Board Meeting
Friends of Paul Sawyier Public Library
February 13, 2012
Present: Board members Carol Baughman, Dudley Ellis, Christina Evans, Mimi Gosney, Gina Hagan, Libby Kadler, Arba Kenner, Tom Knight, Janet Meyer, Cloyd Stratton,
Judy Stratton, Russell Wright, Library Director Donna Gibson, Library Board Chair
Mary Lynn Collins, and guests Joanna Hay and Carol Hummel
President Wright called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m.
Joanna Hay spoke briefly about a National Endowment for the Arts grant project to create a website and smart phone tour of Frankfort featuring public art (attachment #1). She proposed that the library’s stained glass become part of the tour at a cost of $1,000. After questions and discussion, the Board voted to waive the normal Project Proposal procedure and to vote on the project immediately. Cloyd Stratton moved that the Friends pay $1,000 for the project if it was approved by the library board. Gosney seconded. Passed by voice vote
Approval of minutes
Meyer moved approval of the minutes of the meeting of January 9. Kadler seconded. Passed by voice vote
Treasurer’s Report
Evans reviewed her report (attachment #2). It will be filed for audit.
There was discussion of developing a procedure for paying Maria Widmer, the Friends’ manager of its on-line bookstore and account. Cloyd Stratton will work out details with her and report at the March meeting.
Cloyd Stratton gave his report of the book store financial picture (attachment #3).
Reports of Standing Committees
Book Store Report
Judy Stratton reported that a silent auction is underway February 13—25.
Library News
Gibson mentioned upcoming library events and referred the board to the library’s latest newsletter. She thanked the board for their willingness to help with the legislative reception on March 6. She asked the group if they wanted a display table at the Community Baby Shower on Saturday, March 24, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the library. There was discussion on whether to set up in the Community Room or to remain at the Bookstore, which will be open.
Old Business
Special Events
April is National poetry month.
Cable 10 Programming
Meyer said she is considering a Cable 10 program on the One Book, One Bluegrass reading promotion scheduled for April.
New Business
February Book Sale
Judy Stratton reported totals for the recent book sale:
February 8— $690.08
February 9— 664.58
February 10— 348.78
February 11— 425.64
Total sales— $2,129.08
This was the first four-day sale. Totals for three-day sales in 2011:
February— $1,498.93
June— 1,451.51
October— 1,883.94
Judy Stratton said several residents of the men’s shelter who helped move the books upstairs to the Community Room were “a lifesaver” when setting up the sale. After discussion, it was agreed to make a donation to the shelter in their honor and to send it along with a certificate recognizing them. Kadler moved donating $100 to the shelter. Evans seconded. Passed by voice vote
Kentucky Library Day—March 7
Collins reported that the Kentucky Public Library Association’s Legislative Committee will have training for their legislative day at Paul Sawyier Public Library on the afternoon of March 6. There will be approximately 50 people in attendance. Collins requested the Friends spend not more than $400.00 for a reception for this group. Meyer moved. Gosney seconded. Passed by voice vote. Collins will organize the reception with the help of Friends volunteers.
Collins encouraged board members to attend the rally for public libraries at the Capitol on March 7 at 11:30 a.m.
Carol Hummel, a former board member, suggested that experience setting up and working at book sales would be valuable for teenagers. After group discussion of this idea, she said she might be available to work on a plan for Friends approval.
Next Meeting—March 12, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.
Adjournment 6:47 p.m.
Submitted by Carol Baughman, Recording Secretary
Approved March 12, 2012