Six Monthly Compliance/Status Report

(June 2011)

MoEF File Number: 21-1076/2007-IA-III

City Centre (Mall & ISTA Hotel)

Sultan Wind Suburban, G.T. Road Amritsar (Punjab)

MoEF File Number : 21-1076/2007-IA-III

Six Monthly Environmental Compliance/Status Report (June 2011)

Six monthly environmental compliance/status report is submitted for City Centre Project (Mall & ISTA Hotel) for June 2011. The City Centre is located at Sultanwind Suburban, GT Road, Amritsar, Punjab. Prior Environment Clearance was obtained from Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) wide letter no: 21-1076/2007-IA-III. Specific and general conditions stipulated in Environment Clearance have been complied during construction and post construction phases.

Environmental mitigation measures described in Environmental Management Plan have been implemented during construction and operation phase. City Centre management team is fully conscious about Environmental Management and enhancing Green belt development in City Centre surrounding area.

Six monthly compliance/status report for June 2011 for conditions stipulated in the Environmental Clearance letter issued by MoEF are enclosed. Photographs view of implemented mitigation measures are also attached for ready reference as Photo Documentation.


MoEF File Number : 21-1076/2007-IA-III

Six Monthly Compliance Status Report for Conditions stipulated in Environmental Clearance for City Center Amritsar

Sn. / Stipulated Conditions in EC / Compliance Report / Status
I. / Construction Phase
Conditions stipulated by MoEF in Environmental Clearance were complied and Compliance Status Report was submitted to Regional office of MOEF.
II. / Operation Phase
i) / The installation of the sewage treatment plant should be certified by an independent expert and a report in this regard should be submitted to the Ministry before the project is commissioned for operation. Discharge of treated sewage shall conform to the norms & standards of Punjab Pollution Control Board, Chandigarh. / At the project, well-designed Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) has been installed. Performance of sewage treatment plant has been evaluated and submitted accordingly.
Treated wastewater after conforming to norms & standards prescribed by Punjab State Pollution Control Board, is utilized for irrigation of green belt/landscaping and flushing of toilets.
“Consent to Operate” has been obtained and renewed from Punjab Pollution Control Board. / Already being followed
ii) / Rain water harvesting for roof run-off and surface run-off, as plan submitted should be implemented. Before recharging the surface runoff, pre treatment must be done to remove suspended matter, oil and grease. / Rainwater harvesting system has been provided to recharge the ground water aquifers during rains.
The frequency of cleaning of the rainwater harvesting pit have been kept three times in a year.
Cleaning schedule of rain water harvesting pits is attached as Annexure A / Already being followed
iii) / The solid waste generated should be properly collected & segregated before disposal to the City Municipal Facility. The in-vessel bio-conversion technique should be used for composting the organic waste. / The provisions have been made for solid waste management practices to be adopted for municipal waste generated from Mall and ISTA Hotel. It includes followings:
 Segregation of recyclable, reusable, biodegradable organic waste, non-biodegradable organic and inorganic waste.
 Recyclable and reusable solid wastes is sold for recycling and reuse.
In-vessel bio composting system is being installed for composting of garbage and kitchen waste from hotel building.
Compost manure is using in grading. / Already being followed
iv) / Any hazardous waste including biomedical waste should be disposed of as per applicable Rules & norms with necessary approvals of the Punjab State Pollution Control Board. / No hazardous waste including biomedical waste is generated at the Alpha City Centre.
Waste oil generated from DG sets during maintenance will be sold to MoEF/Punjab Pollution Control Board approved Waste Oil Recyclers for recycling and re-use.
Form -13 for filling returns of Auction/sale of Non- Ferrous Metal waste/ used oil/waste oil Annexure C.
Certificate of Waste Oil Recyclers is attached as Annexure D. / Already being followed
v) / The green belt design along the periphery of the plot shall achieve attenuation factor conforming to the day and night noise standards prescribed for residential land use. The open spaces inside the plot should be suitably landscaped and covered with vegetation of indigenous variety. / Green belt and landscaping have been developed on periphery and on open spaces at the project site.
Photographs of green belts developed at the project site are attached with the Compliance Status Report for reference.
Green Belt development program along the periphery and on open spaces at the project site is given Annexure E. / Already being followed
vi) / Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air quality, noise and water quality should be periodically monitored after commissioning of the project / It is being followed. Ambient air quality monitoring report is given as Annexure B. / Complied
vii) / Application of solar energy should be incorporated for illumination of common areas, lighting for gardens and street lighting in addition to provision for solar water heating. A hybrid system or fully solar system for a portion of the apartments should be provided. / Satisfactory operation for solar system for illumination of common areas, lighting for gardens and street lighting. In addition, solar water heating is being ensured.
Few photographs of solar panels at the Hotel roof are attached with the compliance report for reference. / Complied
viii) / Traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads adjoining to proposed project site must be avoided. Parking should be fully internalized and no public space should be utilized. / There is no traffic congestion near the entry and exit points from the roads. Parking is fully internalized and no public space is being utilized. / It is being followed.
ix) / A Report on the energy conservation measures confirming to energy conservation norms finalize by Bureau of Energy Efficiency should be prepared incorporating details about building materials & technology, R & U Factors, etc and submitted to the Ministry in three months time. / The provisions of energy conservation measures in the project have been made in line with “Energy Conservation Building Code –2006” and “National Building Code 2005”.
 City Centre is energy efficient. Hence, significant savings can be anticipated on energy resources.
 Automatic Lighting Control for the Lighting & Power.
 Selection of Energy Efficient Electrical Appliances & Equipment.
 High fuel efficient DG set has been installed.
 Variable frequency drivers (VFD) have been installed for the chillers.
 Use of Energy Efficient Luminaries viz. CFL & PL Lamps.
 Maximum utilization natural light.
 Solar water heater system has been provided in Hotel.
 Auto illuminates Led signage and displays have been used.
 As per the latest code the lighting power density has been considered 5.4 & 3.2 watt/sq. meter for common area for transition and parking areas, respectively.

Part B General Conditions

i) / The environmental safeguards contained in the EIA Report should be implemented in letter and spirit. / Mitigation measures mentioned in environmental management plan of EIA report have been implemented effectively during construction and operation phase. / Complied
ii) / 6 monthly monitoring reports should be submitted to the Ministry and its Regional Office. / It is being followed. / Complied
iii) / Officials from the Regional Office of MOEF, Chandigarh who would be monitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards should be given full cooperation, facilities and documents/data by the project proponent during their inspection A complete set of all the documents submitted to MoEF should be forwarded to the CCF, Regional office of MoEF, Chandigarh. / Necessary document and information have already been provided time to time to the Regional Office of MoEF. / Complied
iv) / In the case of any change(s) in the scope of the project, the project would require a fresh appraisal by this Ministry. / Not Applicable / Not Applicable
v) / The Ministry reserves the right to add additional safeguard measures subsequently if found necessary, and to take action including revoking of the environment clearance under the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act. 1986, to ensure effective implementation of the suggested safeguard measures in a time bound and satisfactory manner. / Same will be followed, if any. / Complied
vi) / All other statutory clearance such as the approvals for storage of diesel from Chief Controller of Explosives. Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department, Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, etc shall be obtained, as applicable by project proponents from the Competent authorities. / Statutory clearance has been obtained from the Airport Authority of India.
Adequate fire fighting facilities have been provided in the various part of City Centre project as per applicable regulations and in accordance with National Building Code and Local Fire Regulation.
The fire approval for the City Centre project has already been obtained from Fire Authority. Fire Safety certificate attached as Annexure F. / Complied
vii) / The project proponent should advertise in at least two local Newspapers widely circulated in the region, one of which shall be in the vernacular language informing that the project has been accorded environmental clearance and copies of clearance letter are available with the Punjab State Pollution Control Board and may also be seen on the website of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, at The advertisement should be made within 7 days from the date of issue of the Clearance letter and a copy of the same should be forwarded to Regional Office of Ministry of Environment & Forests, Chandigarh. / Already complied. / Complied
viii) / These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and Control or Pollution) Act 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the Public Liability (Insurance) Act, 1991 and EIA Notification, 2006 including the amendments. / It has been followed during construction phase and will also be followed time to time. / Complied
ix) / Under the provision of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, legal action shall be initiated against the project proponent if it was found that the construction of the project has been started without obtaining environmental clearance. / Environmental clearance has been obtained from the MOEF as vide their ref. letter No. 21-1076/2007-IA.III dated 08/01/2008 / Already complied.
x) / Environmental Clearance is subject to final order of the Hon’ ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of Goa Foundation Vs. Union of India in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 460 of 2004 as may be applicable to this project. / Not Applicable / --