Updates from
WVDE-Office of Special Programs (OSP)
January 31, 2014
Revisions of Policy 5202-Certification was effective as of December 16, 2013 and removed the requirement of Praxis I for school nurse certification. There is no other testing requirement such as CORE, etc. The RN licensure and school nurses certification as outlined in the policy meet requirements now.
Revision of Policy 2422.8 –Medication Administrationwas effective as of January 13, 2014. Please review the need for a county stock auto-injector epinephrine policy. If the Board feels we need more resources and sample forms for stock epinephrine please send your request to Becky King or the WVCOSN.
Revisions of Policy 2422.7, Standards for Basic and Specialized Health Care Procedures and Manual -The WV Council of School Nurses has begun the biennial review/revision to the policy and manual starting in November of 2013. New procedures to be added include Auvi-Q and nasal pharyngeal suctioning. Please provide your RESA-WV Council of School Nurse members with your request related to the policy and manual.
2014 Legislation
Senate Bill No. 98(No movement since 1/08): Sets a 1:750 school nurse ratio with a fiscal note of 6.4 million ($65,000 per 99 new nurses with base salary of $47,000 plus fixed charges, retirement and PEIA match at $17, 747.)=$64, 747 annual salary cost per nurse.
Senate Bill No. 381(Moving to first reading on Senate floor): The proposed amendment is for thirty minutes of instruction in the subject of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (which must include a psycho-motor skills component) and the Heimlich maneuver for all students starting in grades 9-12 prior to graduation. Instruction may be given by community members. Already required in the WVBE-Health Education CSOs for students in grades 6, 7, 8 and HS. No fiscal note on this bill.
House Bill No. 2306(No movement since 1/09): Clarifying that the Legislature is the sole authority regarding compulsory immunizations
House Bill No. 2315(No movement since 1/09): Requiring automated external defibrillators in public schools. No fiscal note on this bill.
House Bill No. 2831(No movement since 1/09):Provides exemptions; application of informed consent; and composition and appointment of the Childhood Immunization Advisory Committee.
eSchoolCare online resources also includes 30 minute professional development WebExs and school nurse chats. Please encourage county school nurse co-workers to register and log-in. They will add seizure management in future. WVDE will send an email to lead school nurses and health services director to ensure those not registered do not wish to access the resource. At this time only half of school nurses have registered.
Revision committee will be developed this year to review/revise 2006 School Nurse Orientation Manual and WVLearns staff development course. Will contact original members but volunteers are gladly accepted to committee. WVDE hopes to do this in March 2014.
WVLearns Nondegree-Graduate Credit Course has been developed for school nurses. The course will start in January of 2014 and run again in March 2014. The WVDE-Office of Special Programs has contracted with 5 seasoned school nurses to be the course facilitators. The hope is to build more online school nurse courses for certification renewal and salary advancement for school nurses. Please feel free to allow new school nurses or those not needing graduate credit to fully participate without cost.
WVDE-OSP has included articles regarding school health/nursing in the 2013 WV Early Childhood Provider Quarterly (Fall 2013), WVNA (October and Spring 2013) and NASN (March 2014).
Community Schools
Free Dental Sealants: West Virginia is one of 21 recipients awarded a “State Oral Disease Prevention Programs” grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). With these grant funds, the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources-Oral Health Program has developed the Oral Disease Prevention Project. The Oral Disease Prevention Project will work closely with the WVDE, selected schools, local dental providers and other community partners to reduce the incidence of childhood caries (cavities) through the application of dental sealants. The Oral Health Program will also provide parents/guardians assistance in locating a local Dentist to provide services to their child/children. Your cooperation in helping the Oral Health Program and coordinating partners to allow parents/guardians the opportunity to provide active consent for free dental sealants to all second graders at your school is very much appreciated. The priority schools will be the first schools to receive services. A list of the priority schools can be found at
2014 National Forum around Community Schools: The forum is April 9-11 in Cincinnati, OH. This forum occurs every two years. We would love for WV to be well represented and take the opportunity to learn from experts in the field. Please attend if possible. For more information visit:
New Partnership: WVDE is partnering with the West Virginia School Health Technical Assistance team at Marshall University to promote more community collaboration within schools using the community schools model. The primary target population for this work will be the identified Priority Schools. Additional schools, who express interest, will also be provided technical assistance and will likely include the Focus Schools and Title 1 Schools. If you have identified one of your schools as needing additional community partnership(s) please contact Paula Fields at
Hot Topics
504 plans
Seasonal Flu (H1N1)-Several flu deaths have been confirmed in West Virginia, including a pediatric death in Jefferson County -- the first in the state since 2009.
Skin infections especially during wrestling season/tournaments
Delegation of insulin to nonlicensed school personnel
Policies and Guidelines for Services Animals in schools (i.e. Diabetic and Seizure)
Incident Reporting procedures for school districts
Liquid Ativan p.o. for seizure management at school
Future Nursing CEU Offerings
Monthly Professional Development WebEx/Conference Call per WVDE-Office of Special Programs and MU-School Health Technical Assistance Center on multiple subjects starting in October-May 2013from 2:30pm-3:30pm with nursing and counseling contact hours. Please see final 2013/14 schedule at This includes a February 20, 2014 WebEx on drug diversion to meet the 1 hour licensure renewal requirement by the WV RN Board. The WebEx will be recorded with CEUs for those unable to participate. A one hour drug diversion offering will be provided at the 2014 KidStrong conference as well.
KidStrong Conference in Charleston, WV on June 17-18, 2014.
NASN 46th annual Conference on June 28-July 1, 2014 in San Antonio, Texas.