School District of Westfield
Regular School Board Meeting
April 16, 2014
I. President Brian Janke called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Board members present: Wagner, Floeter, B. Janke, Hebert II, Wastart, Pintar and S. Janke
John Eyerly, District Administrator was also present.
II. Pledge of allegiance
III. Motion by S. Janke/Floeter to approve the agenda-addendum 2. Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0.
IV. Public participation – Mary Goldsmith, district employee asked the Board to consider health insurance option B which would be more affordable for the support staff.
V. Recognition
A. Family and Consumer Science teacher Julie Miller was honored for her 31 years of service to the
district as she begins retirement at the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
B. The Forensics Team was recognized for being the South Central Conference Champions
C. Matt McGrath and Zane Kittleson were recognized for being selected to the WSMA State Honors Choir
VI. District Administrator’s announcements and reports (John Eyerly)
A. Newly elected board members Tom Wastart, Steve Janke, and Gerald Hebert II were sworn in.
B. Motion by Wagner/Floeter to select Steve Janke as the representative for the 2014 CESA 5 Annual Convention. Voice vote, motion carried.
C. After a very lengthy discussion a motion was made by Wastart/Hebert II to approve revision to the 2014-2015 school calendar changing spring break to March 23-27, 2015. Roll call vote, motion carried 6-1 with Steve Janke voting no.
D. Motion by Wastart/S. Janke to appoint Eric Nelson to the Pioneer Plan Committee.
Voice vote, motion carried.
VII. Committee Reports
A. Personnel
1. Motion by S. Janke/Wagner to approve health insurance plan C for the 2014-2015 school year with a 6.3% contribution by the administration/administrative support staff and a contribution equal to that of the rest of the staff for the 2015-2016 school year.
Roll call vote, motion fails 3-4 with B. Janke, S. Janke and Wagner voting yes and Floeter, Hebert, Wastart and Pintar voting no.
A motion was then made by Hebert/Pintar to approve health insurance plan 1C for the teaching and support staff. Roll call vote, motion fails 2-5 with Hebert and Pintar voting yes and Floeter, B. Janke, S. Janke, Wastart and Wagner voting no.
A motion was then made by S. Janke/Wastart to table action on the 2014-2015 health insurance until the May Board meeting. Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0.
2. Motion by Wagner/S. Janke to approve sick leave compensation for unused sick leave paid out at $50 per accrued day (minimum 60%, maximum 90 days) to any employee upon resignation or retirement in the form of a cash contribution to a health savings account or similar account for the purchase of health care. The employee must have at least (20) years of service to the district on the date of resignation or retirement.
Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0.
B. Building/Finance
1. Motion by Floeter/S. Janke to approve reimbursement of up to $150 for successful completion of initial CDL test. Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0.
C. Policy/Vision/Curriculum
1. Discussion on AP Courses and Dual Credit Classes
2. Review/approve revised policies
a. 0144.3 Bylaws
b. 2131.01 Reading Instructional Goals and Kindergarten Assessment
c. 3213 Student Supervision and Welfare
d. 3217 Weapons
e. 3430.01 Family & Medical Leave of Absence
f. 4213 Student Supervision and Welfare
g. 4217 Weapons
h. 4430.01 Family & Medical Leave of Absence
i. 5111 Eligibility of Resident/Nonresident Students
j. 7217 Weapons
k. 7440 Facility Security
l. 8310 Public Records
m. 9150 School Visitors
Motion by Wagner/S. Janke to approved revised polices as presented.
Voice vote, motion carried.
3. First reading of new policies
a. 1630.01 Family & Medical Leave of Absence
b. 5630.01 Use of Restraint and Seclusion with Students
c. 8605 Use of Electronic Wireless Communication Devices by District Employees who
Operate District-Owned or Operated Vehicles
VIII. Consent Agenda
A. Approve District Financial Statement, Payrolls, Vouchers 138292-138507 and Activity Account Vouchers 12050-12098
B. Approve contracts that need Board President’s signature
C. Approve Board Meeting Minutes of March 12, 2014
D. Approve Personnel Recommendations
1. Accept resignation of Jeremy Thoren, Cook, effective April 2, 2014
2. Accept resignation of Amanda Kirkham, Teacher at the end of the 2013-2014 school year
3. Hire Haley Fluderer, Family, Consumer and Science teacher
4. Accept resignation of Tami Janke, Varsity Volleyball Coach
5. Accept resignation of James Beers, Custodian
IX. Items from the consent agenda to be individually considered
Motion by S. Janke/Wagner to consider item VIII D4 individually. Voice vote, motion carried.
Motion by Wagner/S. Janke to consider VIII D3 individually. Voice vote, motion carried.
X. Motion by Wagner/ Hebert to approve Consent Agenda with the exception of VIII D3 and D4.
Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0.
A brief discussion was held before a motion was made by Wagner/Hebert to approve item
VIII D3 - Hire Haley Fluderer, Family Consumer and Science teacher.
Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0.
A motion was then made by Wagner/S. Janke to approve item VIII D4.
Roll call vote, motion carried 6-0, with Brian Janke abstaining.
XI. Identification of possible future agenda items – none
XII. Motion by S. Janke/Wagner to enter into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 19.85(1)(f) for the consideration of medical, social or personal histories of specific persons, or preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems, for the purpose of discussing an individual staff member's leave of absence.
Roll call vote, motion carried 7-0.
Recorder: D. Mockler
XIII. Consensus to move to open session at 9:15 pm.
XIV. Action, if necessary, on any closed session items - none
XV. Consensus to adjourn at 9:16 pm
Recorder: J. Hebert II