The regular meeting of the Hills City Council was held on Monday, February 23, 2009 at the Hills Fire station.

Mayor Russell Bailey opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. Council members present were: Steve Harris, Merle Hill, and Tim Kemp. Absent: Thom Kirkpatrick, and Cathy Knebel.

Others Present: Ron Wolfe, Maintenance, Jay Honohan, City Attorney, Bonnie Hansen, City Clerk; Marye Chaslavka, Molly Burke, Kristen Schiller A motion was made to accept the Consent Agenda by Kemp and seconded by Harris. Ayes: 3 Motion passed.

Public discussion was open and closed when there was no new discussion.

As City Attorney Honohan had to leave early, his report to the Council was moved to this time. Attorney Honohan reported on an email from Doug Eden, and an update on the Oakcrest Hill Road ownership. He expected more information on this later this week. Attorney Honohan left at 7:10.

A discussion was held regarding the Oakcrest Hill Road reconstruction. Mayor Bailey updated the Council on the Board of Supervisors meeting he attended and what was said there.

Resolution 2009-02 was presented. This concerns the wording for the vote for LOST tax issue coming up for election on May 5. A motion was made by Hill and seconded by Kemp to accept the resolution. Ballot reading for this vote shall be as follows:



A local sales and service tax shall be imposed in the City of Hills, Iowa at the rate of one percent (1%) to be effective from July 1, 2009 to June 20, 2014.

Revenues from the sales and service tax shall be allocated as follows:

0% for property tax relief

100% for the improvement of streets, sidewalks, storm sewers, sanitary sewer systems and parks

Roll Call was held. Ayes: 3 Resolution passed. After some discussion, the Council decided to set April 6 as for a town meeting to be held at the Community Center.

Discussion of the L L Pelling bid for street repair was held. It was decided to have Ron check for some other companies’ bids to see how they compare at this time as there was a large increase.

The renter/landlord disclosure form was presented and discussed. It was decided to continue this conversation when the City Attorney was present.

Resolution 2009-03 was presented to accept the FY 09-10 wages for the City employees. A motion was made by Kemp and seconded by Hill to pass this resolution. Ayes: 3 Roll Call was held. Resolution passed.

Discussion of the budget was held with the updates being discussed. Updates included were increases by Alliant Energy, wages and the construction of Oakcrest Hill Road.

A motion was made by Harris and seconded by Kemp to hold the Hills City Council Budget meeting for March 9, 2009 at the Hills Fire Station. Ayes: 3 Motion passed.

Mayor Bailey discussed the need of the Council to get NIMS training done as soon as possible. Clerk Bonnie Hansen updated the Council on emails from Johnson County Emergency Management meetings. Ron Wolfe, maintenance, discussed getting a dumpster for the summer again and the resumption of First Monday’s starting in March.

A motion was made at 8:10 PM to adjourn the meeting by Kemp and seconded by Harris. Ayes: 3 Motion passed.


Mayor Russell BaileyBonnie Hansen, City Clerk