College of Education and Human Services

Northern Kentucky University

EDD 898 Dissertation Research

9-12 credit hours semester/year

day time location

"Providing for the educational needs of all students"

The College of Education and Human Services will prepare exemplary educators who demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to provide for the educational needs of all students in a diverse and technological society.

This model on which the College of Education and Human Services has built its teacher preparation program represents the effort to prepare teachers and instructional leaders for ever-changing roles and continuous personal and professional self-improvement. These professionals know how to evaluate and modify current teaching approaches to meet emerging student needs. This ability is grounded in a thorough knowledge of current theory and the ability to evaluate these theories and beliefs in light of new information and circumstances. The College of Education places particular emphasis on the NCATE themes of diversity, technology, assessment, evaluation, intellectual vitality, conceptual framework, and professional community.

The work you will do in this course is subject to the Student Honor Code. The Honor Code is a commitment to the highest degree of ethical integrity in academic conduct, a commitment that, individually and collectively, the students of Northern Kentucky University will not lie, cheat, or plagiarize to gain an academic advantage over fellow students or avoid academic requirements.

Please refer to the Kentucky and College of Education Student Code of Ethics online at:

Professor: Office Location:

Office Hours: Telephone:

Website: Email:

Course Description: Directed independent study on action research project. Specifically for students researching and writing dissertations. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours
Prerequisites: Approval of instructor/doctoral candidacy required.


None Required


Each student works with the major professor and committee toward completion of the dissertation. Refer to the Doctoral Program Handbook for requirements and guidelines.


Assignments will be given a letter grade based on departmental grading policy and on the scoring guidelines, which accompany each assignment.

  1. Criteria for grades in graduate courses:

A. Excellent: Superior performance, demonstrating a thorough understanding of required terms and concepts. Ideas well presented; activities effectively completed; contributions to class discussion consistent and of high quality. Competence clearly demonstrated in performance and knowledge areas. Demonstrates excellent English usage and spelling.

B. Acceptable: Good performance demonstrating a clear understanding of required terms and concepts. Ideas adequately presented; activities completed; good contribution to class discussion. Competence adequately demonstrated in knowledge areas. Good English usage and spelling.

C. Passing but below Standard: Demonstrates vague understanding of required terms and concepts. Inconsistent contributions to class discussions, etc. Minimal competence demonstrated in performance and knowledge areas. Adequate English usage and spelling.

F. Unacceptable

  1. Written work requiring analysis and synthesis of ideas will be required in all graduate classes.
  2. No paper (graduate or undergraduate) will receive a grade of A unless it is excellent with respect to form and effectiveness of presentation as well as subject matter content.
  3. To receive full credit, assignments must be submitted by the due date specified. Specific applications of this policy and exceptions thereto are the prerogative of the instructor and will be stated in the syllabus.


A = 100 – 94%

B = 93 – 79%

C = 78 – 72%

F = <72%


Deviations from Syllabus and/or Course Procedures - If you have a reason to request a deviation from the procedures spelled out in this syllabus, it must be approved in advance of the date in question.

Students with Disabilities - Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments, auxiliary aids or services) for this course must register with the Disabilities Services Office. Please contact the Disability Service Office immediately in UC 320 or call 572-6373 for more information. Verification of your disability is required in the Disability Services Office for you to receive reasonable academic accommodations. See

Student Honor Code and Codes of Ethics - Students are expected to abide by the provisions of the NKY Honor Code and the Codes of Ethics of the College and profession. The NKU Honor Code is a commitment to the highest degree of ethical integrity in academic conduct, a commitment that, individually and collectively, the students of Northern Kentucky University will not lie, cheat, or plagiarize to gain an academic advantage over fellow students or avoid academic requirements. You are bound by the Student Honor Code neither to give nor receive any unauthorized assistance on examinations or other course requirements. In addition, educators must abide by the College and Professional Codes of Ethics

Plagiarism - Academic dishonesty in any form (plagiarism, submitting other people’s work as your own, submitting your previous work to satisfy new requirements, and the like) will result in a failure on the assignment in question. Proven academic dishonesty may result in failure in the course and a recommendation that the chair of the department review the student’s standing regarding acceptance in the program.

Last Day to Drop the Class with a “W” - Check the University Calendar for the official university date for your last-chance withdrawal.

University Closure and Snow Policy - If there is a possibility of the University closing due to a minor fire, water main break, or snow, please listen to the radio or check the NKU Homepage for announcements. Please do not call the departmental office to see if a class is going to be canceled. The University has three snow plans: “A” and “B” cancels all classes; “C” cancels evening classes only.


Scholarly Journals

American Educational Research Journal

Community College Review

Educational Administration Quarterly

Education Policy Analysis Archives

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis

Educational Policy

Journal of Applied Research in the Community College

Journal of Community College Research and Practice

Journal of Educational Administration

Journal of Education Policy

Journal of Higher Education

Leadership and Policy in Schools

Research in Higher Education

Journal of School Leadership

Review of Educational Research

Review of Higher Education