Greenup County Schools

District Comprehensive Communications Plan

GreenupCountySchool District Communications

45 Musketeer Drive

Greenup, KY 41144


Rev. 2012


The best choice for your education, the best choice for our future.


To provide a high-quality, world-class education that ensures college/career readiness for every student through excellence in teaching and learning.

Strategic Objectives

  • Implement an evidence-based approach to leadership development.
  • Develop and implement a data-driven system for hiring and evaluating personnel.
  • Become a data-driven organization in all aspects of decision-making at both the district and school levels


GCSD is committed to a culture of respect that includes trust, equity, integrity and pride.

GCSD has high expectations for all students, believing that all children can learn at high levels.

GCSD is committed to continuous improvement through evaluating and improving our work and monitoring student performance data.

GCSD is committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure that every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, language proficiency, or disability, learns and succeeds.

GCSD shares responsibility for student learning with all stakeholders including students, parents, staff and community.

GCSD maximizes learning by making student focused, data-driven decisions.

The GreenupCountySchool District is committed to open, honest, and clear communication with our stakeholders. We understand that nurturing and maintaining two-way communication is an essential to building relationships that support a thriving school system.

This plan was designed to focus on building trust and support for the GCSD among various stakeholders, including parents, students, taxpayers, and staff. The strategies outlined in this plan will address ways for the district to enhance communication with both internal and external publics. The plan is a working document that will be reviewed at least annually by the district communication team.

The Comprehensive Communications Plan is intended to do the following:

  • Fosterstrong relationships with district stakeholders.

  • Promote and increase positive, two-way communication with all stakeholders, both internal and external.

  • Provide framework for information to be shared in a timely and consistent manner.


Type of Public


Selection Rationale

/ Demographics / Psychographics / Media Links
Primary: GreenupCountySchool District Community / Are taxpayers in the community; some have children in the school district / Ages 18-70, live in school district, most are married and/or have children, many are seniors with no “real” connection to district, have varying incomes, little ethnicity / Are very busy due to jobs, children, etc.
Are generally concerned about the improvement of local schools.
Many rely on “word of mouth” for information relating to schools / Targeted newsletters
Faculty and Staff
Local Media Outlets
Primary: GreenupCountySchool District Employees / Serve as a community figures representing the school system / Ages 22-65, full and part-time staff, live in or around school district, have varying incomes, mostly female, little ethnicity / Busy with work and home life, but also involved in the school system on a personal level.
Many are “key communicators” in the areas in which they live. / Employee newsletters
Board meeting highlights
Word of mouth
Local Media Outlets
Secondary: GreenupCountySchool District Students / Are involved in everyday actions within the school district; serve as a liaison for parents and school faculty/ staff / Ages 5-18, attend school in Greenup County, most live at home with a parent or guardian, have minimal discretionary income, little ethnicity / Focus on friends and social life. Some participate in extra-curricular activities. Most do not worry about the improvement of the school system. / School newsletters
Word of mouth
Faculty and Staff
Local Media Outlets
Secondary: Community Media / Create interest in school system through media coverage / Local newspaper, radio and news staff / Are usually searching for a story, tend to do negative coverage of the school system. / Press releases
Word of mouth
Faculty and Staff


Key Findings from the 2012 Parent/Community Communication Survey:

  • 87% of parents have access to information about upcoming events, news and activities concerning their children’s education.
  • 85% can easily gain information about their child’s progress from the teacher.
  • 83% have multiple ways to communicate with those involved in their children’s education.
  • 83% responded that e-mail is the most helpful way to keep parents informed. 53% phone calls; 53% school newsletters.
  • 68% rate communication at their child’s school as excellent or good.
  • 57% rate communication with the district as excellent or good.
  • When asked how we can improve communication, common themes included:
  • Updating IC regularly.
  • Greater use of email as a communication tool with teachers and improving response rates.
  • Updating school websites and calendars more frequently.
  • Providing notification of upcoming school events in a timely manner.

Key Findings from the 2011 Staff TELL Survey

  • 74% believe that his/her school maintains clear, two-way communication with the community.
  • 74% believe the schools do a good job of encouraging parent/guardian involvement.
  • 92% believe that teachers provide parents/guardians with useful information about student learning.
  • 76% believe that parents/guardians know what is going on in the schools.


Goal 1: Promote, facilitate and enhance internal communication in the GreenupCountySchool District.

Objective: By February 2014, the overall, combined communications rating of “excellent/good” among staff members will rate in the 80th percentile or above.


/ Tactics / On Point /


Measure staff perceptions about district communication efforts. / Staff TELL surveys completed bi-annually to direct communications and measure staff perceptions at the district and school levels. / Director of PR / Spring 2013 and bi-annually
Staff surveys completed and disaggregated bi-annually to direct district internal communication efforts. / Director of PR / Jan 2014 and bi-annually
Increase exposure to district communication regarding key initiatives, strategies and goals. / Publish Employee Newsletter “News You Can Use” monthly (via e-mail, posted on website, and hard copies available for transportation staff). Includes: high-level district news; attendance data; Did You Know; Classroom Spotlights / Director of PR / Monthly
Update the Employee Directory yearly and make available on district website. / Director of PR / July/August
Provide key employee resources through district website (forms, policies, financial information, etc.) / DLT / Ongoing
Provide weekly “Friday Fast Facts” to keep staff updated on district initiatives in a timely manner, and allow feedback. / Director of PR / Fridays
Provide an avenue for direct two-way communication with the Superintendent. / Staff/Superintendent round table groups (classified; certified). Reps will share ideas/concerns from constituents and receive immediate feedback. / Director of PR
Superintendent / Monthly
Weekly Superintendent updates to BOE. / Superintendent / Weekly
Use district email list serv’s to share pertinent information and provide an avenue for immediate feedback and questions. (information from meetings, news releases, etc) / Director of PR / As needed
Provide school-level opportunities for staff to share success stories and connect to district communication initiatives. / Each school will continue to support a School Communications Contact through the FRYSC. CC’s will:
  • Speak to staff about CC roles and processes.
  • Contact media, community and or district PR department regarding events and PR opportunities at the school level.
  • Serve as communication liaison to staff and volunteers.
/ Director of PR
Principals / Ongoing
Direct e-mail links to all staff via listserv with opportunity for immediate feedback. / Technology Dept. / As needed
Create quick form for schools to utilize when reporting an upcoming event to the school CC or the district communications office. / Director of PR / January 2013
Create clear, consistent messages for new employees / Complete yearly new staff orientation for classified and certified employees, including communications processes. / Dir. District-wide Programs
Director of PR / August yearly
Develop staff orientation materials that include key messages and district initiatives. / Dir. District-wide Programs
Director of PR / July yearly
Manage the district website and promote it as the primary source of information for staff members. / Provide update training sessions for employees who are responsible for making departmental updates to the websites. / Technology Dept. / As needed
Update website content regularly to provide up-to-date information and resources for teachers and staff. / Technology Dept.
Principals / Ongoing
Provide ongoing professional development and training for administrators and staff members. / Offer relevant training to administrators and staff including:
  • Use of CIITS and ASSIST to share effective teaching strategies.
  • Annual EMRP updates and training.
  • Communication training for front-line staff.
  • Provide web training for new district and school-level personnel as appropriate.
  • Continue to provide SchoolCast training and consultation.
  • New teacher orientation.
/ DLT / Ongoing
Supply administrators with fact sheets, talking points and other easy-to-use communication tools when issues arise. / Director of PR / As needed
Enhance staff understanding of communication function. / Develop official communication guidelines to clarify district flow of information. / Director of PR / Winter 2013
Create and distribute organizational charts outlining decision-making process, reporting and accountability structure. / Superintendent / July 2013
Provide avenues to recognize “outstanding employees” /
  • Employee and community newsletter spotlights
  • Press releases
  • Board of Education meetings Points of Order
  • Opportunities for successful staff members to take leadership roles
  • Point of Order prior to regular BOE meetings
/ Director of PR
School CC’s / Ongoing
Goal 2: Promote, facilitate and enhance parent, student, and community involvement in GreenupCountySchool District education programs.

Objective: By February 2014, the overall, combined communications rating of “excellent/good” among parents and community members will increase by 5%.

Strategy / Tactics / On Point / Timeline
Measure parent/community perceptions about district communication / Communication surveys completed and disaggregated bi-annually to direct district external communication efforts. / Director of PR / January 2012
Increase electronic communication regarding key initiatives, strategies, goals and emergency information. / Publish Parent/Community Newsletter “News You Can Use” monthly (via e-mail and posted on website). Includes: high-level district news; attendance data; Did You Know; Classroom Spotlights. Each school will develop a school-level newsletter. / Director of PR
School CC’s / Monthly
Maintain active parent/community leader e-mail lists and provide up-to the minute information as needed and allow for feedback/two-way communication. / Director of PR / Ongoing
Maintain/implement the SchoolCast alert system and recommend best practices for school usage. / Director of PR / Ongoing
Provide weekly “Friday Fast Facts” to keep parents/community updated on district initiatives in a timely manner, and allow feedback. / Director of PR / Fridays
Implement and maintain the district app for smartphone and publicize the district app for Infinite Campus. / Director of PR
Tech. Dept. / Ongoing
Maintain district and school websites with up-to-date information, including event calendars, class syllabi, school report cards, board meeting notes, etc. / Director of PR
Tech Dept.
Principals / Ongoing
Research and define a process for tracking, monitoring and responding to stakeholder complaints. / Director of PR
Superintendent / Spring 2013
Utilize key communicator networks to involve stakeholders in district education issues and develop ties with the group leaders. / Facilitate monthly round table meetings prior the each regular Board meeting to keep stakeholders apprised of district initiatives and foster two-way communication. / Superintendent / Monthly
Continue regular superintendent’s forums to foster awareness and open dialogue with parents and community members. / Superintendent / Quarterly
Maintain contact with local Stuart committee (made up of business and community leaders) to create two-way communication and expand the impact of partnerships with the district and schools. / Superintendent / Ongoing
Increase awareness of volunteer opportunities in schools through recruitment and retention of volunteers. Provide yearly volunteer training. / FRYSC’s / Ongoing
Establish strong positive connections between the district, individual schools and the community. / Continue to facilitate annual school spirit week events district-wide to bring community members into the schools and develop a sense of school/district pride. HoldSchool Spirit Night at GCHS on the Thursday of SSW. / Director of PR
School CC’s
FRYSC / Annually
Maintain Hall of Fame project to honor GC graduates/ staff who have made great contributions to society or the district. / Director of PR
21C Coordinator / Bi-annually
Maintain senior citizen pass program to provide free entry to interscholastic events for community members age 62 and older. / Director of PR / August 2010
Maintain “Point of Order” to showcase student successes/projects prior to each regular BOE meeting. / Director of PR
Superintendent / Monthly
Continue quarterly Title I parent meetings focusing on education topics (ie: assisting your child with content areas, state testing, etc.) / TI Coordinator Director of PR
Schools will continue to send “good notes” home to highlight individual student successes. / Principals
FRYSC’s / Monthly
Conduct parent/teacher conferences at each school. / Principals / Fall and/or Spring
Generate increased student input/involvement in Greenup County Schools / Complete student customer focus surveys as part of the PGES process. / Dir. District-wide Programs / TBA
Develop school-level recognition programs for students scoring proficient or distinguished on the state testing cycle. / Principals / Fall
Continue Student Ambassador program to meet with supt. and/or GCHS principal on a bi-monthly basis. Students will have more buy-in and a direct link to administration. / GCHS Principal
Superintendent / Ongoing
Expand student service opportunities (volunteering, clubs, etc) at the secondary level. / GCHS CSAM
21C Director
Showcase student work during annual district-wide Evening with the Arts Program. / FRYSC’s / Ongoing
Enhance media relations to increase district messaging to stakeholders. / Provide school communication contacts with an up-to-date media contact list. / Director of PR / Ongoing
Create a district communication process, including media contacts. / Director of PR / Winter 2013
Maintain event calendar to provide stories on “slow news days”. Contact media in advance relating to calendar items via press release or personal contact. / Director of PR
School CC’s / Ongoing
Continue GCHS Musketeer Minute during radio broadcast of sporting events. / GCHS Tech Lab Inst.
Principal / Ongoing

School-Level Communications Contacts:

AES / Emily Stephenson
GES / Angie Elkins / Emily Stephenson
MES / Gaila Brown / Jody Justice
WES / Jean Tharp / Stephanie Phillips
MMS / Jody Justice / Gaila Brown
WMS / Stephanie Phillips / Tamsyn Oakes
GCHS / Sandra Ferrer / Pete Phillips / Andrea Daniels
District / Scarlet Shoemaker / Steve Hall / District Leadership Team