Application for Graduate Scholars

Application for Graduate Scholars

Please complete this application if you are a graduate student, whether or not you have received a USC Latino Alumni Association Scholarship in a previous year. Further details about the scholarship are available on our website:

Important Notes

·  Be sure to fill out the application completely. Thoroughness and neatness are important. An incomplete application will not be accepted.

·  Students will receive notification of awards in July or August. However, no regret letters will be sent.

·  All decisions by the Scholarship Committee are final and irrevocable.

Application Checklist

Your application packet must contain the following:

☐ Completed, signed application form

☐ Personal statement

☐ Résumé

☐ Two letters of recommendation

☐ Official transcripts

Submit all required materials to the USC Latino Alumni Association by April 1, 2014. Applications must be postmarked by this date; no late applications will be accepted.

Send to:

USC Latino Alumni Association Scholarship Committee

3607 Trousdale Parkway

Ronald Tutor Campus Center, Room 324

Los Angeles, CA 90089-3104

Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted.

For more information, call: 213/740-4735.

a. Student Information

Name ______

last first middle initial

USC ID # ______

Check one: ☐ Incoming graduate student

☐ Continuing graduate student

Have you previously received a USC Latino Alumni Association Scholarship? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Permanent mailing address ______

City ______State ______Zip ______

Home Phone ______

Cell Phone ______

USC email ______

Permanent email ______

Date of birth _____/_____/_____ Check one ☐ Male ☐ Female

Marital status ☐ Single ☐ Married ☐ Divorced ☐ Separated

Ethnicity (optional) ______

Are you a first-generation college student? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Are any of your family members current/former USC Latino Alumni Scholars? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, please list their names ______

How did you learn about the USC Latino Alumni Association Scholarship?



b. Academic Information

Degree program ______

Class standing for upcoming year: ☐ 1st year ☐ 2nd year

☐ 3rd year ☐ 4th year ☐ Other ______

Expected year of graduation from USC: ☐ Fall 20____ ☐ Spring 20____

Cumulative USC GPA (continuing graduate students only) ______

Cumulative undergraduate GPA ______

List school(s) where undergraduate coursework was completed:

School name and city/state / Dates attended / Major/minor / Degree / Total units

c. Volunteer Activities

Include Latino Alumni Association events. Submit additional volunteer information on a separate sheet if necessary.

Event/program / Credits/
hours / Organization / Description of participation

d. Financial Information

Complete all that apply.

Married students:

Number of dependent children ______Spouse’s annual income ______

Employed students:

Employer ______Position ______

Hours worked per week ______Monthly income ______

Dependent students:

Combined household annual income ______

Number of dependents in household (including yourself) ______

List household dependents (not including yourself):

Name / School

Continuing USC graduate students:

Are you currently receiving assistance from the USC Office of Financial Aid

or outside agencies? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, please list the name and amount of award received. Do not leave any spaces blank. Write “N/A” or “$0” if applicable.

Grants ______


Scholarships ______


Loans (specify type of loan) ______


Non-USC awards ______


To date, total amount of loans borrowed ______

Continuing USC Latino Alumni Association Scholars:

List the year(s) you were awarded a USC Latino Alumni Association scholarship ______

e. Personal Statement

Compose a personal statement of 500–700 words, typed, doubled spaced, on no more than two pages, and submit it with this application. The statement is an essential part of the application and major emphasis is placed on it. The aim of the statement is to describe yourself and your experiences in a way that will give the scholarship committee insight into who you are and why you deserve this award. Consider including such information as:

·  Personal, professional and academic goals

·  Extracurricular activities and volunteer involvement

·  Summary of your personal background and circumstances

·  How this scholarship will affect (or, for continuing scholars, has affected) your USC experience

·  Information not readily apparent in the application that demonstrates that you are a good candidate for the USC Latino Alumni Association Scholarship

For continuing scholars, your essay should also answer the following question: How has your involvement with the USC Latino Alumni Association helped advance your academic and professional growth this past year?

f. Résumé

Please include your résumé with this application. If you need any assistance with your résumé, consult the USC Career Center (

g. Letters of Recommendation

Please include two original letters of recommendation with this application. The letters can be from a professor, work supervisor, community service supervisor, USC administrator, adviser, etc. The letters must be on official stationery and addressed to the USC Latino Alumni Association Scholarship Committee. The letter must provide insightful information about you so that the Scholarship Committee can properly evaluate your application. The letters may not be written by a parent or family member.

h. Transcripts

Official transcripts for all new and continuing graduate students are required. For new applicants include undergraduate course work and for continuing students include graduate coursework completed, beginning with the most recent fall semester. Please note: OASIS and STARS reports will not be accepted for continuing USC students.

Applicant’s Signature and Certification

I certify that the information in this application is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any false or misleading statements will result in the disqualification of my application for the USC Latino Alumni Association Scholarship and may result in USC disciplinary action. I understand that awards will be based on financial need and evaluated in conjunction with my financial aid package. I am aware that in the event that my financial aid package has reached a maximum level of support, the USC Latino Alumni Association is not required to grant an award if my financial need has been met through other sources as determined by my financial aid package.

I hereby give the USC Latino Alumni Association and the USC Latino Alumni Association Scholarship Committee permission to share the information presented in my application for research purposes and for evaluating my application.


Signature Date