Asheboro City Schools
Testing Accommodations for LEP Students
The intent of this form is to put the Asheboro City Schools in compliance with the NC Guidelines for Testing Students with Limited English Proficiency (hereafter referred to as the Guidelines). This form is to be forwarded to the LEA Testing Coordinator for approval. If approved, this form is valid for one school year and a copy must be placed in the student’s red ESL folder. The use of testing accommodations must be consistent with those modifications used during instruction and classroom testing. The student must be in the ESL program in order for testing accommodations to be requested.
Student Information – this section is to be completed by the referring classroom teacher(s)
Student’s Name ______
Date of enrollment in Asheboro City Schools______
Date of enrollment in US schools______
Indicate with a check mark those accommodations which the student is to receive.
Assessment / SR* / SET* / MTS* / RA* / RAUR* / RATS* / Dict.*NC Competency Tests (grades 9-12) / **
NC Computer Skills (grades 9-12)
NC Comprehensive (grade 10) / **
NC Writing (grade 10)
NC End-of-Course
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Physical Science
English 1** / **
US History
Civics and Economic
*These modifications are explained in detail in the Handbook, pages 8-16, as well as in all NC Test Administrators Manuals. Abbreviations are as follows: SR = testing in a separate room; SET = scheduled extended time;
MTS = multiple test sessions same amount of time as regular administration; RA = test administrator reads test aloud; RAUR;Read Aloud Upon Request ; RATS Read Aloud to Self; Dict. = English/native language dictionary or electronic translator.
**Read aloud modification is NOT permitted for any NC reading test.
+Signature(s) of teacher(s) making this request______
+My signature attests that I am using the classroom modifications and testing accommodations for this student during daily classroom instruction.
++Signature of Principal______
++My signature approves the use of these accommodations for this student and verifies the use of these accommodations during daily classroom instruction.
+++Signature of ESL Coordinator______
+++My signature verifies that this student is in the ESL program and qualifies for testing accommodations.
++++Signature of Testing Coordinator______
++++I have approved the use of these accommodations for this student.