Curriculum map 2017 - 2018 Year 1 Class 1R, 1W, 1D Teacher: J.Rogers, L.Wild, N.Daniel

Maths / Curriculum 2014 Y1 programme of study – White Rose Maths Hub
English / Author Focus- Julia Donaldson / Labels lists and signs / Stories in Familiar Settings / Songs and Repetitive Poetry / Information texts / Author Focus- Jez Alborough
Rhyming Poetry / Traditional Tales / Instructions / Author Focus- John Burningham
Fantasy Stories / Letters / Counting Stories / Recounts
Science / Humans
Seasons / Animals / Materials / Working Scientifically Seasons / Plants
Seasons / Senses
Topic / Babies and Play
(Science,D/T) / Carnival of the Animals
(Art/Music/DT/Geog) / Our School and Local Area (Geog, Science) / Talking Time
(Art/Music/History) / Weather Experts
Seasonal Changes
(Science/Art) / Weather Experts
Climates Around the World
Computing / E Safety,
We Are All Connected, / E Safety,
Young Investigators / E Safety,
Purple Mash, / E Safety,
Crazy Creatures / E Safety,
App Attack / E Safety,
Pictures Tell a Thousand Words
PE / Multiskills / Gymnastics / Games / Dance / Athletics / Multiskills
Leap into Life / Dance / Gymnastics / Circuit training / Games / Athletics
RE / Christianity
Who is a Christian and what do they believe?
What makes some places sacred?
How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times? / Islam
Who is Muslim and what do they believe?
What makes some places sacred?
How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times? / How should we care for others in the world and why does it matter?
(PHSCE link)
Music / Charanga – Hey You! / Charanga – Christmas Songs / Charanga – In The Groove / Charanga – Rhythm in the Way We walk
Banana Rap / Charanga – Round and Round / Charanga – Reflect, Rewind and Replay
PSHE / Meet the Go- Givers
Rules / Everybody, Somebody, Nobody, Anybody
Litter / Please Help Mitali
Expedition to Planet Blueball / The Selfish Little Red Hen
Get Better Soon / Bear Hunt
Save Our Jack / Caring For Pets
Our Community
Art / Art skills will be taught through topic, linked to other curriculum areas and as stand-alone sessions.
Knowledge/drawing/painting/printing/use of ICT
DT / DT skills will be taught through topic, linked to other curriculum areas and as stand-alone sessions.
Food / Sliders and Levers / Structures / Food