LBA / Pastoral Recommendation Form
Referral Guidelines
- This form is to be filled out by the LBA Chair or Pastor of a NC East District Local Church.
- To refer a potential Ministerial Student or Licensed Special Worker, please complete this form in its entirety and emailit to the NC East District Office at .
- The DBMD Chair will be in touch with you and your candidate as to next steps.
Referring Church LBA / Pastoral Info
Church Name: / Church City and Church Name / Date: / Click or tap to enter a date.Pastor: / Click or tap here to enter name. / LBA Chairperson: / Click or tap here to enter name. /
Email / Primary Contact Email / Telephone: / Primary Contact Phone /
Candidate Name / Candidate Name /Email / Email Address /
Phone Numbers / Mobile Home Work
Candidate Address / Full Address /
Marital Status / Gender - choose an item.
Marital Status - choose an item.
Choose an item. / Is Candidate a member of his/her Local Church?
Choose an item. / Has the candidate agreed to the leadership commitments as stated in the Discipline?
Choose an item. / Is Candidate enrolled with The Wesleyan Church Department of Education and Ministry?
Choose an item. / Has Candidate had Lay Minister’s License in the Local Church? If so for how many years?
Choose an item. / For what level are you recommending the Candidate?
Choose an item. / If recommending for a “Licensed Special Worker”, what specific area of ministry?
Choose an item. / Is there evidence of a clear, consistent walk with Christ? Explanation if not a clear Yes:
Choose an item. / Does the Candidate testify to a definite heart-felt call from God to full-time Christian service?
What is the Nature of their Call?
Choose an item. / Has he/she articulated this call for the members of the LBA?
Choose an item. / Does the LBA detect potential areas of giftedness that would support such a call? What are the areas detected by the LBA?
Choose an item. / Has the Candidate proven faithful to the Local Church? (tithe, talent, time, etc.)Please explain any areas in question:
Choose an item. / Does the Candidate possess a teachable spirit? Concerns:
DBMD ApprovalDBMD Interviewed / enter a date.
enter a date. / Comments: / Click or tap here to enter comments.
PDI Sent to Candidate
PDI Received by DBMD / enter a date.
enter a date. / Comments: / Click or tap here to enter comments. /