Classroom Expectations and Policies

I do not have classroom rules. “Rules” has a negative implication and are really just something to break. Instead of rules, we will have expectations. This is behavior I expect from every student in the classroom and what is posted as “Daily Expectations:”

1. Respect your classmates, teachers, and their things.

2. Be responsible for your work and your behavior.

3. Give your best effort.

4. Raise your hand to speak.

5. Be a great listener to the person speaking.

These expectations are set up to create the best learning environment possible. That means students feel safe and comfortable. That is how I see my classroom. It is a place for students to share the learning experience. We are all friends. At PSE there is no bullying policy! We do not threaten each other in any way (physically, verbally, mentally, or emotionally). My class is a class of character! We take pride in that. We are here to encourage and support each other. I honestly consider building character and relationships as important, if not more important, as the content we will be learning.

But…because I know this isn’t a perfect world and none of us are perfect, I know there will be times when expectations may not be met for various reasons. For those unfortunate times, my classroom behavior system will be a ticket system. Students earn tickets for meeting expectations and losing tickets for neglecting their manners, PSE school rules, or responsibilities. Students are expected to be responsible for all their work, which includes homework…if students do not have homework that means they will lose a ticket for each part of the assignment(s) not finished or “forgotten.”

Students will get 3 tickets each day. The ticket master will place these tickets on everyone’s desk daily. They will lose tickets for not meeting classroom expectations. As a class, we will determine the “amount” each expectation not met will be worth in tickets. On the last Friday of the month, your child will get to trade in their tickets for prizes. Items found in the treasure chest will have various ticket amounts, ranging from 5 tickets and up. When the items are sent into the class from our volunteer “treasure hunters,” I will assign those items a certain ticket amount depending on the size and desirability of the items. Your child will then have a choice in what they deem “ticket worthy.”

If you have any questions about classroom expectations or the behavior system, please feel free to contact me at .

Thank you so much. This is going to be a great year!


Sarah McMurray