Development Matching
Grant Program
Matched funding up to $30,000
2013/2014Program Information and Guidelines
6 December 2010
The Council of the City of Sydney
Town Hall House
456 Kent Street
The Finegrain: Revitalising Central Sydney’s Lanes and Underutilised Spaces
“Cities are the heart of our culture, the engines of our economy and the birthplace of our civilization. There is little that makes me happier than getting lost in a beautiful city: following its narrow passages to the grand tree lined avenues; stumbling across street theatre, sitting in a café watching people go by. This is my idea of heaven.” Richard Rogers, Pritziker Speech, June 2007.
Sydney is one of the world’s most beautiful cities, and the City of Sydney is seeking to create a renewed interest and vibrancy in the city’s laneways and underutlilised spaces. Interesting lanes and underutilised spaces require unique and attention grabbing activities.
Through the FinegrainBusiness Development Matching Grant Program, the City of Sydneyaims to encourage businesses that will add to that vitality and activity in the lanes and finegrain spaces of the city centre.
The development ofdiverse, unique and alternate uses of space in theCentral Sydneylanes andunderutilised spaces supports the vision outlined in the Sustainable Sydney 2030 (SS2030) and the CDB Local Action Plan Strategy (LAPS) 2007-2010.
City of Sydney Laneways Revitalisation Strategy
The City is actively encouraging the revitalisation process through a number of complementary strategic projects aimed at supporting small business development in laneways, including;
A dedicated Business Advisor - Finegrainand Small Bars
- will administer the FinegrainBusiness Development Matching Grant Program, provide business advice, manage stakeholder relationships, develop long-term sustainable precinct teams (providing a liaison point between the private sector, the City of Sydney and other stakeholders) and on the ground support.This ’Business Entry Point’ approach for business enquiries will also include coordinated assistance and process maps associated with the approval and application processes involved in establishing your business
- Referral to the Sydney Business Enterprise Centre providing access to information and services that willassist small businesses establish strong business networks. The BEC also offers a range of advisory programs and professional development workshopsspecially designed to help small business
- Capital Works and Improvements , a public domain implementation program and established design principles for laneways
- Working Towards the Establishment of Shared Zonesincluding measures such as 10km/h speed limits ortemporary road closures
- Marketing and Promotion Opportunities– the revitalization of Sydney’s laneways is currently receiving strong media attention and this is set to continue as the City progresses with its Revitalisation Strategy.This media attention will provide an opportunity for you to market your business as part of a city wide revitalisation of finegrain spaces and laneways.
What is the FinegrainBusiness Development Matching Grant Program?
The City of Sydney has a Grants and Sponsorship Policy that provide funding and revenue across a range of activities encompassing community, cultural, economic and environmental, of which the Finegrain Business Development Matching Grant Program is a key economic part. Details of the policy can be found at
The FinegrainBusiness Development Matching Grant Program aims to assist small business locate and thrive in the laneways and underutilisedprecincts of Sydney’s city centre and enhance the diversity, vitality and economic vibrancy of these areas.
The FinegrainBusiness Development Matching Grant Program focuses on ‘finegrain’ business activity in Central Sydney. ‘Finegrain’ businesses are small scale, diverse and innovative businesses that are likely to be engaged in specialist retail, hospitality and entertainment or will otherwise encourage activation of under-used spaces in city laneways, plazas and underutilised spaces with business activity that is currently undersupplied, unique or non existent in the city centre.
It is a merit based, grant program providing matched cash funding. Mentoring and training opportunities for structured business development assistance are incorporated into the program.
Applications will be considered against the program objectives, eligibility criteria and the Business 1-2-3 Framework. A rigorous assessment of the application, business plans and economic viability will take place, this will determine whether or not a particular business proposition is of sufficiently high relative merit to the criteria to be supported and if so, to what extent and type of support will be provided.
Purpose of these Guidelines
The purpose of these guidelines is to assist potential applicants determine their suitability to apply for assistance under the FinegrainBusiness Development Matching Grant Program,and to provide relevant information should they choose to apply for support.
Before applying for grant funding support through the Finegrain Business Development Matching Grant Program, applicants are required to hold a pre-application meeting with the City’s Business Advisor - Finegrain and Small Bars.
This guide should be read in full. Potential applicants should also be aware of relevant City of Sydney documents and strategies including; The City of Sydney Grants and Sponsorship Policy, Sustainable Sydney 2030, CBD Local Action Plans Strategy 2007-2010 (CBD) and The Finegrain: Revitalising Sydney’s Lanes Report. All related information is available on the City of Sydney website or from the City’s Business Advisor - Finegrain and Small Bars.
Program Objectives
This program will support new and existing small businesses to locate and thrive in the laneways precincts and underutilised spaces of the city centre, businesses that contribute to achieving the broad aims of the Sustainable Sydney 2030 strategy to create a Green, Connected and Global Sydney.
Specifically this program aims to support businesses that contribute to developing a Lively and Engaging City Centre and enhance A Globally Competitive and InnovativeCity by;
- Strengthening existing or developing new finegrain precincts with specialised / unique retail, hospitality, entertainment or other appropriate business activities
- Enhancing the fine grain of the city in streets and lanes as a means of drawing more people and life to the city centre
- Activating existing blank edges in streets, laneways, empty plazas or other city spaces with new uses and/ or creating new activities in the finegrain spaces of the city centre
- Providing a business activity/offering that is undersupplied, unique or non existent in the city centre, that will attract people to the city centre
- Providing a balance of day and night time activity with diverse and distinctive economic and community benefit
- Utilising temporarily or long term vacant space for new and creative uses
- Providing support to new and emerging businesses through support services.
The City encourages businesses which support employment and training for Aboriginal and Torres StraitIsland people, people with disability, people with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and people who are homeless.
Eligibility Criteria
The FinegrainBusiness Development Matching Grant Program is open to small businesses that encourage a diverse mix of its fine grain spaces that can include but are not limited to hospitality, retail (excluding wholesale) and that can demonstrate that their activities will contribute to the program objectives and meet the following eligibility criteria.The business should be a stand-alone operation, not part of an existing group or display any characteristics of a franchise.
Categories of Support
- The small business must be located in a Central Sydneylaneway
Business Diversity in other Underutilised Locations
- A unique business in an underutilised space that ensures active street frontage and attracts destination foot traffic
- Businesses may demonstrate unique attributes as follows:
Distinctive / bespoke / uncommon / innovative / unusual / curious / unexpected / specialised
Evaluation Criteria
- The Business must be located within the Central Sydney area, west of College and Wentworth Streets, North of Eddy Avenue and East of Harbour Street andHickson Road
- The small businessemploys, or is planning to employ less than 20 people;
Applicants must:
- Be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Australia
- Be registered appropriately in Australia i.e. as a sole trader, registered company, business partnership or co-operative.
- Demonstrate business skills and capacity to run the business.
- Demonstrate the proposed venture’s commercial sustainability.
- Hold approved Development Consent and all required operation licenses, or has lodged such applications. [The grant will be awarded only if any required licensing and development applications for the venture are approved.]
- Be registered for GST and hold all legally required operating insurances with an insurer approved by the City.
- Business entities with turnover of more than $5 million, or their subsidiaries, will not be eligible to apply.
- Businesses that employ 20 people or more are not eligible to apply
- People or businesses employed by the City of Sydney or other government agencies are not eligible to apply.
Ethics framework
The City of Sydney is committed to working towards Sustainable Sydney 2030. The City cannot achieve this vision on its own. Through the Grants and Sponsorship Program the City seeks to support enterprises and endeavours that will contribute to the actions, strategic directions and vision of Sustainable Sydney 2030 and which:
a)contribute to human happiness, dignity and education
b)reduce energy, water and waste demands
c)encourage a sense of belonging and promote inclusiveness
d)celebrate and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their culture
e)support the dignity and well being of animals
f)support the development of vibrant local economies and communities
g)foster sustainable development, renewal and design
h)promote a creative and cultural city
i)are consistent with the City’s espoused values and guiding principles of courage, innovation, integrity, collaboration and quality
The City of Sydney will avoid supporting any enterprises which are considered to unnecessarily:
- pollute land, air or water
- destroy or waste non-recurring resources
- market, promote or advertise products or services in a misleading or deceitful manner
- produce, promote or distribute products or services likely to be harmful to the community
- Acquire land or commodities primarily for the purpose of speculative gain
- create, encourage, or perpetuate militarism or engage in the manufacture of armaments
- entice people into financial over-commitment
- exploit people through the payment of below award wages or poor working conditions
- discriminate by way of race, religion or sex in employment, marketing or advertising practices
- contribute to the inhibition of human rights generally
General Policy eligibility and exclusions apply.
How the program works
A City of Sydney assessment panel carries out a viability and risk assessment on each application. Particular attention is paid to the proposed venture’s commercial sustainability and the applicant’s business skills and capacity to operate the business.
Written applications are not required for Stage 1 (Concept) proposals. Please contact the City’s Business Advisor - Finegrain and Small Barsfor more information.
The Business 1-2-3 Framework
1 - CONCEPT(advice only) / 2 - BUSINESS READY
(grants available) / 3 -GROWTH
(grants available)
Requirements /
- Commercial venture idea/concept
- Legal framework to operate a business
- Sound and comprehensive Business Plan
- Demonstrated level of business skills and capacity
- Able to establish the business within 12 months from execution of the grant agreement
- An existing business and a desire to expand
- Demonstrated business success
- A sound and comprehensive Business Plan
- Able to implement the growth strategy within 12 months from execution of the grant agreement
Assessment /
- Meets program objectives and eligibility criteria
- Presents a level of commercial viability worthy of feasibility investigation
- Meets program objectives and eligibility criteria
- Demonstrates sound commercial viability
- Meets program objectives and eligibility criteria
- Sound performing existing business
- Proposal demonstrates sound commercial viability
Support Available /
- Access to Business Advisor
- Advisory service for Council applications, licensing and approvals including ‘Process Maps’1
- Access to Business Enterprise Centre advisory and training services2
- Access to Business Advisor
- Advisory service for Council applications, licensing and approvals including ‘Process Maps’
- Matched grant funding of up to $30,000
- Assistance with an ongoing mentoring program
- Access to Business Advisor
- Advisory service for Council applications, licensing and approvals including ‘Process Maps’
- Matched grant funding of up to $30,000
- Assistance with an ongoing mentoring program
- ‘Process Maps’ have been developed by the City of Sydney to assist businesses navigate Council application processes including Development Applications (DA) and Footway Licences
- Stage 1 (Concept) business training and assistance will be at applicant’s own expense; identified training needs in Stages 2 & 3 (Business Ready and Growth) may be part funded from grant
- Only one grant will be provided to any one business – businesses are not eligible to reapply at any time, including a subsequent stage of development
Business development, training and mentoring assistance
The Business Enterprise Centre (BEC) network is a community-based, not-for-profit business assistance organisation, owned and supported by locally managed incorporations. The BEC are designed to facilitate the creation, retention and development of sustainable business enterprises and to foster local economic development. Each BEC has access to the talents and resources of all BECs plus federal, state, and local governments, providing quality business assistance.
The City of Sydney is pleased to partnerwith the Clearly Business BEC in the delivery of tailored training and development programs for our business community. Businessessupported under the Finegrain Business Development Matching Grant Program maybe referred to the BEC for assistance with developing business plans, marketing plans and cash flow models and may be required to participate in ongoing training and mentoring as a condition of the grant funding.
Matched funds
Businesses applying for grant funding support must make a matched contribution to the business for which funding is sought. The applicant’scontribution requirement refers to cash only, not to in-kind contributions that will be used as up front investment into the business.
This applicant’s contribution must not be obtained through any other subsidy from state, territory or federal governments.
What can the matched cash grant be used for?
AFinegrainBusiness Development Matching Grant Programgrant can only be used for;
- Costs associated with capital improvements, equipment, improving the façade and fit out of the business premises¹
- Costs associated with the purchase of specialist software directly related to the establishment of the business;
- Contributing to 50% of costs associated with identified training and development programs, to a maximum of 10% of the grant;
- Not more than 10% of the cash grant can be used for approved marketing and promotion activities
Cash funding cannot be used for the general operating costs of the business including but not limited to rent, utilities, payroll and vehicle expenses.
Note(1): Two quotes must be provided for capital works and equipment valued at over $1000
When can I apply?
Applications for the FinegrainBusiness Development Matching Grant Program are accepted throughout the year. Application Forms will be provided following your pre-application meeting with the City’s Business Advisor - Finegrain and Small Bars.
It is recommended that your application for a FinegrainBusiness Development Matching Grant Program grant is submitted at the same time as your Development Application.
Assessment of Applications
It is not possible to amend an application once it has been submitted.
Your application should be discussed with the Business Advisor - Finegrain and Small Bars in the City’s Economic Development Unit prior to lodging your application.
This is a merit based funding program. Applicants should note that meeting the eligibility criteria does not necessarily mean thatan offer of funding will be made. All applications for funding will be assessed by a panel of four City of Sydneystaff, and submitted to Council for approval.
The level of commitment and contribution to the business demonstrated by the applicant, including (but not limited to) time, resources and cash, will also be considered as part of the assessment process.
Terms and Conditions
Successful applicants will enter into a funding agreement with the City of Sydneyand where applicable training needs are identified, will be required to participate in a training and development program.
Only one grant will be provided to any one business, individual or trading entity. Businesses are not eligible to reapply at any time.
Successful recipients will receive an initial payment of 50% of the matched cash grant on execution of the funding agreement.Subsequent payments will be made upon demonstrated expenditure of the first 50% of the grant and the receipt of proof of payment against approveditems.
Businesses must be able to commence the operation of the business within 12 months of execution of the funding agreement.
Need help?
If you need any assistance with the FinegrainBusiness Development Matching Grant Program or advice on making an application please contact the Economic Development Unit at the City of Sydney.
Richard Roberts
Economic Development Unit
City of Sydney
Town Hall House
456 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2001
Tel: (02) 9265 9928
Fax: (02) 9265 9855
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