Sharing One’s Faith History
One’s sharing of one’s faith history in the SCC should be 15-20 minutes long. This follows the small group sharing before the extended prayer. Time should be taken from prayer partner sharing and small group sharing to keep the meeting its normal length.
- How do you notice God working in your life history?
- Where was God leading you?
- What was God teaching you?
- What were blocks in you that kept you from realizing that God was leading and what kept you from following?
- Who was put into your life to help you know God and the church?
Your Story is important because it puts flesh and blood into God’s action. It makes real what God is doing. In your faith history, speak of your life and try to give examples from your life experience that show who you are and how God relates to you.
Give enough details so we can get to know you but avoid going on and on with details that really don’t help our getting to know you or getting to know how God was working in your life. Tell how events in your life affected you!! – that is more important than the facts by themselves.
Sharing One’s Faith History
One’s sharing of one’s faith history in the SCC should be 15-20 minutes long. This follows the small group sharing before the extended prayer. Time should be taken from prayer partner sharing and small group sharing to keep the meeting its normal length.
- How do you notice God working in your life history?
- Where was God leading you?
- What was God teaching you?
- What were blocks in you that kept you from realizing that God was leading and what kept you from following?
- Who was put into your life to help you know God and the church?
Your Story is important because it puts flesh and blood into God’s action. It makes real what God is doing. In your faith history, speak of your life and try to give examples from your life experience that show who you are and how God relates to you.
Give enough details so we can get to know you but avoid going on and on with details that really don’t help our getting to know you or getting to know how God was working in your life. Tell how events in your life affected you!! – that is more important than the facts by themselves.