Minutes of the Board Meeting of St. Mary’s Island Residents Association Ltd. held at The Community Centre on Tuesday 20th September 2011
Commencing at 7.00 pm.
Chairman: David Taylor
Directors: Rosemary Goodson, Leslie James, and Tricia Matthewman
Visiting Committee Members:
Bob Muid, Clare Muid, Laura Turner, Sonia Bunn, Steve Farrin, Robert Baker, Simon Taylor, Paul Witty, Carol Curness de Witty, Irene McGregor, Mike Warren, Barry Woolford, Alan White, Brian Viney and Brenda Broady.
CMT Representatives:
Heather Kerswell (Interim CEO) and John Grimes Estate Manager
Local Councillors:
Andrew Mackness and Craig Mackinlay
Invited Guests:
Alastair Hand Marina Manager MDL Chatham Maritime
Apologies for Absence:
Allan Sneller
Extraordinary Item: Chatham Maritime Marina
Alastair Hand of MDL had been invited to the meeting to give a short presentation about the operation of the marina in general and its interface with the residents in particular.
AH advised that the marina played an important role in opening up Chatham maritime and Medway generally to a large number of overseas visitors.
DT advised that , as far as he was aware, there were three areas of the lock and MDL’s operation in Basin 1 that were of particular concern to the Island residents.
1)The alternative means of pedestrian access over the lock when the bascule bridge was raised.
DT advised that SEEDA had recently spent a considerable sum to overcome MDL health and safety concerns regarding this and yet this access had been closed yet again for what looked like being a considerable time. It is also a requirement under the recently renewed lease that MDL keep this access open.
AH acknowledged the requirement under the lease and explained that the current reason for closing this access was as a result of the necessary introduction of new bridge interlocking software that had caused a problem with the safety gates and that they were now deemed unsafe to operate. MDL have resolved the problem but will not be implementing a solution until the lock shutdown in February 2012.
2)The regular and effective clearing of rubbish from Basin 1 and the northeast corner and under the bridge in particular.
AH accepted the need to do this more regularly and thoroughly and advised that a special boat had been in operation to do this. DT had seen this boat in operation and felt that it was not particularly effective. AH confirmed his awareness of this problem and would seek to improve the situation in future. MDL were looking into the use of a special boat with a stainless steel bucket. They will also continue to remove the vegetation from the basin walls.
3)The length of time in any hour that the bascule lifting bridge can remain open.
AH explained that mariner members were requested to book their use of the lock on the hour and half hour. Obviously at busy times and with the effects of the tide this was not always possible to achieve. DT advised that his understanding was that, again under the new lease, the lock bridge would not be raised and left raised for more than twenty minutes in each hour.
Obviously due to the nature of the beast it is not possible to adhere strictly to these time constraints but AH advised that all the Lock Keepers are told to watch for both pedestrian and vehicle traffic and operate the lock in such a way as to minimise disruption.
DT advised that just recently the bridge had been raised for a boat leaving the marina that had only just left its mooring at the far end berths. AH advised that all boats leaving the marina should be waiting in the fairway, the straight stretch of water in basin 1 immediately on the marina side of the bascule bridge, before the bridge is actually lifted.
DT thanked AH for his attendance and presentation and AH expressed an interest in attending all future SMIRA meetings.
Post Meeting Note:DT sent AH notice of all the SMIRA meeting dates for 2012.and he is included in the Minutes mailing list.
Item 96/11: Minutes of last Meeting:
These were previously circulated electronically.
Agreed & signed.
Item 97/11: Matters arising.
Bins left in front gardens:
Post Meeting Note:Kevin Steele the Medway Council Safer Communities Warden has advised that he has, as requested and based on the locations we told him, been monitoring this situation and has found nothing of real concern. He has therefore closed his file on this but he will continue to monitor the Island generally.
There were no other matters arising.
Item 98/11: Chairs Report:
1) DT to remain as Chair until the 2012 AGM.
DT advised that, as a result of the length of time that he had held a number of offices, the local knowledge gained and, given a number of critical issues affecting the Island that were likely to present themselves in the next twelve months, he had been asked and had agreed to stay on as Chairman until the 2012 AGM. DT advised that it was never his intention to leave office without achieving a smooth and comprehensive handover and, as minuted post the last meeting, a healthy number of members had indicated their intention to take up directorships and or offices of the Company. DT had also agreed to continue in office as one of the SMIRA nominated representatives on the Board of CMT for the foreseeable future but it was agreed that all other offices held would be transferred and the workload reduced.
2) Appointment of a new CEO for Chatham Maritime Trust
DT advised that the process to recruit a new CEO for CMT was underway. It is anticipated that the position will be filled by the end of November. In the meanwhile Heather Kerswell continues in post in an interim position.
Post Meeting Note: There were around 50 applicants which will be reduced to a short list of around 5. It is planned that a small representative panel from SMIRA will be able to spend a short time with those applicants shortlisted on the afternoon of the 10th November.
3) CMT review of SMI Covenants
DT advised that he and AM had been charged by the CMT Board to work with HK in a review of the Trust’s policies for implementing the covenants The covenants themselves cannot be changed. Recommendations from the review were to be put before the Board of Trustees at their meeting of the 14th November. The review panel were minded of the result of the past survey of SMI residents and the overwhelming conclusion that all the covenants should be rigorously enforced.
Post Meeting Note: In the event it is likely that very few policy changes will be recommended and it was felt that the positive as well as the negative covenants should be displayed on the CMT and the SMIRA websites.
4) Report and conclusions on Patient’s Forum
In August this year SMIRA sponsored a Patients Forum at the Community Centre which was attended by over 90 residents. Dr Lawrence presented on the effect on patients of the imminent changes to the NHS and residents also took the opportunity to pose questions regarding the Island surgery. Dr. Lawrence advised that current patient numbers could not sustain the introduction of a full time lady doctor, as many residents wished, but we made it very clear that we felt the urgent need for a permanent Nurse Practitioner which he advised would also be one of his priorities and one of the likely outcomes of the new NHS arrangements. Residents also expressed their concerns about same day appointments, as a result of which, Dr Lawrence has agreed to trial alternating the booking of these between those patients queuing at the surgery door and those simultaneously trying to make appointments on the phone.
Those residents in attendance felt that the Forum had proved very useful and that it should be repeated, perhaps annually.
Dr Lawrence was happy to accommodate this wish.
5) Visit by residents to the Medway Tunnel during a closure.
DT advised that AM had arranged for BW, CW and himself to visit the above during a recent night closure. DT advised that the visit was extremely interesting and impressive.
Some considerable funding had been obtained by the Council from the Ministry of Transport since the handover of the tunnel from Rochester Bridge Trust and this was being put to good use in improving the air quality and other safety aspects.
There are two myths that need nailing: The tunnel does not leak and there are no plans to introduce tolls.
DT has sent a letter of thanks to Phil Moore who kindly escorted them around on the night.
Item 99/11: Secretaries Report:
DT has issued Membership Certificates to 6 new applicants.
Other correspondence received will be dealt with under the appropriate agenda item.
Item 100/11: Treasurers Report:
DT advised that all payments were up to date and the bank balance as at 21st August 2011 stood at £1,027.25. The bank statement verifying this was available at the meeting for inspection by Directors.
As before approximately £800 has been ring fenced for the new notice board for Central Walk. Planning permission will be required to renew this notice board and the cost of this application has not currently been budgeted for.
Post Meeting Note: The electronic accounts ledger and back-up paperwork are currently with the SMIRA accountant/auditor for the formal preparation of the accounts for approval by the Directors and submission to Companies House within 10 months of the year end. Draft copies of these together with the Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year will be electronically circulated to the Directors before the meeting of the 1st November where formal approval will be sought. In order to meet the printing schedule for the circulation of the AGM paperwork, approval will be sought for the Trading and Profit and Loss Account to go before the members for adoption at the AGM, prior to the next Board meeting.
Item 101/11: CMT Report:
JG advised the following:
·Lifting Bridge:
Works to the lifting bridge (no longer lifting) are now complete with the exception of the replacement of the mastic joints. This will be carried out soon, will take about one week and will require partial carriageway closures.
·Community Centre Transfer:
See Chairman’s Report.
·SMI Restrictive Covenants:
See Chairman’s Report.
·Southern Water Easement.
This is required as part of the Island ring road adoption process. Southern Water now have all the information, including the drawings that they requested. There has been no communication or feed back back from Southern Water and so it is assumed that they are satisfied with the information and are proceeding with the matter.
·Environmental Permit Application by Sheerness Port:
CMT and SMIRA have a meeting to discuss this with the EA on Monday 17th October at The Coach House.
Works to the river revetment:
Replacement of the ancient stones that are failing on the revetment along River Walk and the Slipway at The Fishing Village continues.
·Access road to Finsborough Down from The Fishing Village:
Now completed
·Barratt “Starfish” Play Area:
Handover currently on hold awaiting remedial works to the soft surface matting.
Post Meeting Note:
14th October: Remedial work to matting now complete.
·Dock Head Road.
Transfer to CMT still on hold.
·CCTV cameras: All working.
Item 102/11: SEEDA:
Transfer of SEEDA Staff:
DT advised that Jonathan Sadler, Julian Perry and Andrew Robson all transferred from SEEDA to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) on the 19th September 2011. These are the key personnel as far as the ongoing development of SMI is concerned.
Item 103/11: SMIRA Website:
TM advised that the website continues to receive substantial interest.
The approved minutes of these meetings appear on the website for residents general information.
Item 104/11: Community Centre:
Negotiations regarding the transfer of the Community Centre from HCA to CMT
DT advised that he, together with AM and a team from CMT were on a working party to try and finalise the transfer of the above. To make it stack up, the Trust had taken a pragmatic view and taken costings over a period of 50 years rather than the 150 years that would normally be required. Shark Park and the Doctor’s Surgery also form part of this package.
A final offer from CMT had been put to SEEDA at a meeting on the 12th September but, knowing that the transfer of assets and staff from SEEDA to the HCA was to take place on the 19th September, there will inevitably be a delay.
The offer will be presented to the CML, who currently own and operate the Community Centre, at their board meeting of the 11th October and the outcome will be reported at the CMT board meeting on the 14th October. CML are a joint venture Company developing most of SMI. The joint venture partners are SEEDA, now HCA, who own the land and Countryside Maritime Ltd, the builders.
Post Meeting Note:
No decision was made at the CML board meeting but CMT and HCA are to have a further meeting during W/C 17th October.
Item 105/11: Adoption of the Island Roads and Landscaping:
DT advised that there was an important meeting chaired by Medway Council arranged for the 27th September where, it is hoped, SMIRA will be informed that plans are still on course for the adoption of the ring road by March 2012.
Post Meeting Note:
At the meeting CML confirmed receipt of the costings from Medway Council and they are currently reviewing this.
There are some outstanding matters regarding the Road Safety Audit the cost of the implementation of which, was included in the Medway costings. This safety audit includes the issues regarding the cycle paths.
Medway Council now await the go ahead from CML.
The adoption cannot proceed however without the agreement of Southern Water to adopt the associated drainage systems. As far as it is known, Southern Water have all the information they require from all parties and there further communication is awaited.
With reference to the adoption of the drainage systems, Medway Council are prepared to proceed with adoption, providing they have a letter from CML confirming that Southern Water have agreed to adopt. The Council do not need to hold back the works to bring the roads and pavements up to an adoptable standard until the actual agreement is in place.
DT offered to chase Southern Water on behalf of SMI residents but it was felt unnecessary at this time. DT will continue to monitor the situation.
AM and DT continue to press CML to complete the improvement to the Island verge landscaping.
This seems to have stopped again but it may be that CML are now awaiting the planting season to make good the many baron shrub beds.
DT asked for a progress update, including the posts outside the Community Centre, the fencing around the manhole covers at the top of Central Walk and the yellow parking restriction box in Island Road East, but this has not been forthcoming.
DT will seek this for the next meeting.
Post Meeting Note:
CML are shutting down their “in house” landscape maintenance team, although they are keeping their landscape design team.
Tenders are currently out for contractors to take over the maintenance and, apart from anything else, this will give an accurate costing of the true cost of the Island landscape maintenance. As CMT are interested in taking this over eventually, CML have agreed to review the tender specification with them so that a like for like standard that we are familiar with on landscaping that CMT already carry out on the Island, can be achieved.
It should be noted that the CML “in house” team started work again on the Island during W/C 10th October.direct
Item 106/11: Major planning Applications:
Approval has been granted by Medway Council for the construction of the eighteen houses and two apartment blocks leaving just 7.6 metres for the future maintenance and, if necessary, the replacement of the river defence wall.
In spite of objections by CMT, the Council planners were persuaded by the submission of CMT appointed consultant, Halcrow, that the CML proposals did not prevent further maintenance and replacement.
A draft protocol is now under review regarding the future build out of the Island and it has been agreed that all interested parties will be consulted on the layout design of future sectors. Agreement at this early stage should prevent this stop/start process from recurring.
Item 107/11: Youth Club Project:
DT advised that regular attendances in excess of 40 children were a reality and this has highlighted an ongoing need for regular volunteers who could attend one week in three.
DT attended a Volunteering Fair at the University of Kent and it is hoped that a small number of graduates may be tempted to complete their volunteering modules at the SMI Club.