Meeting to review the CAS-Croucher Funding Scheme for Joint Laboratories
Kunming, 18th October 2012
The purpose of this meeting is to review the progress since 2004 of the CAS-Croucher Funding Scheme for Joint Laboratories. Since 2004, thirteen teams of researchers have been selected for support under the Funding Scheme to work on specific collaborative projects. Each team was led by a two academics – one from a research institute of CAS and one from a university in Hong Kong. Financial support for the collaborative projects to the sum of approximately HK$1.2 million per project was provided by the Croucher Foundation, the ChineseAcademy of Sciences and the participating institutes/universities.
The meeting will be held in Kunming over one day in October 2011. Each session of the meeting will be chaired by a designated session chair. The working language of the meeting will be English.
Session One will include presentations by project teams who have recently finished their projects. Session Two is for past (2004 and 2006) projects with a focus on lasting benefits. Session Three is for very recent projects selected for support in 2012 with a focus on future work.
Guidelines for speakers
Each team is also requested to prepare a poster for display outside the meeting room and to submit a short report for inclusion in the agenda papers for the meeting. The report should be clear and simple and written for the understanding of the general reader. The report should give a brief summary of the project, describe how useful it has been and provide a list of publication produced (if applicable). It should be done on no more than 2 pages of A4 paper.
In addition, we should be grateful if you could submit two or three professional-quality photographs which relate to the collaboration, either interview-style photographs or scientific images. [Image size: no less than 190mm W x 270mm H; Resolution: 300dpi or above (10.0 megapixel); Style: Interviewing, Casual (prefer no eye contact with the camera)]. Kindly send the poster, short report, and images to the Croucher Foundation before 30th April 2012, please.
To ensure that the meeting can finish promptly, it is very important that speakers pay particular attention to the amount of time allocated for their presentation (15 minutes for each presentation in Session One, 10 minutes for each presentation in Session Two and Session Three). Session chairs will be very strict with timekeeping, reminding speakers of their time limits and ensuring that Q&A sessions and panel discussions finish on time.
Each project team should designate one speaker only to present their work. However, it is recommended that both principal investigators sit on the stage during the presentation. For panel discussions, because of space limitations, only onerepresentative of each project team will be invited to the stage:
- Each project team is requested to provide a very brief overview of the research question they decided to address. This should be presented in a way which is easy to understand for a wider audience of non-specialists.
- Secondly, each project team should summarise the main scientific achievements of the collaborative project.
- Finally, each project team should address any wider benefits including educational benefits, institutional benefits, grant applications etc.
In the third session of the meeting, those teams selected for support in the latest selection round in June 2012 should focus their presentation on the background to their collaboration and describe the scientific nature, and potential outcomes, of their planned collaboration.
Guidelines for Session Chairs
To ensure the meeting can finish promptly you will need to pay particular attention to timekeeping, for example reminding speakers of the time limit for their presentation before they begin to speak, and giving a two minute warning towards the end of each presentation. In addition, to facilitate discussion during Q&A sessions and panel discussions, it would be helpful if you could prepare one or two preliminary questions in advance. Timekeeping for Q&A sessions will also need to be monitored carefully. Participants asking questions should be asked to identify themselves.
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