

Comic Strip Story

***Featuring: Physical and Chemical Changes***

Physical and chemical changes happen all around us in our everyday lives. Your mission is to create a Comic Strip that tells a story featuring both physical and chemical changes.

Rate your work with the following criteria: (I will be using the same criteria) 4: Expert (Top Notch!) 3: Practitioner (Got it!) 2: Apprentice (Almost) 1: Novice (Getting Started)

______1. My comic strip explains what a physical change is.

______2. My comic strip contains at least 4 examples of physical changes.

______3. My comic strip explains what a chemical change is.

______4. My comic strip contains at least 4 examples of chemical changes.

______5. My comic strip has at least 8 frames.

______6. My comic strip is clear to follow and easy to read.

Overall, how do you feel about physical and chemical changes? (Explain: For example, I feel so good I could teach my little siblings about it.)
