FinancialsState of Kansas - FMSPage 1 of 8

POItem CategoriesCPO039

Item Overview:

PeopleSoft utilizes Item Categories to group like items in order to support the following functionality:

•Provide for the defaulting of the following values when creating items in the Item Master file and creating requisition line items using the Special Request function (ordering items that are not in the Item Master file):

Account Codes.

Matching Controls

Receiving Controls

Sourcing Controls

Workflow Tolerances

•Create an item categorization hierarchy for item utilization reporting when a hierarchical item categorization coding scheme such as United Nations Uniform Standard Products and Services Codes (UNSPSC) is utilized.

•Serve as the organization unit for item catalogs that assist in the search for items in the Item Master during the requisition creation process in eProcurement.

Menu Path:

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Items > Define Controls > Item Categories

Page Screenshots:











Record Information:

Table Name / PS Table Name /

Table Purpose

Item Categories / ITM_CAT_TBL / Record that holds item category data.
Item Categories / ITM_CAT_PHOTO / Record that holds item category image file. No image file will be loaded for item category.
Item Categories / ITM_CAT_VNDR / Define vendor priority for an item category. Will not config this at go-live.


  • Kansas will define Item Category code based on the 8-digit UNSPSC commodity code structure.

Information Source:

  • The configuration data will be compiled by the FMS PO team.

Data Entry Method:

_____ On-Line Pages

__X__Excel Spreadsheet


Field Approach:

Record Name:ITM_CAT_TBL
Field Name / Approach
SETID / Default State Set ID
CATEGORY_CD / State will use 8-digit UNSPSC code for category code.
CATEGORY_ID / System generated category ID.
DESCR / State will use UNSPSC code description.
DESCRSHORT / Short description for the UNSPSC code.
INSPECT_CD / Inspection required. State will leave this field blank at the Item category level.
INSPECT_UOM_TYPE / Inspection UOM. State will leave this field blank at the Item category level.
RECV_REQ / Receiving required flag. State will default this to “checked”.
RJCT_OVER_TOL_FLAG / Receipt Reject Qty Over Tolerance. State will default this field to blank.
RECV_PARTIAL_FLG / Receive partial qty. State will default this to “checked”.
CURRENCY_CD / Display Currency Code.
SRC_METHOD / Sourcing method. State will not configure this.
MARKETCODE / State will use “UNSPSC”
PHYSICAL_NATURE / Value will depend on item category. Either “Goods” or “Services”.

RTM Cross-Reference:

  • PU 223.070System provides the ability to allow for contract tracking by: Commodity codes
  • PU 253.220System provides the ability for contracts/catalogs to contain the following items, including but not limited to: Commodity codes
  • PU 300.080System provides the ability to maintain the following line item data elements: Commodity code validated against commodity master
  • PU 309.010System provides the ability to carry forward data maintained in the purchase requisition and solicitation to the purchase order in order to reduce data entry. Data to carry forward: The commodity code item number with system generated description and additional description.
  • PU 311.020System provides the ability for edit checks and validations at the order level including: Valid commodity code
  • PU 316.070Look-up PO by searchable fields (e.g., Purchasing agent, contract number, chart of accounts, voucher number, requisitioner, requisition number, solicitation number, PO number, agency, department, user, vendor name vendor ID, commodity code)
  • PU 402.000System provides the ability to support the use of various commodity codes.
  • PU 409.010System provides the ability for the commodity file to contain and search by, but not be limited to, the following data items: Commodity code
  • PU 442.000System provides the ability to maintain an online history of individual vendor activities (successful and unsuccessful) by month, quarter, fiscal and calendar year, inception to date, contract, bid number, agency, commodity code.
  • PU 030.000System is compatible with and supports the use of an industry-standard commodity code structures.
  • PU 062.030System provides the ability for administrators to create workflow rules based on any combination of the following: Commodity code or commodity code group
  • PU 223.070"System provides the ability to allow for contract tracking by: Commodity codes"


  • Item Category will be shared across the State
  • State will use 8-digit UNSPSC commodity code as the naming standard for Item Category
  • Item Category will be centrally maintained.
  • No vendor priority will be configured for each Item Category.


  • Item Category’s description field is only 30 characters long. This may impact the usability of search function for description field. We may issue a change request to lengthen the field length to 254 characters.

Input Provided By:

Name / Title, Department

Change Log:

Date / Author / Change Description
2/4/09 / Thomas Chen / Update based on Config feedback
2/2/09 / Thomas Chen / Initial Design

Note: The Template Change Log should be maintained in reverse chronological order. Hence, the most recent changes are on the top of the list.


Configuration Team Leads

______Date: _____/_____/_____

Accenture Configuration Lead

______Date: _____/_____/_____

State of Kansas Configuration Lead

Module Team Leads

______Date: _____/_____/_____

______Date: _____/_____/_____

Team Leads

______Date: _____/_____/_____

______Date: _____/_____/_____

V:\FMS_Project\Shared\Finance Team\Design Phase\2 - Configuration\2 - Config Approach\2 - In Review\PO\CPO039_Item_Categories.docx10/25/201810:14:57 AM

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