Family FriendlyWalkThrough

SchoolDistrict: SFUSDSchoolBuilding:DateofWalkThrough:

Adapted from the New Jersey PIRC Family Friendly Walkthrough Checklist (), the Alaska PIRC Family Friendly Walkthrough (), and City of Eugene Inclusive Environmental Self-Assessment tool (



Agency Staff


Community Member


Adapted from the New Jersey PIRC Family Friendly Walkthrough Checklist (), the Alaska PIRC Family Friendly Walkthrough (), and City of Eugene Inclusive Environmental Self-Assessment tool (

Rating Scale:4= doing a greatjob3= could do a betterjob2= someevidence found1= no evidencefound

Area being rated: / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Comments
I.Physical environment
1. Visiblesigns directingparentsandvisitors to the school.
2. The schoolappears welcoming fromthe outside.
3. The nameofthe school is on theoutsideofthe building.
4. A large bannerorsign on the outsideofthe building welcomes
5. Staff orvolunteersare availableto greetstudents and parents in the
morning andafternoon.
6. Signage outside of the building is clear and helpful to visitors for finding their way.
7. Signage inside of the building is helpful and clear for visitors. It is easy for families and visitors to find their way to where they need to go.
8. Office staffarefriendly and greetvisitors when they entertheoffice.
9.When visitors enterthe office there is no barrierbetweenthe officestaff and visitors.
10. A sofa or comfortable chairsareavailablein or neartheoffice areafor visitorswhoneed to wait.

Adapted from the New Jersey PIRC Family Friendly Walkthrough Checklist (), the Alaska PIRC Family Friendly Walkthrough (), and City of Eugene Inclusive Environmental Self-Assessment tool (

Area being rated: / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Comments
11. Theschoolcreates displays/wall hangingsthatreflectthediversity ofthe familiesit serves.
12. Theschool is cleanand kept inthe bestpossible condition,including classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, and all otherareas.
13. A parentresource roomor area is located neartheentrance forparentsto borrow educationalresources and materials.
14. Signs are located outside each classroomindicatingthe gradelevel,teacher’s name, picture, and schedule
15. Studentwork is displayed throughoutthebuilding clearlyexplaining thepurposesofthe work and the foundations itmeets. (links to learning)
16. There isevidencethatparentalinvolvement is integratedinto allaspectsofthe schoolculture.
17.Welcoming behaviorapplies to allstaff, including custodians,
cafeteria staff, bus drivers, etc.
18. Theschool is open forextendedhours forfamilies and thecommunity.
19. Theschoolhas awarm, caring, student-centered climate, wherepositive conversations can be heardthroughoutthebuilding.
Area being rated: / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Comments
II.Home-School Communication
1. Schoolpromptly followsup with parentsifthey have a question orconcern.
2. The schooluses a variety ofmethods forcommunicatingwithfamilies andthe community (Ex. Newsletters, phone calls, emails,websites, notices, one-on-onemeetings, etc.)
3 Communication media (newsletters, calendars, flyers, etc.)isattractive and welcoming forfamilies.
4. Information is provided to parentsina languageand formattheycan understand.
5. Information is translated into otherlanguages.
6. The schoolprovides low literacymaterials toparentsinaformatthatis easilyunderstood.
Area being rated: / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Comments
7. The staff answering the phone are polite and professional.Staff exhibit inclusive behavior and communications.
8. All families receive welcome letters, school calendars, information packets, handbooks, staff directories, and/or other materials at the beginning of each school year
9. Staff shares positive news with family regarding their child.
10. Families are surveyed regarding their interest, talents and availability to volunteer.
11. School informs families of upcoming school events in a timely manner.
12. The school website is user friendly (if available)
13. Teachers have classroom websites containing pictures and information to keep families informed of the classroom curriculum (if available)
14. School has a designated person who is responsible for family outreach.
15. School has a means for inviting families to ask questions or express concerns.
16. Staff visit and talk with families, when appropriate, in their homes
17. Staff meets with families in their own communities, in a location outside of school, when appropriate.
18. The school helps families understand their role in supporting learning at home.
19. Schools have a translator available for families.
Area being rated: / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Comments
III.Policies and Practice
1. A parent/family handbook with school policies is provided to all families in their preferred language
2. School has a family involvement policy
3. The family involvement policy is shared with families.
4. The school has a home-school compact. Contract for behavior/expectations/etc.
5. Parents and staff sign the home school compact.
6. School holds events at beginning of the year to welcome families.
7. School holds events throughout the year to involve families.
8. Schools provide opportunities for families to provide feedback on policies and practices of the school.
9. Schools have an active CPAC/PTA
10. Schools make an effort to be culturally and linguistically appropriate.
11. Family/Teacher conferences are held at least twice a year.
12. Staff provide opportunities for families to observe, participate, share and help in the classroom.
13. Families are recognized for their involvement in the school.
14. The classroom curriculum is shared with parents and clear information for links to learning for home is provided.
15. Family educational opportunities are provided at the school.
16. Teachers find a way to involve families who are unable to come to school.
17. Family Engagement is a priority for the school.
18. Site family forms support inclusivity and linguistic access.

In which areas in the school doing well?

Which areas need improvement?

Additional Comments?

Adapted from the New Jersey PIRC Family Friendly Walkthrough Checklist (), the Alaska PIRC Family Friendly Walkthrough (), and City of Eugene Inclusive Environmental Self-Assessment tool (