WU E.I.D Council
2016-17 Report

WU’s E.I.D. Council was formed in February 2016 and has been meeting twice a month. Council includes representatives form Facilities, External Relations, program, Administration and Dining.

VCFA EID 2016 Survey

Promoted the VCFA 2016 EID Survey
67.7% response rate (missed goal)

Met with Nai-Fen Su to better understand our 2016 EID Survey data.

E.I.D.- Leadership Team Retreats

June 21, 2016 Leadership Team-E.I.D Retreat

Reviewed EID Survey Data Results, skill development with discussion on becoming a Safe Space.

Asst. Directors agreed to the following action items:

Dining – focus on respect in the workplace. Have conversations about what respect looks like. Will work on building capacity and awareness among supervisors. Will utilize Ted Talks, content Experts.
Ext. Relations – provide better customer service with other WU departments.
Facilities - focus on resources and what the staff need. Will review org chart, re-write position descriptions and will look for opportunities for staff to grow.
Director’s Office – create monthly newsletter for employees, develop annual calendar of engagement events; schedule regular listening sessions with Director & Deputy Director; bring EID Council and Leadership Team together at least twice a year; offer opportunities for staff to come together and process major events.
Director – focus on compensation for employees.

February 3, 2017 E.I.D – LT Retreat
Retreat was focused on one of the Union’s lowest scores from the 2017 EID Survey>
Developed ideas for better preparing our staff for promotional opportunities

Leadership Institute

Actively recruited staff to participate in the Leadership Institute. 4 participated in 2015-16 and started out with 11 for 2016-27. Nine completed the program.


Developed Mission, Vision, Goals and Values. Shared with Union staff as well as Union Council

Evaluated the new hiring on-boarding and mentor program. Shared recommendations with Ben Clark.

Funding secured for E.I.D. initiatives for 2017-18

Announced tuition assistance pilot program.

Developed Patron Code of Conduct

Council will review WU workforce data by female and minority status every six months (starting June 2017)

Agreed to officially refer to our group as the WU E.I.D. Council


Developed E.I.D. page on the Union’s website.

Communicated with staff on how to report incidents of Hate and Bias including cyber attacks

Attended a Building Manager Meeting to talk about resources and how to help students/patrons and how to report Hate/Bias (fall 2016)

Posted flyer(s) at the sites of hateful vandalism

Attended Fall Gathering (2016) to introduce the Council, and the Council’s Mission, Vision and Goals as well as seek feedback.

Hosted Listening Sessions following Presidential Election and served as facilitators

Held discussion on Hamilton (the Musical)

Offered free screening of the documentary 13th.

Offered discussion on 13th following film screening.

Spring Gathering:
Surveyed staff on engagement & development needs
Representative from Employee Assistance and Ombuds provided an overview on their service at all 3 Gatherings

April Leadership Staff meeting discussed performance evaluations and professional development

Sent email to all Union staff encouraging them to vote in the Spring Election

Book Group – read 35 Dumb Things Well-intended People Say: surprising Things We Say That Widen the Diversity Gap(summer 2017)

Misc. Training

Three Union staff completed STOP THE HATE! Professional development program for trainers on bias & hate crime prevention on college campuses (summer 2016)

Four Union staff attended the Step Up workshop on recruiting & hiring (May 2016)

Held Evicted Book Group

Brought in Futurist Garry Golden for staff workshop

Staff Picnic includes tour of Native American images, burial mounds etc.

Campus Initiatives

Each area of the WU actively participated in the Campus Diversity Framework

Encouraged staff to attend the fall 2016 Diversity Forum

Good participation by Union staff at winter Campus Conversations offered by VCFA (2017)

Offered Active Shooter Response Training three times for all staff including third shift. Also added session for students.