Biathlon Yukon
Range Operating Instructions
Reviewed 2016-08-24
Section I – General
- These range Operating Instructions (ROI) cover the use of the facilities and range operated byBiathlon Yukon on Canyon (Grey) Mountain in the City of Whitehorse.
- All Range Officers (ROs) and range users at or over the age of 13 years are required toread and sign these instructions yearly. Users under the age of 13 years shall be briefed yearly, on safety rules by the RO or designate.
- Requests for exemptions from any provisions of these ROI shall be submitted in writing to a member of the Executive of Biathlon Yukon (Executive), for approval by the Executive.
Section II – Range
- Biathlon Yukon has one firing range:
a)Location: Grey Mountain
b)Description: 5Om rifle range
c)No. of firing points: 20-26
d)Firing Distance: 5Om, 10m
e)Approved firearms: .22 calrimfire rifle, air rifle
f)Approved targets: standard metal biathlon targets, paper targets
g)Approved ammo: .22 cal. standard velocity, lead pellet rifle, lead pellet,
Section III – Personnel
- The Chief Range Operator shall be the president of Biathlon Yukon. This person or designate, shall represent Biathlon Yukon in all dealings with the Chief Firearms Officer with respect torange facilities.
- An RO must be:
- 18 years of age
- possess a valid Canadian Firearms License
- be approved by the Executive or active coach of Biathlon Yukon
- The RO has complete authority on the range and stadium area during authorized practice and on the range only during races where a Chief of Stadium is appointed. RO’s have the responsibility to supervise all persons present on the range and all those handling firearms in the range and stadium area.
- Minimum qualifications for RCMP and Military/Cadet personnel are the RCMP Range Master Course and the Canadian Forces Range Safety Officer Certification respectively. Astandard first aid certificate is also required or the presence of an assistant possessing such certification.
- Spectators are not permitted forward of the fence separating the range from theStadium.
- Guests, including children, are the responsibility ofthe Biathlon Yukon member who they came with. Children must remain under an adult’s control at all times.
Section IV – Range Operations
- The following flags shall be flown and clearly visible fromthe main entrance to the range whenever the range is in use.
- A red flag shall be flown at least at one end of the firing ramp when firing is inProgress.
- A green flag shall be flown at least at one end of the tiring ramp when all firearms have been cleared and the RO has closed the range.
- The use of tracer, incendiary, explosives orsimilar ammunition isprohibited.Only authorized types and calibers of ammunition may be used on the range.
- All bullets shall travel within the left-hand side of the last target and the right- hand side of target 1.
- There shall be no firing on the range unless at least 2 people, both of whom are 18years of age or over and are in possession of a Canadian Firearms License, at least one of whom is an approved RO, are present. An exemption will be made if there are only 2 people present, in which case one must be an approved RO and the other may be a minor in possession of a Canadian Firearms License.
- Loaded firearms shall not be left unattended.
- Firearms may only be loaded when the user is in the firing position.
- When not in use, rifles will be placed on a rifle rack with the bolt open.
- The detonation of explosives device is prohibited onthe range property except for construction approved by the Executive and carried out under the supervision ofqualified persons.
- No hunting is permitted on the range property.
- Burning of garbage or waste wood is prohibited except during work parties authorized by the Executive and the appropriate government authority.
- On completion of practice/ race, the RO shall lower all flags, secure all equipment and buildings, note any deficiencies and advise the Executive of same.
Section V – Safety
- Due to the proximity of the ambulance station, arange safety vehicle isnot mandatory when the range is accessible by road. When snow or mud bars vehicle traffic, no firing shall take place unless a vehicle or snowmobile capable of transferring a casualty to the road is as close to the active firing line as is practical, with keys in the ignitions.
- Spectators shall follow the directions of the RO and in any event, shall not be permitted forward of the fence behind the firing ramp.
- Any person deemed by the RO to be under the influence of alcohol ordrugs will not be permitted to shoot or to remain on the premises.
- Smoking is not permitted on Biathlon Yukon property.
- All injuries resulting from the use of a firearm must be immediately reported to theRCMP and Chief of Firearms Officer.
- No person shall use the range unless they have access to a working radio or telephone line toemergency services.
Section VI – Emergency Contacts
Ambulance 911
Fire 911
RCMP 911
The Whitehorse Hospital is located on Hospital Road. Turn right on exiting the range and follow the Grey Mountain road to the bottom. Turn right on Alsek Road, right on Lewes Boulevard andthe take the next right to reach Hospital Road.
Section VII – Access
- Access to the facility isrestricted to members and guests.
- Access to buildings will be controlled by the Executive. An electronic alarmsystem will be in place and only persons authorized by the Executive shall be given alarm deactivation codes.
- Access to firearms storage will be restricted to adults possessing a firearms license who are approved by the Executive.