Why someone would want to visit here?

THE TEMPERATE FOREST shows the true beauty of nature. HAS MANY DIFFERENT FRUITS. Also has many colorful leaves on the trees.

Native Animals

Be aware of animals native to the temperate deciduous forest for safety reasons. When beside waterways, avoid eastern newts which look like red salamanders. Their skin secretions are poisonous. Copperhead snakes are also prevalent and their bite is poisonous. You can identify them by their diamond shaped head. There are also black bears and rattlesnakes in these forests. Remember if you do not threaten or bother them, they will not bother you. However keeping a first aid kit with you in case of emergency is advised.

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Four-Season Forest

Temperate forests grow between the tropics and the polar regions in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. They have four distinct seasons with a well-defined winter. Temperate forests have a moderate Climate. They are home to many plant and animal species. Much of the food humans eat is grown in areas where temperate forests have been cleared and farms now exist. Temperate forests are also where many of our favorite foods first came from. Walnuts, apples, mushrooms, and maple sugar are all foods of the temperate forest. The average annual temperature in a deciduous forest is 50° F. The average rainfall is 30 to 60 inches a year.

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When to Go?

If you have no set date on when you are going to visit the temperate deciduous forest, consider going during the spring, April through Junein the northern hemisphere, because you will be less likely to have to deal with temperatures below freezing that occur during the winter months and you will also miss the snow which can hinder your travel arrangements as well as your movement through the forest during your visit.

How do visitors need to dress?

You need to dress in layers because the temperature changes randomly during the day. Be prepared for rain durinG the spring and summer. snow during the fall and winter, Because there are frequent changes in weather you must be prepared for all weather situations in terms of gear.So if you are planning on camping, make sure you bring thick blankets and sleeping bags to keep warm during the night.