2008Title III Needs Assessment and Improvement Plan

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

K-12 Programs

Due date: April 15, 2008

Title III, Sec. 3122(b)(2)

“If a State educational agency determines, based on the annual measurable achievement objectives described in subsection (a), that an eligible entity has failed to make progress toward meeting such objectives for 2 consecutive years, the agency shall require the entity to develop an improvement plan that will ensure that the entity meets such objectives. The improvement plan shall specifically address the factors that prevented the entity from achieving such objectives.”

LEA: ______DATE: ______


Please refer to the Guidance for LEA Needs Assessment and Title III Improvement Plan document for assistance.Another excellent resource isTeaching Literacy to K-5 English Learners Planning Template for Working with Schoolsfrom the Doing What Works ED.gov web site. (Most aspects of the K-5 planning template are also appropriate for all content areas and secondary grades.)


Definition: A well-planned and well-organized process that examines and gathers data on every aspect of a district’s program, practices, and population, which includes all stakeholders.

  1. What types of data were used to determine areas of need: outcome data, demographic data, and/or process data?
  1. List the specific data that were analyzed under those three categories.
  1. What are the greatest areas of need in your LEA?
  1. What patterns of strengths and weaknesses were discovered from data analysis?
  1. Are the areas of need in specific language domains, or in specific schools or grade levels?
  1. Please include all relevant details.


Purpose: To analyze data patterns that form the basis of improvement plans to bring about improved achievement results.

Specify AMAO 3 Sub-target(s) missed:

Note: Both the percent proficient and the participation rate must be met in order to meet each sub-target.

Grades 3-8 Reading Participation Grades 3-8 Reading% ProficientIndicate # of Years Missed _____

Grades 3-8 Math Participation Grades 3-8 Math % ProficientIndicate # of Years Missed _____

Grade 10 Reading ParticipationGrade 10 Reading % ProficientIndicate # of Years Missed _____

Grade 10 Math Participation Grade 10 Math % ProficientIndicate # of Years Missed _____

  1. What are your goals for improvement? (Re-structuring your program? Targeted staff development? Etc.)
  1. Who is involved in this effort? (Curriculum Coaches? Selected content teachers? Curriculum coordinators? Community members?)
  1. How will you implement those goals?
  1. What is your timeline?
  1. How will these goals improve the success of your LEP students?

Please use the chart below to outline your improvement plan. An additional narrative description may be included, but is not required for submission.

Title III Improvement Plan 2008


Target Student Group(s) / Goal for improvement / Who is involved (Include ESL staff and others.) / How it will be implemented / Timeline / How LEP student success will improve

Title III Improvement Plan 2008