What are the Major Differences
Between APA (4th ed.) and APA (5th ed.)
For Student Papers?
Italics were used infrequently if ever, in the 4th edition. In the 5th edition, italics are used in place of underlining. Italics are now used when referring to books and periodicals both in text and on the reference page. They are also used in level headings that previously required underlining.
It is also acceptable to use italics to introduce a new or technical term, or label, the first time it is used in text. Thereafter, the term is not italicized. In the 4th edition, a new term would be set off in double quotations. However, do not use italics for mere emphasis.
The periodical volume numbers in reference lists (that used to be underlined) are now typed in italics.
Hanging Indent:
The 4th edition displayed references using the paragraph indent for the first line of each entry with subsequent lines flush left. However, UOP required the hanging indent form even though this was not consistent with APA (4th ed) format.
The 5th edition has returned to the hanging indent form and all references are now displayed using this format.
Internet Sources:
APA (5th ed) requires a retrieval statement that provides the date the information was retrieved, along with the name and/or address of the source. Internet sources are cited in text the same as print sources.
If no date is identified for the Internet document, use (n. d.) for no date.
If information is obtained from a document on the Internet, provided the address for the document at the end of the retrieval statement.
If information is retrieved from a database, providing the name of the database is sufficient.
The Web address should link directly to the article or document being referenced.
When the retrieval element ends with an Internet address, do not place a period at the end of the address (may be confused as part of the Web address).
Citing six or more authors:
In the 4th edition, the surname of the first author only, followed by et al. and the year was cited in text. In the reference list, the surnames and initials of all authors are cited.
In the 5th edition, there is no change in format for citation of six or more authors in text. In the reference list, the surnames and initials of the first six authors are cited, followed by et al.
Legal References:
Much more comprehensive information. Extensive list of examples, which have been updated and clarified.
Manuscript Preparation and Sample Papers:
The 5th edition provides instructions on preparing manuscripts with a word processor. The sample paper illustrates the format and application of APA style. Labels on the sample paper give more specific cross-references.
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