Exemplar lesson plan to create a personal e-Profile
Class: ……………………………………...... Date: ……………..
Teacher: ………………………………………...... ………………….
PDL/functional skills objectives / Teaching and learning issuesPupils use literacy and communication skills to provide a pen picture about themselves.
Pupils select appropriate language and pictures that illustrate their interests and achievements. / Relevant use is made of ICT skills to insert text and pictures into a PowerPoint (PPT) slide.
Additional issues for consideration
Consideration is given to the audience that will be the focus for the information, ie: new teacher at transition.
Lesson objectives for pupils:
As a class you will decide what type of information will be of interest to someone who does not yet know you and the reason why that information will be important to help them understand more about you.
Extension activities beyond the lesson:
Use the school computers or your computer at home to complete your pen picture. Talk with members of your family about what you have decided to include and whether you have left anything out.
Pupils work in pairs to identify three things they know about a famous person, such as their favourite pop star/sports personality/actor.
Groups write their three things on separate Post-its and place on a flip chart – the teacher works with the class to sort the lists under general headings. Decide whether they are the right things to include on the slide. Was it just information or was it also about personality, values and attitudes?
Teaching sequence:
Pupils work individually to create a personal pen picture of things they decide to include about themselves.
Pupils work in threes to check whether they would suggest any changes to the other two about their list.
This may be completed directly onto the PPT slide if the computers are available or written and entered later, either on the school computer or at home.
Pupils say what they found easy or difficult about creating their list. Was the check by someone else helpful?Was the input by others helpful when thinking about any personality statements?
Annotated lesson plan
Class: …………………………………….. Date: ……………..
Teacher: ………………………………………………………….
Objectives / Teaching and learning issuesAdditional issues for consideration
Lesson objectives for pupils:
Extension activities beyond the classroom:
Teaching sequence:
June 2007e-Profiles – Exemplar lesson plan to create a personal e-Profile 1