We Can Awards
The Award is open to any community or voluntary group, supported by a Local Authority or other organisation that has delivered a project that has made a positive difference in their community in the North West.
Please complete this Cover Sheet and the Application Form and return to Eve Davidson, NWTWC Network Manager:
ByFriday 16th November by 5pm.
Your Name:
Group /
Name of Project:
I confirm that:
- The contents of this Application Form are to the best of my knowledge accurate
- I am submitting the Application on behalf of my organisation/partnership and am the main contact for this project.
- We agree to take part in the Showcase Learning Award Event on 12th December if short-listed
- We will abide by the decisions of NWTWC and Our Life.
Application Form for We Can Award
Please use font size 11 and ensure the Application Form does not exceed 6 sides of A4
- Name of Project:......
- Lead Group / Organisation: ......
- Project Location:......
- Partner Organisations:…………………………………………………………………………
- Categories: Please tick 1 or at the most 2 categories that are relevant to your project entry.
- Improving health for young people at risk (16-25)
- Developing Community Voice
- Encouraging Health and Well Being
- Better Neighbourhoods
- Creating learning and enterprise opportunities
1. Please provide brief details about the project and how it has made a valuable improvement to the quality of community life. How is the project enterprising and creative?
2. What needs were being addressed? What were the key objectives and intended outcomes?
3. How did you achieve your intended outcomes and objectives? What barriers were encountered and how were these overcome?
4. What evidence do you have of the success of this project? How does it fit with the category or categories that you have selected?
5. How did you ensure that participants were owners of the scheme? How were different sections ofthe community involved?
6. What partnership work took place between this project and other organisations including the public and private sectors and other community groups?
7. What have you learnt from this project? Will the learning arising from the project be of interest to others and have the potential to be shared?
8. What are your aspirations for the project over the next 12 months?
9. What else would you like to add in support of your application that you have not said elsewhere?
Completed Application Formsmust be sent by email to:
Eve Davidson, NWTWC Network Manager:
If you have any queries then please ring: 0161 233 7515
Please note we are unable to consider any extra documentation submitted in addition to this Application Form.