Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Financial Aid Office


To:Roger Miller, Dennis Bertch, Carol Mallinson, Karrol McKay, Michael McCall, Steve Doherty, Ron Miazga, Carol Heeter, Heidi Stevens-Ratti, Katy Wright, Mike Collins

From:Sue Newington

CC:Institutional Research Council, Archive, Steve Gerike

Date:March 2, 2005

Re:Financial Aid Advisory Council Minutes – February 15, 2005

Present:Miller, KcKay, Bertch, Mallinson, Heeter, Doherty, Miazga, Newington

Absent:McCall, Collins, Wright, Stevens-Ratti

  1. Approval of Minutes – Minutes from December 7, 2004 meeting were approved as submitted.
  2. Old Business – Miller reported that KVCC was one of the sites for College Goal Sunday on February 13, 2005. This year there were 128 people in attendance, compared with 94 people last year. Financial aid advisors from various institutions helped 71 students/parents complete their 2005 FAFSA forms. A financial aid presentation was conducted by Miller, with 60 people in attendance.
  3. New Business
  4. Tuition Delay Update – Winter 2005 – Miller reported, the Financial Aid Office approved 195 tuition delays in the amount of $130,105 for the 2005 winter semester, compared with 197 tuition delays in the amount of $129,220 for the last 2004 winter semester. As of this date, there are still three tuition delays outstanding. All three students are waiting to receive their VA checks. The St. Louis VA Office is backlogged about 30 days, reported Miller.
  5. Scholarship Update – Newington reported there are currently over 20 scholarships being promoted through the Financial Aid Office, with a deadline date of February 25, 2005. It was also reported that the Financial Aid Office just mailed out 96 letters with scholarship applications to students who met the initial criteria to be eligible for the Fifth Third Bank Minority Scholarship.
  6. Federal Stafford Loan Program – 2003 Tentative Cohort Default Rate – Miller reported our 2003 tentative cohort rate was 3.3%. The final cohort default rate last year was 5.6%. Eight students were in default for a total of $21,487. A handout was distributed showing our default rate history.
  7. 2005-2006 Federal Title IV Campus Based Programs Tentative Funding Notification Miller distributed information regarding our tentative funding for 05/06 Federal Title IV Campus Based Programs. SEOG program - $135,052, a decrease of $1,904 from 04/05, and the Work Study program - $164,051, an increase of $14,051 from 04/05 funding.
  8. Customer Satisfactory Survey – Fall 2004 – Newington distributed results of the 2004 Financial Aid Office Fall Customer Satisfactory Survey.
  9. Satisfactory Academic Progress – Fall 2004 – Newington distributed results of the 2004 Fall semester satisfactory academic progress determination. 65% of the financial aid students who were monitored, were in good standing, 28% of the students went on probation, and 7% were terminated from financial aid after the Fall Semester.
  10. Attendance Monitoring – Winter 2005 – This item was tabled until the next meeting.
  11. Michigan Nursing Scholarship – Newington reported that an additional four students were recently awarded the Michigan Nursing Scholarship for 2004/2005. This brings us to a total of 39 students being awarded this scholarship for a total of $119,500.
  12. Summer Awarding – Newington reported the Financial Aid Office will start to award summer financial aid beginning March 7, 2005. A Summer Intent Form was distributed to show what students need to complete to be considered for financial aid for the summer semester. Students also need to have their FAFSA results on file with our office.
  13. Other
  14. Miller reported that Gary Doll, a SCT Financial Aid Banner consultant will be on campus, Friday, February 18, 2005, to assist the Aid Office with the 05/06 rollover process, and other banner operating system issues.
  15. Newington reported that Joy Arra, a financial aid advisor, will be out on medical leave beginning February 28, 2005 for at least six weeks.
  16. There is one remaining financial aid workshop for students and parents to attend on February 21, 2005 at 7:00 pm at Anna Whitten Hall.
  17. Miller reported that he will be presenting financial aid workshops on Saturday, February 26, 2005 from 9:00 – 12:00 at Bronson Hospital for their employees.
  18. Newington reported that Haley Crites is the new job-share employee in the Aid Office. Her job-share counterpart is Maritza Graca Lobo.
  19. Agenda Items Next Meeting – Miller asked that agenda items for future meetings be sent to him or Newington.
  20. Next Meeting – Room 4370 2:00 pm

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

VII.Meeting Adjourned

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