Grant funding for health-related projects
National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England Region –
Funds projects to improve access to health information and support the services of NN/LM Network Members. Public libraries are encouraged to join the NN/LM as Affiliate Members at no cost.
Public library projects will likely fall into one of these three categories:
- Outreach, including library services to health agencies, professional development programs, through community emergency preparedness, and community engagement
- Digitization and conservation of historical medical and health collections
- Community engagement projects that reach special populations, medically underserved areas, and/or geographic areas/populations with high rates of health disparities
Maximum grant amounts range from $2000 to $25,000 depending on project category, and proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis.
Connecticut Health Foundation –
Funding priorities are health equity and oral health, and application deadlines are quarterly. Grants amounts typically range between $1000 and $50,000.
CT Health's Strategic Objective 1 is applicable to library-based project proposals: "Promote health insurance enrollment and navigation support systems that will increase and maintain coverage." Also, CT Health is "always on the lookout for ideas with the vision and practicality to expand health equity across our state" and will sometimes make discretionary grants to fund projects related to their mission of improving "the health and well being of people all across the state by using a systems change approach to unlock greater access to quality, affordable care, especially for populations of color and underserved communities."
Instructions for grant proposals:
- To discuss your grant idea, contact Tiffany Donelson at 860.724.1580.
- If your idea is in alignment with one or more of our strategic objectives, we may ask you to submit a concept paper that further describes the work and outcomes to be accomplished in the grant.
- If your concept paper has merit, you may be invited to submit a full proposal.
Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut –
Grants are generally by invitation only. Contact for more information. Grant amounts in recent years ranged from $5000 to $100,000 and funded outreach, public education, and engagement projects.
The Foundation provides grants to "support nonprofit organizations that address systemic problems in Connecticut's health care system, with a focus on engaging the public in health systems change.Our grantees conduct outreach, educate people regarding health reform and mobilize consumers to advocate for quality, affordable health care."
Foundation for Community Health –
The Foundation awards grants to organizations and institutions that directly respond to its priority areas: Mental Health, Oral Health and Access to Health Services. The FCH also accepts grant proposals that are responsive to its mission of improving the health status of people in the northern Litchfield Hills of Connecticut. Check their service area map to see if your town is included.
Grant funding would likely be in the range of $500 to $10,000, depending on the project. Applicants must first submit a Letter of Intent and then can submit a full proposal if approved.
Community Foundation of Eastern CT –
This foundation reaches a broad service area in the eastern third of the state with a wide range of funding priorities, many of which focus on health and well-being for women and girls.
Deadlines for most grant categories are in the fall, with grant awards between $1000 and $15,000. Contact the Foundation before applying.