Royal Oaks OB/GYN

12121 Richmond Avenue, Suite 414

Houston, TX 77082

Phone: 281-496-DRVU (3788)

Fax: 281-496-3789


Patient name: ______

Date of birth: ______

Today’s date: ______

What is the reason for your appointment? ______



Past/ Current medical conditions (please circle): None

High blood pressure Diabetes Thyroid disorder

Asthma Depression Seizure disorder

Heart attack Stroke Blood clot

Other: ______



Surgeries (please list): ______



Have you had any past problems with anesthesia? (please circle): Yes No

If your answer is “yes,” please explain: ______



Obstetrical history

Are you currently pregnant? (please circle): Yes No

# of times you have been pregnant (including the current pregnancy if applicable): ______

# of times you have delivered: ______

# of cesarean sections: ______

# of vaginal deliveries: ______

# of miscarriages: ______

# of elective abortions: ______

# of times you delivered twins/ multiple gestations: ______

# of living children: ______

Have you had your tubes tied? (please circle): Yes No

Has your significant other had a vasectomy? Yes No

Gynecological history

Have you had a hysterectomy? (please circle): Yes No

Do you still have monthly periods? (please circle): Yes No

When was your last menstrual period: ______

Describe your bleeding patterns (if applicable):

How often do you bleed? ______

How many days do your periods last? ______

Describe your overall flow (please circle):

Normal Light Moderate Heavy

Do you experience pain before/ during your periods? (please circle):

None Mild Moderate Severe

Are you satisfied with your bleeding pattern? (please circle): Yes No

Have you ever had an ABNORMAL pap smear? (please circle): Yes No

If you answered “yes,” did you have any of the following done? (please circle):

cervical biopsy cryotherapy (freezing) cold knife cone LEEP procedure other: ______

When was your last pap smear? ______

Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease? (please circle): Yes No

If you answered “yes,” please specify: ______



Have you ever had an ABNORMAL mammogram? (please circle): Yes No

If you answered “yes,” did you undergo a breast ultrasound, biopsy, or other

procedure? (please circle): Yes ______No

When was your last mammogram? ______

Does anyone in your family have the following conditions? (please circle):

Breast cancer Other “female-type” cancers: ______

High blood pressure Diabetes Bleeding disorders

Other: ______


Have you ever used the following? (please circle & explain):

Tobacco: No Yes

Alcohol: No Yes

Recreational/ IV Drugs No Yes

Please elaborate on any “yes” responses: ______

Have you ever had a blood transfusion? (please circle): Yes No

Are you a Jehovah’s Witness? Yes No

Please list any drug allergies and specify the reaction(s): ______




List current medications (including over-the-counter & herbal drugs that you take as needed or on a regular basis):

Name Dose Frequency


(If you have a pre-printed list of your medications, we can make a Xerox copy for your records.)

We appreciate you taking the time to fill this form out accurately. This information helps us to help you! If your information ever changes, please let us know immediately. Thank you!

--Royal Oaks OB/GYN