Genetics Research Assignment/Presentation

Assignment: To research a particular area within genetics, and the create a report, that you will present to the class.


Report: Must be A MINIMUM of two pages long, with a MINIMUM of three resources

Presentation: Either a poster, or power point to present the information about your topic

Guidelines: Provide necessary information to fully inform the audience. Be able to answer questions about the topic as asked from your peers.

Potential Topics and Required Content: You will choose ONE area to research

A specific genetic disorder: PKU, Celiac’s disease, Down syndrome, Dwarfism, certain types of cancer, Huntingtons disease, color blindness

Required Information:

-Description of the disorder

- Explanation of how the disorder is inherited

-Symptoms or expression of the disorder

- Frequency of occurrence (how often does it occur are there any groups that are more at risk for acquiring the disorder?

- The chromosomes/genes involved

- Technology or procedures used to detect, prevent or treat the disorder

- Any promising research

-Helpful information/websites

Genetic technology: Genetic screening/prenatal testing, bio-engineering/ genetically modified foods, stem cell research, cloning, gene therapy, the human genome project, proteomics

Required Information:

-A description of what the technology is

-An explanation of how the technology is used, or the process involved

-The status of the research, or how it might be restricted

-How this technology is used to help treat or diagnose diseases

-Pros and cons of current research/use

-Ethics involved- what are the potential controversies involved/ why do some think it is a bad idea?

-What could future implications be?

Forensic Technology: DNA analysis/ testing, crime scene analysis, historical DNA matching, restriction enzymes etc.

Required Information:

-A description of what the technology is

-An explanation of how the technology is used

-Describe WHEN the technology is used

-How the technology is used to help solve crimes or in historical application

-Pros and cons of current research/use

-Research being done in the field

-Any future implications of use


Check List of information for all presentation forms:

Have you let your Audience know what’s important?

______Headline/title- tells what your topic is, grabs attention

______Summary- summarizes basic information needed to understand topic, explains key terms

______Highlights- lists and defines main issues and statistics (if applicable)

______Visuals- relate to your research/topic, captions the clearly explain pictures, make a point quickly and memorably.

Grading: See attached sheets depending on project format of your choice

Some Helpful websites:

A great site for basic genetic information, genetic testing, information about a variety of genetic disorders, a good explanation of stem cells, and cloning

An informative site on how crime scenes are analyzed

This website gives an over view of genetically modified crops, and also the arguments for and against

An overview of the human genome project, connections to other sites, exploring other issues in genetics

An overview of what cloning is, with other links to information about gene therapy, genetic testing and forensics a very informative site.