Curriculum Viate updated 1/20/2018

Erin Cunningham | PhD Candidate in Geology

Department of Geology University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742




University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742

2013- current |PhD in Geology

Thesis: “Seismic Constraints on Sediment and Upper Lithospheric Structure across the Continental United States”

Committee: VedranLekic (Advisor), Nicholas Schmerr, Lara Wagner, Michael Brown

Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118

2009-2013 | B.S. in Geology (Minor in Physics)

Thesis: “Quantification of Grain-size Distribution in Submarine Channels”

Advisor: Kyle Straub



Sediment and crustal structure of the eastern North American margin, Potomac Geological Society of Washington, 2018


1. Cunningham,E.Lithospheric structure and relationship to seismicitybeneath the Southeastern US using receiver functions. AGU Fall Meeting T11A-0442. 2017.

2. Cunningham,E.Lithospheric structureof the Southeastern US, GeoPRISMS mini-workshop: ENAM science advances. 2017.

3. Cunningham, E.E., Lekic,V. Constraining crustal structure in sediment dominated regions: An H-k-v stacking method AGU Fall Meeting 2016

4. Cunningham,E. Constraints on the structure of the continental upper crust and lithosphere across the USArray- a focus on receiver function analysis. Seismology Student Workshop, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University. Session VII: Large Scale Tomography. 2016

5.Zamudio, K. Keithline,N. Blum, C. Cunningham,E. Fromont, A. Jorgensen, M. Lee,R.McBride,K. Berrios,P. Harper,C. Pellerin, L. McPhee, D. Ferguson,J. Gravity and Magnetotelluric Modeling of the Santo Domingo Basin, Northern New Mexico. GP13B-1299, 2015.

6. Cunningham, E.E.,Lekic,V. The strucuture of the continental crust: comparison of body wave apparent incidence angle and receiver function results, AGU Fall Meeting T11-2915, 2015

7. Cunningham,E.E., Lekic, V. New Seismic Observables Constrain Structure within the Continental Lithosphere, AGU Fall Meeting 2014

8. Cunningham, E.E.,Frassetto, A., Lekic, V. Obtaining interpretable receiver functions to study lithospheric structure in the central US, AGU Fall Meeting, T53C-2722, 2012.


2015|Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience, Santa Fe, NM

Research:Magnetotelluric Model Appraisal in the Santo Domingo Basin, New Mexico.

Training: Field Techniques including Vibroseis survey, Magnetotelluric survey (MT), Time-Domain electromagnetics survey (TDEM), gravity survey

2013|IRIS, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Training:4-day short course and group project on seismological data processing methods

2011-2013| Tulane University, New Orleans, LA

Research: Quantification of levee growth in aggrading submarine channels measure sediment size in experimental turbidity current

2012|IRIS Intership - IRIS headquarters, Washington, DC and UMD, College Park

Research:Obtaining interpretable receiver functions to study to study lithospheric structure in the central US

2011|Fermilab Natural Areas, Batavia, IL

Research:Distribution and control of invasive prairie species: Alliariapetiolata, Cirsiumarvense, and Pastinacasativia.

III. ACADEMIC SERVICE (including Department/University Service)

2016-2018 | UMD Graduate Student Government

Served as geology department representative & served on task force on sexual misconduct

2014,2016, & 2018 | Volunteer with Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology: Education and Outreach at USA Science and Engineering Festival

Helped to educate and engage children and educators of children about seismology and teaching resources available through IRIS.

2016| Volunteer Editor for Science in the Classroom

Annotate recent science articles for high school and undergraduate students learning standards and develop an associated learning activity:

2015 | Co-President of the AAPG UMD student chapter

Organized Workshop from the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management on Geological and Geophysical Acquisition

Organized talk from Director of AAPG Geoscience and Energy Policy, Edith Allison on Methane emissions from unconventional oil and gas operations


2013-2014 |University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Teaching assistant for GEOL 200 Earth’s Fury

2013-2014 |University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Teaching assistant for GEOL 110 Physical Geology

2013 |Gorman Crossing Elementary, Laurel, MD

Developed presentation and activity to teach 4-6 grade students about earthquakes

2012|Tulane University, New Orleans, LA

Assistant Teaching assistant for sedimentology and depositional mechanics helped to develop flume labs for classes


2017| Geological Society of America: Graduate Student Research Grant

2017| EarthScope National Meeting Scholarship

2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 | Earth Systems Science Interdisciplinary Center Student Travel Award

2014 | NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention

2013-2014 | Dean’s Fellowship - University of Maryland

2009-2013 |Tulane Academic Founders Scholarship

2009-2013 |NCAA Scholar-Athlete

2012 | New Orleans Geological Society George Schneider Scholar