps
Worship Committee
Great worship takes planning and lots of work behind the scenes. Working with the pastors and the music ministry, volunteers of this ministry ensure Pender’s various forms of worship honor our Lord, spiritually feed our congregation, and energize our visitors. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Apostleship
. Creative Communication
. Discernment
. Evangelism
. Knowledge
. Leadership
Sing ‘n Celebrate
Would you like a relaxed evening praising our Lord? Sing ‘n Celebrate is a once a month evening service on the first Sunday of the month. It includes praise music, biblical dramas and devotion either by a lay person or pastor. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Apostleship
. Creative Communication
. Discernment
. Evangelism
. Knowledge
. Leadership


Karen Cross, Cluster Leader

703 378-4225

Mary Wetzler, Assistant ClusterLeader

703 378-2967

Education of Children and Youth

Our children and youth are our priority. Goals, experiences, and programs are developed by this cluster to support children and youth in their daily discipleship of growing in their relationship with God within a caring and nurturing environment.

Education of Adults

You are never too old to learn, right? Activities and experiences are developed to help individuals grow in their knowledge of God and in their faith.

Pender Youth Turning Point
Where can teens learn and grow in their walk with Christ at their own pace and in a safe environment? This group provides an opportunity for Junior and Senior High youth to meet weekly to share and support each other, engaging in fun spiritual retreats, ski trips, meaningful worship, short-term mission trips, and service activities. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Evangelism
. Giving
. Helps
God’s Positional Squad (GPS)
If you are a teen and want to help plan Pender’s youth group meetings and activities, this is the place to be. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Administration
. Discernment
. Knowledge
. Leadership
Youth Small Group
Know a teen that feels more comfortable talking and sharing in a small group? Want to help support teens like this? Think about joining as an adult volunteer of this ministry. Youth Small Groups are comprised of Junior and Senior High members who come together to connect, work on special outreach projects, and talk about what it means to be a Christian in today’s world / Spiritual Gifts:
. Evangelism
. Giving
. Helps
. Hospitality
. Teaching
Youth Retreats
How do you spell “party”?
R-E-T-R-E-A-T! Pender’s youth are involved in fun spiritual retreats to help them grow in their knowledge of faith. This ministry is always looking for adult volunteers to be a part of the party! / Spiritual Gifts:
. Administration
. Evangelism
. Giving
. Helps
Children’s Ministry
Children’s laughter – there is no sweeter sound to us or to God. Volunteers of this ministry vision and plan activities during the year such as the Easter celebration, Church Picnic, Harvest Party, Christmas pageant, and other activities for the children of Pender and the community. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Administration
. Creative Communication
. Encouragement
. Evangelism
. Knowledge
. Leadership
Vacation BibleSchool (VBS)
Imagine a week filled with hundreds of children, singing, dancing, playing, and learning of God’s great love. This is VacationBibleSchool. Volunteers of this ministry plan and coordinate the VBS program that is scheduled during the summer months for one week for pre-K through 6th grade. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Administration
. Craftsmanship
. Creative Communication
. Encouragement
. Evangelism
. Knowledge
. Leadership
. Teaching
JLU (Jesus Loves You)
Sometimes kids need a special reminder. That is the role of JLU. This group of 4th through 6th graders bridges the gap between children and youth activities. JLU meets monthly for fun get togethers, experiencing challenging ways to think about faith in God and creating projects of the heart. Adult volunteers of this ministry help support, lead and plan activities of this ministry. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Administration
. Creative Communication
. Encouragement
. Evangelism
. Knowledge
. Leadership
American Heritage Girls
Growth. Encouragement. Christian responsibility. Acceptance. Pender sponsors this Christian based organization for girls from kindergarten through high school. Volunteers of this ministry provide adult leadership and guidance for this organization. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Administration
. Creative Communication
. Encouragement
. Knowledge
. Leadership
. Teaching
Looking for Christian reading or other materials? Welcome to Pender’s library! Volunteers of this ministry ensure that materials are available that are spiritually enriching in matters of Christian growth and education. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Administration
. Helps
Sunday School
Sunday School is not just for kids. A variety of classes are provided for all ages to encourage every person to learn more about the Bible, their faith, and beliefs within the UnitedMethodistChurch. Classes are held at 9:30 am until 10:40 am and from 11:00 am until 12 noon every Sunday during the school year. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Administration
. Creative Communication
. Encouragement
. Knowledge
. Helps
. Leadership
. Teaching


Carrie Cahoon, Cluster Leader

703 620-4437

Lisa Bryda, Assistant Cluster Leader

703 626-0543

Visitation Ministry (Smiles on Wheels)
A visit from a friendly face can mean the world to a congregation member who is unable to leave at will from the confines of his or her home. Volunteers can provide a loving touch to those who may feel alone, out of touch, or forgotten. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Giving
. Helps
. Hospitality
. Mercy
Pender’s Senior Citizen Members
To ensure that our senior members continue to be a part of our church family, this group reaches out to identify and address those needs. / Spiritual Gifts:
Prayer Group
This group is a collection of individuals formed to participate in collective prayer. Pender Prayer Groups exist for various needs and circumstances. Volunteers of this ministry help to organize persons interested in participating in a Prayer Group. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Encouragement
. Faith
. Giving
. Helps
. Mercy
Casting God’s Love
A group with the love and devotion of knit, crochet, and needlework crafts to create prayer shawls, baby blankets, crosses, hats and scarves, and other items as requested which help others heal and feel loved. We use our gifts to spread compassion and comfort, from our hands to others' hearts. No experience necessary as we have on-going classes every Thursday. / Spiritual Gifts:
Martha’s Table
This ministry provides meals to members who may be in short-term need due to surgery, delivery of a baby, or another life changing event. Teams of volunteers share the work required of this ministry area. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Encouragement
. Giving
. Helps
. Hospitality
. Mercy
Family Ministries/Events
A family that plays together stays together. By creating programs and venues within and outside of Pender, volunteers of this ministry make opportunities, such as movie night, available for families to spend time in a Christian environment. / Spiritual Gifts:
Welcome Team
The welcome table in our narthex is staffed every Sunday with a volunteer to offer a warm welcome to visitors, direct people to a Sunday School class or child care, answer questions about current volunteer sign-up opportunities, or put people in touch with other members who can provide more detailed information.
Volunteers are also present at the entrance of the sanctuary before each worship service to share a “good morning” and handshake or hug. Before, during, and after the worship services, refreshments are provided in the Fellowship room to provide an opportunity for visitors and members to socialize. / Spiritual Gifts:


John Amos, Cluster Leader

703 266-2424

Sue & Chuck Russell, Assistant Cluster Leaders 703 327-1831

Outreach Center
Despite our county’s great affluence, many individuals and families in our local area are in need of a helping hand. This ministry helps by providing clothing, furniture, kitchen and household items to those in need. Volunteers help organize donated items, staff the OutreachCenter, that is open the second and fourth Saturdays each month, and deliver furniture. / Spiritual Gifts:
Food Pantry
A small bag of groceries can mean the world to someone who has nothing. This ministry helps those less fortunate to feed themselves and their family by providing non-perishable foods and personal hygiene items. Funded through donated items, volunteers of this ministry sort and stock the Pender pantry to bless others who are in need. / Spiritual Gifts:
Hypothermia Center
Imagine no place warm to sleep in the winter! In FairfaxCounty there are over 500 homeless people who need shelter nightly during the winter months. We are blessed to be able to offer this shelter several weeks during the winter. Volunteers help support this ministry by giving of their time to spend the night at church, planning meals, and offering spiritual support and fellowship to those who come for shelter and a warm bed. / Spiritual Gifts:
Sanctity of Life (SLM)
Nowhere to turn. This is how many women and men feel who are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. This ministry provides support and help to individuals in this situation, emphasizing the importance of each and every God-breathed life. Pender supports this ministry with prayer, financial support, donations of baby items and by volunteering at the Sanctity of Life centers. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Evangelism
. Helps
. Knowledge
. Mercy
Jail & Prison Ministry
“Visit those in prison.” - a direct command from Jesus. This applies to a teen who may have made a mistake and is serving time in incarceration. Imagine how scary that would be. Pender conducts a monthly worship service for incarcerated youth at the FairfaxCountyJuvenileDetentionCenter. Come share a time of praise singing, worship and fellowship. It may be that your visit might make the difference in the life of a teen. / Spiritual Gifts:
. Evangelism
. Helps
. Mercy
ESL (English as a Second Language)
“Necessito cambio para el autobus.” I need change for the bus. A simple request, but frustrating and even threatening for someone who does not speak English. Volunteers interested in teaching receive training and are provided with course instruction, ideas, and support. / Spiritual Gifts:
Disaster ReliefCenter
In time of disaster nothing can be more critical than a plan. This ministry area works with the pastor to help make preparations in coordinating relief for church members and the local community in the event of a catastrophe. Volunteers help ensure a plan of action is in place, helping to follow through on the plan should a disaster happen. / Spiritual Gifts:
Faith Promise Missions Ministry
“We are saved by faith, and we are to walk in faith.” Every year members of Pender are asked to do just that by making a Faith Promise offering. These offerings fund missionary work and the spread of the gospel locally and globally. Volunteers coordinate and distribute these funds as well as train other churches in starting their own missions’ ministry. / Spiritual Gifts:
Servant/Neighborhood Evangelism
“Small things done with love are changing the world”. This ministry reaches out to people in our local community with a smile and a simple gift, for no other reason but to remind them that God loves them. Imagine a hot summer day out on the bike trail, and someone offers you in love an ice cold bottle of water or a cold coke. Members also go out to the community to participate in neighborhood events and to learn of everyday issues being faced. Programs to deal with those challenges can be developed. Volunteers are needed to organize and participate in various projects throughout the year. / Spiritual Gifts:
Military Personnel Outreach
Ministering to military personnel and addressing specific needs are ways this ministry keeps in touch with our service personnel stationed overseas and with their families here at home. / Spiritual Gifts:


Leyla Becker, Cluster Leader