Further Draft Local Plan Consultation January 2017
Form F - Consultation Response Form
From12 January to 22 February2017, we are consulting on the Further Draft version of the Local Plan.This is your first opportunity to comment on this new plan, which can be viewed at:
This form can be used for responding to the Further Draft Local Plan consultation.Youcan also make comments online: Alternatively you can email this form to or post to Local Plan Consultation, East Cambs District Council, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, Cambs CB7 4EE.Verbal comments will not be logged.
Allcomments mustbereceivedby 23:59, 22 February2017: late commentsWILL NOTbeconsidered.
DataProtection andFreedomof InformationAllpersonalinformationthatyouprovidewillbeusedsolelyforthepurposeoftheconsultation on the documents listed in this form.Pleasenotethateachcommentandthenameof thepersonwhomadethecommentwill befeaturedon our website -commentswillnotbeconfidential.Full comments,includingaddresses,willalsobeavailabletoviewonrequest.Bysubmittingthisresponse youareagreeingtotheseconditions.
*Full Name: Jack White / ***Agent (if applicable):
(if applicable) : Wicken Parish Council / Name:
24 Lode Lane
Ely / Address:
*Postcode: CB7 5XP / Postcode:
**Email: / Email:
Tel: 01353723342 / Tel:
submittedelectronically) / Date:21 Feb 17
Pleasetickthisboxifyouwould notlikeustonotifyyouoffuture consultationsrelevant to the comments which you make.
* Minimum boxes to be filled in, if the form is to be accepted. ** Wewill sendall correspondence byemail ifyou provide us with youremailaddress.***IfAgent details areprovided,we will send all correspondencetothem.
Further Draft Local Plan Consultation January 2017
Form F - Consultation Response Form
Part B: Your Comments
Note: if you want to comment on several policies, paragraphs or other matters, please use one form per representation. If you need more space, please attach additional sheets to this form.
Please provide as much information as possible: for example, if you disagree with a policy please let us know why and tell us what alternative wording or approach you think we should use.
Whichpolicy, paragraph, or other reference areyoucommentingon?ORifyouthinksomethingis missing,pleasestate‘missing’inthisbox. / Add reference here:7.42.4
Wicken 2
I support the above referenced policy / paragraph or other referenced matter because: / Object:
I object to the above referenced policy / paragraph or other referenced matter because:
Infrastructure and community facilities The proposed statement does not reflect the statement provided by WPC in our March 2016 response. We want this statement changed and the list below should be incorporated into the revised plan. This list is not preferentially ranked.
- Radical improvements to bus services and bus facilities to link to Soham, Ely and Stretham
- Explore options for provision of Community shop
- Ensure ongoing provision of primary and secondary school places at Soham for Wicken children, particularly given the expansion proposed for Soham and subsequent pressure on places
- Explore local provision of health facilities linked to Soham practice
- Purchase of Village Hall and establishment of Charitable Incorporated Organization (CIO)
- Improvements to the main sewer, and sewage treatment facilities which are currently inadequate for existing housing needs, let alone any further development
- Increasing safety for cyclists along A1123 to Stretham, Upware
- Active development of the agreed Wicken-Soham cycle path
- Ongoing improvements to sports ground/open space, including new play area equipment for all ages
- Traffic calming/highway improvements including reduction of speed limits on A1123 into and out of the village with particular focus on installation of 40mph limit on entry from Stretham direction or press to downgrade A1123 to a ‘B’ road
- Improvements to the junctions in the village on the A1123 at Lode Lane, Chapel Lane and Butts Lane; and the Upware Road junction with the A1123
- Installation of additional street lighting on roads in village
- Continued technological infrastructure to support homeworkers and proposed development expansion, in particular Broadband
- Improvements to the public realm, including providing pavements where roads are lacking them, repairing existing pavements
- Resist loss of any existing facilities
- Monitor increase in visitors to Wicken Fen using the village for car parking instead of the Fen car park, or using Wicken as a starting/finishing point for cycle rides and walking with consequent impact on blocking minor roads for emergency vehicles
General Comment:
I neither support nor object to the above referenced policy/paragraph, but I make the following observations:
Pleasesubmit yourcommentsto: Local Plan Consultation, East Cambs District Council, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, Cambs CB7 4EE.
If you need assistance, call01353 665555oremail.