SUNDAY, JANUARY 21st, 2018
President Ron Mackie called the meeting to order at 1:07 pm
Attending the Meeting were:
Executive Members: Ron Mackie, Rose Mackie, Rex Dorkings, Kevin Smith, Trena Ferrier and Aimee Bedell
House Representatives: Dave Reid
Absent: Patti Stephens, Pauline Brabant and Chris Anderson
A motion was put forward by Aimee Bedell, seconded by Rex Dorkingsto accept the agenda as presented. Carried.
A motion to accept the minutes from the December 17th, 2017 meeting as presentedby Dave Reid, seconded by Kevin Smith. Carried
O5 “Pinboard” Newsletter
At this time, the newsletter for January 2018 has not been posted. A newsletter for December 2017 wasn’t posted so nothing to discuss at this time.
Huronia Newsletter
Aimee gave Ron a copy of the January newsletter to discuss. Ron ready January’s Newsletter to all.
Hi-Low Doubles tournament was held on January 7th. Four winning teams (see Tournament report for list of winners) are moving on to Provincials in Hamilton. The Holiday Classic tournament will be held on February 18th at Bayshore Lanes. Registration is 9am for 9:30am start and 12:30pm for 1:00pm start.
Upcoming Competitive Coaching Course being held in Newmarket over the February 23rd-25th weekend (February 23rd 7pm-9:30pm and February 24th & 25th 9am-5pm). Contact Cathy Davidson at for more information or contact O5PBA to pay your non-refundable $100.00 deposit.
High Scores for January: Becky Schaub 375 Single and Anthony Mucci 952 Triple.
Booster Club tickets are going fast. See any Huronia Board member for tickets. $20.00 each. Cash prizes and a tournament for ticket holders (must be a registered member of O5 to bowl in the tournament).
Record Scores for December 2017** were read aloud (see January Newsletter on for list of winners)
**During the meeting it was discovered that the Male Bowler of the Month for Class Two should actually be in Class Four. Trena will contact Patti regarding this error so that the proper Class Two Bowler can be recognized for both the single and triple category. The bowler’s scores for December are not high enough to beat out the current Class Four bowlers so no other changes besides Class Two are needed.
New O5 Board Members
The following people are now members of the O5 Board –Steve Feltham, Michelle Murray and Mitch Pape
Tournament Committee 05 – Re: Holiday Classic Rule 8-C
Holiday Classic Rule 8-C states that if a bowler qualifies to bowl in the zone finals in two leagues, they may bowl for both teams providing the schedule fits. If the schedule does not permit, the bowler must bowl on the team from the league where their average is highest.
This problem has occurred this year somewhere within O5 but the green book (rule book) does not have any other ways listed to determine what team a bowler bowls on. As Huronia President Ron Mackie sits on the tournament committee for O5, he has been asked to make a suggestion on how to proceed. Suggestions from other committee members have been draw from a hat and flip a coin. Ron’s suggestion is to extend the percentage factor on the average – carry it over to decimal points. The Tournament Committee has decided to adjust the rules for the Holiday Classic (8-C) and will get a final reading at convention.
Minutes from Blue Mountain
Ron requested meeting minutes from Blue Mountain. As they are part of the zone, Huronia should be receiving them monthly.
Ron reminded everyone that we are volunteers, that we donate our time. Last year there was a situation which resulted in revising the tournament committee. Kevin and Rex were approved to receive mileage but no one else was approved to be compensated in any way. Ron advised both Rex and Kevin that if they need assistance there are other members on the board that will be and should be available at any time to assist should they need any help with some of the tournaments. Ron also wanted to advise everyone that if he is asking about reports being sent in, he is doing so because he is also looking after the incentive awards. If you can’t remember what day you sent in the report that is fine but please respond back letting him know that the report was sent in.
Trena wanted to inform the board about the meeting minutes from last month, specifically the section under Publicity for Aimee’s Chair report. In the minutes it was stated that Aimee was having a hard time sending in the newsletter due to mailboxes at O5 being full. Aimee wasn’t sure how it would affect the incentive points. Trena informed the board that after the minutes were sent to O5 last month, Brenda Hamilton sent an email back stating emails received at O5 go to everyone and that Aimee’s newsletter was received and that incentive points would be earned. Trena wanted to inform the board about the emails that go to O5 and to let the Board know that their emails are seen at O5 by others besides the person the report was sent to.
Coaching Co-Ordinator
Kevin has nothing new to report at this time. Kevin is hoping to get more evaluations done on those that took the course last June. Only two people have been evaluated, ten more still need to be evaluated.
Lane Certification
Doesn’t require anything here. Ron’s lane certification helped this past month with the perfect game.
As Patti is away and unable to attend the meetings, she has read the meeting minutes from the previous meeting and has forwarded a report to Trena to be read to the board.
Motion to go by C5 for pins – Patti reiterated that C5 states four pins per season and you must bowl 100 & 150 pins over your average to receive a pin. Patti has spoken to Ron regarding this to confirm Huronia is leaving it at two pins per season and 75 & 125 pins over and just changing it so that you can receive the pins again the following year if therequirements are met.
Treasurer Report – In the minutes under the Treasurer report, it states there was an invoice for $152.84. Patti was wondering what the invoice was for. Rose answered, saying the invoice was for the website.
Organized 5 Pin Bowling in Huronia – Patti agrees with Ron and believes that we do need to work together as a board but feels there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. Patti feels you need to respect other people’s abilities to do their jobs and believes you should ask if you can help and go directly to them with your ideas or concerns.
Awards & Record Scores Chair Report –While preparing December’s bowler of the month winners, it was discovered that some bowlers were in the wrong class. As per the secretary handbook, a bowler bowling in more than one league must use their highest league average for zone record scores. Patti asked Trena to help go through the average book to make sure there were no more discrepancies. Quite a few more errors were found for various problems i.e. number of games, last years average and the rolling average. Rose asked how these errors were found and was informed by Trena that the Huroniaaverage book was compared to the O5 average book online. Rose was given a list of all the found errors so that she could go through them herself and as a way for someone else to double check.
Incentive Awards
Ron believes from the looks of things our reporting has been relatively good and doesn’t believe we are having any problems with the incentives
Booster Tickets
Rose thanked those that brought their tickets back. Rex requested a few more tickets to sell. Rose hopes to have all the tickets sold by the next meeting. Once sold, we will then begin asking ticket holders if they are going to bowl in the tournament so we can get the tournament going. Booster ticket draw will be held at the March 18th meeting.
Hockey Pool
Kevin asked if we need another hockey pool. If we hold another hockey pool, it will be near the end of the season. A decision will be made at the February meeting with Kevin preparing the packages for the March meeting if all are in agreeance. If we go ahead with the hockey pool, we will use the Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Montreal Canadiens game on Saturday, April 7th.
Treasurer Report
Rose wanted to let everyone know that the numbers she gave us last month coincided with the bank statement and every thing balances.
End of November Balance was $13,868.81
Withdrawals for December
$4,180.00O5 Invoices (Youth Challenge Assessment and December Membership)
$14.37Service Charge for excessive bills from the Open deposited into the bank ($2.50 per $1,000)
Deposits for December
$5,105.00Open Tournament
$422.001 Membership plus $300.00 donation
The balance after all has been withdrawn and deposited is $11,672.63.
Deposits for January
With the deposit of $2,308.00, the new bank balance is $13,980.63.
Withdrawals for January
$2,276.95January Membership
$2,066.80Holiday Classic Assessment
$1,635.45Triples Assessment
$477.06Executive Assessment
$107.35Graffiti Arts - Perfect Game
$490.00Graffiti Arts - Shirts
$46.88Rose’s expense (ink and postage)
$24.87Credit Note (Travel Credit Note for the Seniors from 2016/2017 season)
With the credit note of $24.87, the total amount of money going out in January is $7,075.62 bringing the bank balance to $6,905.01.
Travel Expense – it was decided by the board to leave the travel expense at $15.00for those bowler’s going onto the Provincial rounds.
A motion to accept the financial report as presented by Aimee Bedell, seconded by Kevin Smith. Carried.
Open Tournament Financials
$9,135.00Money Taken In
$9,755.00Total Money Brought In
$2,137.50Lineage at Bayshore Lanes
$2,092.50Lineage at Circled Pine Lanes
$120.00Volunteer Expense
$2,730.00Open Assessment
$7123.13Total Expenses for the Open not including Shirts or the $100.00 given to each Coach
$2,631.00Balance from the Open not including shirts or money given to Coaches
High-Low Doubles Financials
$2,861.00Bowling Entries
$1,760.0088 Bowlers – Zone Round
$4621.00Total Money Brought In
$2,245.00High-Low Assessment
$137.86Two extra teams
$60.00Volunteer Expenses
$3831.00Total expenses for the High-Low not including shirt and travel expense
$1,189.60Balance from the High-Low Doubles not including shirts and travel expenses
Aimee advised everyone that the newsletter is done and has been emailed to everyone. She hasn’t received any scores lately to post on the website.
98 Tournament Members (62 Males & 36 Females)
298 Regular Members (141 Males & 157 Females)
35 Senior Members (18 Males & 17 Females)
3 YBC Under 18 (3 Males)
3 YBC Grads (2 Males & 1 Female)
29 Duplicate Members (20 Males & 9 Females)
466 Members Total (246 Males & 220 Females)
Tournament Director
High-Low Doubles
The Zone Finals were held at Barrie Bowlerama on January 7th, 2018. There were 44 teams (88 bowlers) with the top four teams going to Provincials in Hamilton on February 24th, 2018. The winning teams are:
1st Place – Monica Blatherwick and Gail Grainge +157
2nd Place – Monique Torraville and Bob Puddicombe +148
3rd Place – Craig Denstedt and Don Gliddon +146
4th Place – Abby Jewel and Wayne Forth +146
Outstanding Scores went to the following bowlers:
Ladies High Single Flat – Carrie Dixon 330Men’s High Single Flat – Tim Thompson 275
Ladies High Triple Flat – Monica Blatherwick 765Men’s High Triple Flat – Mike Torraville 772
Ladies High Single POA – Ashley Ladouceur +96Men’s High Single POA – Tim Thompson +124
Ladies High Triple POA – Ashley Ladouceur +107Men’s High Triple POA – Tim Thompson +122
Holiday Classic
This will be the next tournament. It will be held on February 18th at Bayshore Lanes. 26 teams expected.
Perfect Game Presentation
Ron went to Bayshore Lanes on Wednesday. He was able to interrupt the bowling and in front of everyone in the bowling alley, present Anthony Mucciwith a shirt, jacket, a 450 bar and plaque for bowling a perfect 450 game in January. Ron had an excellent response from Anthony. Ron also took the opportunity to advise bowler’s of the importance of being a member should they ever bowl a perfect game.
Board Members (new)
Ron advised the Board that Charles Cooper will be coming back to assist with Huronia. He will be returning at the February meeting and will be coming on as a Director.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Kevin Smith, seconded by Aimee Bedell. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:18pm.
The next meeting will be held on Sunday, February 11th, 2018at Quality Inn Barrie (55 Hart Drive). This meeting will be held from – 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.
As recorded by Trena Ferrier, Secretary of H5PBA