Dennis M. Quinn


3 Shadow Lane

HopewellJunction, NY12533

845-226-8204 (H) 845-223-1960 (W)

EDUCATION: B.S. (Marine Engineering) U.S.MerchantMarineAcademy,

Kings Point, New York - 1972

M.S. (Environmental Engineering/Radiological Health),

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York - 1974

Environmental Protection Agency Scholarship

Special Training

Brookhaven National Laboratory - Health Physics Summer Program -1973.

Harvard School of Public Health-Short Course - "Environmental Surveillance for Nuclear Power", 1975

Rockwell International, Nuclear TrainingCenter, "Health Physics", 1976.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Respiratory Protection – 1 week course, 1981.

HarvardSchool of Public Health - Short Course - "Risk Analysis in Environmental and Occupational Health, With Emphasis on Carcinogens”, 1985.

Westinghouse Course, "Nuclear Plant Operations Training for Managers," 1991.

The Dale Carnegie Course, 1996

Nuclear Power Plant Reactor Operations Certification Course, New York Power Authority, 1998.

Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Course, Certrec, 1999.

Hazwoper 40-Hour Training Course, Great Lakes Environmental, 2000.

Certification:American Board of Health Physics

Certified, Comprehensive Health Physics – 1978 (renewed through 2010)

Certified, Power Reactor Health Physics – 1980

Licenses:U.S. Coast Guard License - 1972, Third Assistant Engineer for Steam Powered Merchant Vessels (inactive)

Other:U.S. Patent 4,446,097 Post Accident Analysis System, Donald Calabrese, Matthew Kerns, Dennis Quinn, May 1, 1984.


1999 – PresentDAQ, Inc.

Owner of a Health and Safety Consulting firm specializing in training, assessments, and radiological engineering services. Work has included ALARA Assessments, dose reconstruction, Radiation Safety Officer training, Effluent Dose Calculations, Emergency Plan support & training, decommissioning planning and characterization, shielding calculations, tritium groundwater monitoring support, reactor decommissioning, radium building remediation, Radiation Safety Officer, NRC license termination support, NRC license acquisition support, and radiation safety program audits.

November ’00 -Cabrera Services, Inc

July 2004Principal Health Physicist at the New York Office of Cabrera Services, Inc., a Health and Safety Consulting firm specializing in radiological engineering, remediation, and health physics services. Projects include reactor remediation planning at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Historical Site Assessment at Ft. Belvoir Reactor, Nevada Test Site Radiological Program assessment, and fuel pool cleanup at WestValley.

1997 to 1999:New York Power Authority, Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant

General Manager, Support Services

General Manager for the following departments: Radiation Protection, Nuclear Licensing, Security and Safety, Training, Emergency Planning, Documents and Records, Operational Review/Corrective Action.

1989 to 1997:New York Power Authority, Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant

Radiological & Environmental Services Manager

Manage Radiation Protection, Emergency Planning, Environmental Monitoring, Chemistry, and Radioactive Waste programs at Indian Point 3.

1977 to 1989:New York Power Authority, Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant

Radiological Engineering

Responsible for essentially all radiological engineering at an operational power reactor. Responsibility for development and maintenance of the following programs: dosimetry, ALARA, respiratory protection, worker training, and radiological environmental monitoring. Provide technical support in the areas of operational health physics, effluent monitoring, radioactive waste, and emergency planning.

1973 to 1977:General Dynamics Electric Boat Division - Groton, Connecticut

Radiological Control and Environmental Engineering

Responsible for the shipyard radiological environmental monitoring program, and provided technical assistance to the development and implementation of the shipyard's radiological emergency plan. Operational health physics responsibility for the decontamination and waste processing facility, the radioactive material shipping/receiving/storage facility, and a PWR steam generator eddy current testing operation.


Health Physics Society, Plenary Member and Fellow

Health Physics Society, Power Reactor Section, President-Elect/President 1992-1994

Greater New York Chapter Health Physics Society

President Elect/President 2000 - 2001

Executive Secretary 1989 – Present

President Elect/President 1983 - 1984

Secretary 1979 – 1981

Connecticut Chapter Health Physics Society

President Elect/President 1976 - 1977

Health Physics Society Public Information Committee 1981- 1983, 2005 – 2008

Information System on Occupational Exposure, NorthAmericanRegionalTechnicalCenter, Steering Committee, 1995-1996.

American Board of Health Physics Power Reactor Examination Panel -

1983 - 1986, Vice Chairman 1985, Chairman 1986

American Board of Health Physics Examination Panel – 2007 - present

ASTM, Member of Task Group to develop standard ASTM E-10.04.02,

Standard Guide for How to Estimate and Document the Collective Dose saved by an Occupational ALARA Program.

American Industrial Hygiene Association, National Society and Metropolitan New York Section

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Member and Subcommittee Chair of Scientific Committee 46-9, "ALARA at Nuclear Power Plants", Member of Scientific Committee 6-2, “Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the United States Population”.


"Discrepancies Between Film and Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Readings at an Operating Power Reactor", D. M. Quinn. Effluent and Environmental Radiation Surveillance", ASTM STP 698, J. J. Kelly Ed., 1980.

"Design of a Personnel TLD Badge for a Power Reactor Beta/Gamma Spectrum", D. M. Quinn and Thomas Labenski, Radiation Protection Management Journal,October 1983.

"Dose Control at Nuclear Power Plants", NCRP Report No. 120, J.W. Baum, W. Kindley, D. Quinn, T. Murphy, A. Roecklein, R. Wilson, National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1994.

“Radiation Protection Program Resource Optimization Project; Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant”, D. Quinn and P. Saunders, EPRI, 2002

“Dose Mitigation for Future Alloy 600 Inspections”, P. Saunders, C. Kinne, and D. Quinn, EPRI, 2008.


"Radiological Assessment and Removal of a Large Contaminated Septic Field", J. J. Kelly and Dennis M. Quinn, presented at the 1980 HPS Meeting, Seattle, Washington.

"Indian Point 3 Post-Accident Reactor Coolant Sampling system", Matthew T. Kerns,

D. M. Quinn, Donald P. Calabrese, presented at 1981 Annual A.N.S. Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, Summary published in ANS Transactions, Vol. 38.

"An Overexposure Incident at a Nuclear Power Reactor", D. M. Quinn, J. J. Kelly, T. Labenski, presented at the 1981 HPS Meeting, Louisville, KY

"Extremity Dosimetry Evaluation of an Overexposure Incident at an Operating Nuclear Reactor", T. Labenski, D. Quinn, presented at the 1981 HPS Meeting, Louisville, KY

"The Indian Point 3 ALARA Program", D. M. Quinn, presented at the 1981 Westinghouse Radiation Exposure Management Seminar, October 1981.

"Experience with Steam Generator Decontamination and Sleeving", D. M. Quinn presented at the 1982 Westinghouse Radiation Exposure Management Seminar, October 1982.

"Design of a TLD Badge for a Power Reactor Beta-Gamma Spectrum," D. Quinn, T. Labenski, presented at the 1982 HPS, Las Vegas, Nevada

"ALARA - Who Cares", D. Quinn presented at ALARA Symposium - Brookhaven National Laboratory, February 1984, and the Northeast New York Chapter HPS Meeting, December, 1984

"A Practical Method of Determining Activity of Spent Resin", D. Mayer, D. Quinn, presented at 1985 Health Physics Society Meeting, May 1985, Chicago, Illinois

"A Practical Method of Monitoring Red Bone Marrow Dose", D. Quinn, D. Mayer, L. Dauer, presentation at U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission sponsored Radiation Protection Managers Conference, March, 1987

"The Risk of Technology", D. Quinn, Commencement Address presented at Stockton State College of New Jersey, May, 1987.

"Steam Generator Replacement at Indian Point 3, ALARA Considerations", D. Quinn, presented at Commonwealth Edison ALARA Awareness Seminar, July 1989.

"Endo-Radiophobia - An Irrational Fear of Internal Radioactivity", D. Quinn, presented at the Health Physics Society Midyear Symposium on Radiation Risk, February 1990.

“Optimized Site Specific ALARA Assessment: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant”, P. Saunders, L.T. Dauer, D. M. Quinn. February 2000.

“Independent Review of Radiological Effluent Calculations for Steam Generator Tube Leak Event”, D. M. Quinn, L.T. Dauer, March 2000.

“Recommended Site Specific Derived Concentration Guideline Limits for Soil Characterization,” L. T. Dauer and D. M. Quinn, April 2000.

“Pre-Decommissioning Planning for Everyone,” poster presentation at the Annual Health Physics Society Meeting, Denver, Colorado, June 2000.

“Implementation of Plant ALARA Assessments”, presentation at the EPRI Radiation Protection Technology Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, November 2001.

“Radiological Program Resource Optimization”, presentation at the EPRI Radiation Protection Technology Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2002.

“Integrated Dose Reduction Program”, presentation at the EPRI Radiation Protection Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, October 2003.

“Characterization of the Brookhaven National Laboratory High Flux Beam Reactor”, Upton, NY, 2006


"Power Reactor Personnel Dosimetry", D. Quinn, lecture at Health Physics Certification Course, R. Ryan Consultants, presented in Lycoming, NY, May 1984

"Emergency Planning Dose Assessment", D. Quinn, presented at "Emergency Planning and Public Relations Seminar", at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, February 1983, March 1984, December 1985

“Food Irradiation”, presented to nursing students at Mt.St.MaryCollege, Newburgh, NY, March 1999.

“To Err is Human: A Medical Error Prevention Workshop”, presented at Mt.St.MaryCollege, Newburgh, NY, April 2000.

“Radiation Safety Officer Training” (40 hours), presented at New YorkMedicalCollege, through DAQ, Inc. and CSI Radiation Safety, Valhalla, NY, September 2000.

“Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants, Environmental and Emergency Source Terms”, for Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, Buchanan, NY, October 2000.

“Radiological Emergency Planning Dose Calculations”, presented at Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, Buchanan, NY, November 2000.

“Radiological Emergency Planning for Health Physics Technicians”, presented at Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, 2001.

“Radiation Safety for Radioactive Material Users”, presented at Unilever Research and Development, Edgewater, NJ, and Trumbull, CT (2000-2009).

“Laser and Ultraviolet Radiation Safety”, presented at Unilever Research and Development, Edgewater, NJ, (2000-2004).

“Internal and External Dosimetry”, portion of graduate level course, “Use of Radionuclides in Medicine”, New YorkMedicalCollege, Valhalla, NY, June 2003.

“Radiation Protection in Industrial Hygiene”, portion of Certified Industrial Hygienist certification preparation course, Metro NY Chapter AIHA, New York, NY, February 2004 and May 2005.

“Radiation Emergency Response Preparation”, presentation to Bayer Corporation, Mohonk, NY, September 2004.

“Nuclear Power Plant Orientation for Hydrology Studies”, presented to GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., November 2006.

“Radiation Safety Training for First Responders”, presented to the Regional EMS Council of New York City, February 2007.

“Dose Assessment for Radiological Emergency Planning”, presented to Westchesterand Rockland County Health Departments, October 2008.

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