© 2014

Kanivets N.S., Master of Veterinary Medicine

Poltava State Agrarian Academy


The reviewer – I.I. Panikar, The candidate of Veterinary Science

The question of spreading of the tongue ulcers in cattle farms in the central region of Ukraine is explored in our article. As a result, product reviews slaughter found that in some farms of the Poltava region are affected nearly 32,6% of the animals. In Kotel’va, Reshetylivka, Chornuhy, Shyshaky districts of Poltava Region tongue ulcer registered between 15 and 37%. In regions of Sumy, Cherkasy and Kharkiv – 17–42%. Obtained data show a significant spreading of tongue ulcers in cattle in the investigated region.

Key words: cattle, ulcer, tongue, spread, a disease.

Problem statement. An analysis of information in investigated of the problem shows that the views both national and foreign scientists on the etiology of tongue ulcers in cattle rather contradictory [4, 6–9]. The disease develops as a result of injuries of the tongue by hard parts of roughage. Other scientists prove effect of infectious agents (including fungal origin) [6–9]. In addition, some researchers suggest that the main factor of the disease is nutritional, including low nutritional value of feed and animal nutrition deficiency ration [4]. Development of disease depends on the state metabolic processes general resistance, health of animals. It causes significant economic losses of livestock industry [1, 2, 3].

Analysis of recent researches and publications, which discuss the problem. According to the literature, ulceration of the tongue in cattle is quite widespread pathology [6]. First mentions of this disease in the available literature belong to the beginning of last century and belong to Breyyer (1901) [4]. Eventually this problem is reflected in the works of Nikolaus F. Hutira, J. Marek, V. Capatine, I. Crestea et al. [7, 9]. In the modern national literature, missing information regarding spreading of ulcers of the tongue in cattle in Ukraine. This article is a continuation of our numerous studies of this problem [5, 6].

The aim and objectives of research. The aim of the research was to study the spreading of tongue ulcers in cattle in Poltava region. To achieve it is necessary to analyze the results after slaughter inspection and establish a share of the tongue ulcers affection in cattle.

Materials and methods of research. Studying of spreading of the pathology we performed by analyzing the results of slaughtering animals on meat processing enterprises of Poltava city in the period 2009-2010. The origin of the animals established in accordance with veterinary documentation. We investigated the products of slaughtering (tongues) of cattle that received from farms of Kotel’va, Poltava, Reshetylivka, Chornuhy and Shyshaky districts of Poltava region . We determined the total number of animals from each district, the number of lesions of the tongue ulcer and it`s share.

Results. According to data obtained at the meat processing enterprises of the Poltava region received 833 heads of cattle. 400 of them were identified an ulcer of the tongue, an average of 48%. The largest share of lesions was recorded in the Poltava region – 72%, the lowest - in Zolotonosha – 15%. In Kotel’va, Shyshaky and Chornuhy areas this index ranged from 18 to 37%. Among the investigated animals from farms of Sumy region, smallest number of pathology of the tongue been registered in Nadryhalivka region (19%), the largest in Sumy (42%). Animals received for slaughter from Kharkiv, Cherkasy farms, the proportion of ulcers of the tongue ranged from 17 to 19%.

Analyzing the results of investigations of products of slaughter animals may be argued that the number of detected cases in the same region ranging from 15 to 72%. The results indicate that the ulcer of the tongue in cattle is a common pathology. Therefore, the prospect for further research is a comprehensive study of the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease.

Conclusions. The results of studies on meat processing enterprises of Poltava are found that the ulcer of the tongue in cattle is widespread in the central region of Ukraine and particularly in the Poltava region.


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