Reading Rota January to April 2018- St John the Baptist, Flitton
NB Always contact Margaret for information or any changes to the rota. 01525 862170
Please note that from now on, for the 1st,2nd and 3rd Sundays I have put 2 names down for each service so different people can welcome the congregation, hand out hymn books etc. Also, for the 2nd Sunday, we are aiming to serve coffee after the service.
Date / Service Details / Epistle / Gospel / Welcoming team7th January
Epiphany 1
IS / 11 am Morning Worship for Epiphany / Acts 19, 1-7
Julie Abrahams / Mark 1, 4-11 / Margaret Butt/Heather Wilcox/
Julie Abrahams
14th January
Epiphany 2
DB / 9.30 Choral Communion
(1pm Baptism Luca Taylor) / 1 Corinthians 6, 12-20
Kate Earl / John 1, 43-51
Nick Thompson / Kate Earl/Paul Biscoe
Coffee: Angela Ayres
21st January
Epiphany 3
DB / 10.30 Cafe Church
(Banns Kidby/Holland 1) / Michelle Lewis
Refreshments: Jo Holt
28th January
Epiphany 4
DB / 8.30 am BCP
Said Communion
(Banns Kidby/Holland 2
Machin/Malia 1) / 1 Corinthians 8, 1-13
Vernon Green / Mark 1, 21-28 / Vernon Green/Margaret Butt
4th February
2 before Lent
GK / 11am Morning Worship
(Banns Kidby/Holland 3
Machin/Malia 2) / 1 Corinthians 9, 16-23
Heather Wilcox / Mark 1, 29-39 / Heather Wilcox
(MB away)
11th February
1 before Lent
IS/DB / 9.30am Choral Communion
(Banns Machin/Malia 3) / 2 Corinthians 4, 3-6
Kate Earl / Mark 9, 2-9
Vicar / Clare Ellis/Paul Biscoe
Coffee: Kate Earl
(MB away)
14th February
DB / 7.30 pm at Silsoe
Ash Wednesday service
18th February
Lent 1
IS / 10.30am Cafe Church / Michelle Lewis
Refreshments: Pam Buckley
25th February
Next before Lent
DB / 8.30am BCP said Communion
Parish breakfast
(Baptism 1 pm?) / Romans 4, 13-25
Margaret Butt / Mark 8, 31-38 / Margaret Butt/
Vernon Green
4th March
Lent 3
MB / 11am Morning Worship / 1 Corinthians 1, 18-25
Jo Holt / Matt 4 1-11 / Heather Wilcox
Jo Holt
11th March
Mothering Sunday
DB / 10 am Mothering Sunday Service / Ephesians 2, 1-10
Lauren Platt / John 3, 14-21
Mick Platt / All PCC
Lead family; Platts
18th March
Lent 5
GK / Cafe Church / Michelle Lewis
Refreshments: Glynis Carr
25th March
Palm Sunday
DB/IS / United Benefice Palm Sunday Communion Service with distribution of Palm Crosses
Coffee / Psalm 118, 1-2 and 19-29
Pulloxhill Reader TBC / Mark 11, 1-11
Or John 12, 12-16
Silsoe Reader TBC / All PCC please
Coffee: Angela Ayres
29th March
Maundy Thursday
DB / Communion Silsoe 7.30 pm
30th March
Good Friday
Stripped altar / Walks of witness;
Silsoe 11am/Pulloxhill 2pm
1st April
Easter Day
DB / 11am Choral Communion
Coffee / Acts 10, 34-43
Nick Thompson / John 20 1-18
Or Mark 16, 1-8
Clare Ellis / All PCC please
Coffee; Michelle Lewis
Midweek services: 1st Wednesday of the month Silsoe 3rd Wednesday Pulloxhill
If you are unable to do any of the dates you have been put down for, please swap with someone else or contact Margaret.