
Host Site:
Name of Institution / Project Title:
Name of the specific Project / Project Supervisor:
Name of the daily supervisor
VISTA Position Title:
VISTA Position Title / Primary Anti-Poverty Focus Area:
☐ Education ☐ Healthy Futures
Secondary Anti-Poverty Focus Area:
☐ Education ☐ Healthy Futures / Project Year:
☐Year 1
☐Year 2
☐Year 3
VISTA Member Objectives and Activities
Project Goal Statement: Describe the goal of your VISTA project and how the VISTA member’s capacity-building activities in this project year will break the cycle of poverty for your target population. Ex. ABC College’s VISTA project will strengthen the coordinated response to end hunger in Anywhere, WA. In the second year of the project, the VISTA will develop resources and mobilize volunteers to expand the capacity of XYZ Organization’s community food pantry which will increase distribution of secure and nutritious food for new and existing clients. This project will help break the cycle of poverty by reducing a family’s food expenses to allow the family to re-budget and prioritize other necessities. (750 character limit)
Objective 1: One to two sentences detailing the first project priority that the VISTA member will achieve. Identify skills that the VISTA member will need to be successful. Ex. Fundraise in order to support ABC College’s new hunger alleviation programs.
Activity 1: What specific steps will the VISTA member need to take to achieve the objective? There will be 3-4 activities per objective, depending on the project. Ex. VISTA will help plan the agency’s first ever fall dinner, with a goal of raising $6,000.
Activity 2: Ex. Secure event location and create marketing materials to be distributed through social media, newsletters, and local media.
Activity 3: Ex. Approach ten local businesses for cash or in-kind donations for the silent auction.
Activity 4: Ex. Recruit and train fifteen volunteers for event. / Enter the date or time period for completion:
Estimated start and completion dates
Anticipated Results: Describe what you hope to achieve by completing the above objective.
Target Number: Enter a number to quantify the anticipated results. Ex: volunteers, partnerships established, curricula developed, systems created.
How Measured: Describe the instrument you will use to measure these results. Ex. Activity log, sign-up sheet, community assessment, pre/post survey.
Objective 2: Detail the second project priority that the VISTA member will achieve. Ex. Develop outreach system for food pantry nights at XYZ Organization in order to attract more first time pantry beneficiaries.
Activity 1: What will the member need to do to achieve Objective 2? Ex. Identify 2-3 target audiences for food pantry nights at XYZ Organization.
Activity 2: Ex: Develop print and digital marketing materials for target audiences for dissemination through weekly newsletter, social media, and campus opportunity boards.
Activity 3: Ex: Create a marketing timeline to implement before each food pantry night.
Activity 4: Ex. Create a survey for first-time pantry beneficiaries to assess how they learned about the event. / Enter the date or time period for completion:
Estimated start and completion dates
Anticipated Results: Describe what you hope to achieve by completing the above objective.
Target Number: Enter a number to quantify the anticipated results. Ex: beneficiaries, volunteers, partnerships.
How Measured: Describe the instrument you will use to measure these results. Ex. Activity log, sign-up sheet, community assessment, pre/post survey.
Objective 3: Detail the third project priority that the VISTA member will achieve.
Activity 1: Enter text
Activity 2: Enter text
Activity 3: Enter text
Activity 4: Enter text / Enter the date or time period for Completion:
Estimated start and completion dates.
Anticipated Results: Describe what you hope to achieve by completing the above objective.
Target Number: Enter a number to quantify the anticipated results. Ex: beneficiaries, volunteers, partnerships.
How Measured: Describe the instrument you will use to measure these results. Ex. Activity log, sign-up sheet, community assessment, pre/post survey.
Objective 4: Detail the fourth project priority that the VISTA member will achieve.
Activity 1: Enter text
Activity 2: Enter text
Activity 3: Enter text
Activity 4: Enter text / Enter the date or time period for completion:
Estimated start and completion dates
Anticipated Results: Describe what you hope to achieve by completing the above objective.
Target Number: Enter a number to quantify the anticipated results. Ex: beneficiaries, volunteers, partnerships.
How Measured: Describe the instrument you will use to measure these results. Ex. Activity log, sign-up sheet, community assessment, pre/post survey.

Last Updated January 2018