Dear Parents/Carers
Where has the term gone?! How the weeks have flown by!It’s been another busy term…
Welcome to Gagandeep Gora (Gagan) who has joinedPrimary 2 recently.
Rotary Primary Quiz
Five of our Primary 6/7 pupils (Chloe Ross, JJ McGhee, Hannah Watson, Evie Davies & Alexandros Mavrommatis) took part in the Rotary Primary Quiz in February. We are delighted that we came third equal this year, which was a fantastic result.
The children enjoyed themselves and did themselves, their families and their school proud. Very well done!
Just a reminder that for health & safety reasons, dogs are not permitted in the school grounds. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Can I ask parents to refrain from using residents driveways around school to turn their cars?
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Parent Council News
It was a very successful Bingo Night last month –we had a lot more turning up than we had anticipated which is fantastic! We had £455 profit so thank you to everyone that made this a success.
Dates for your Diary –
SPRING FAIR is Sat 20 May 10-12
BBQ is Fri 16 June 6pm
Tempest Class photos – Friday 21stApril
The photographer will be here to take class photos (Nursery – P7) on Friday 21st April.
Individual photos have already been taken this session, so they will not be done at this time.
After school clubs next term
You will have already received a note home with information about after school clubs for next term.
Unfortunately there will be NO FOOTBALL next term. Thank you so much to John Hinds and Graeme Penny for all their hard work and efforts over the session.
Port Calendars
Thank you to everyone that bough a Port calendar. There was £112 profit which will go to Children in Need.
Last day of term – visit to the church
Primary 1-7 are visiting the church on the last day of term, Friday 31st March. This visit is for pupils only and we would request that pupils are wearing uniform on that day. Please ensure that your child is wearing suitable clothing to walk to and from the church. Thank you for your cooperation.
Garioch Run
Well done to all our pupils that took part in the Garioch Run on Sunday 26th March. They all did so well! It was excellent to see so many pupils taking part. Congratulations to our members of staff that completed the run too!
Active Travel Breakfast
We had a very successful Travel Breakfast last month with nearly 50 coming for breakfast! There will be another one this Thursday, 30th March, so please return your form as soon as possible if you would like to participate.
Sponsored Spell Money
Thank you to everyone that collected money for the Sponsored Spelling event during Literacy Week. We raised an amazing £447.50 which will be spent on additional literacy resources for school.
Garioch Care Home winners
Well done to our 3 Garioch Care home competition winners! Well done to Alfie who won first prize! His design will be put onto a fundraising teatowel which will be available to buy. Congratulations to Rhona and Jenna who were 2nd and 3rd prize winners. The pupils won a Smyths token
Dates for your diary
Fri 31 March - Last day of school. School closes at usual time for Easter holidays.
Tues 18 April – First day back at school.
Fri 21 April - Photographer here for class photos
Mon 1 May – School closed for May Day
Fri 5 May – Reports issued
Wed 10 May – 3.30-6. Parents’ appointments.
Thurs 11 May – 6-8.30. Parents’ appointments.
Further information about this to follow.
Sat 20 May – Parent Council May Fair, 10-12 noon. All welcome!
Mon 5 June – School closed for Inverurie holiday
Fri 30 June – Last day of the session. School closes at the usual time.
Tue 22 August – First day of new session for P2-7 pupils.
Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss any matter further. You are invited to comment on the return pro-forma on any aspect of school whether as a comment/suggestion, compliment or concern. These are responded to as and when necessary.
Finally, please sign and return the slip below to say you’ve received and noted the contents of this newsletter.
Yours sincerely
Nic Boyle
Head Teacher
Comment/Suggestion, Compliment or Concern
Signature…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………March 2017