A Meeting of Bangor on Dee Community Council was held on Tuesday
18th September2012 in the Village Hall, Overton Road, Bangor on Dee.
Present:Cllrs: G Hughes,B Huckle,P Furber,F Tranter, G.Tranter,
E Reeves,S Morrison.
PCSO Steve O’Connell, North Wales Police. (Part time) Cllr R Skelland.
Christine Bowyer, Groundwork Wrexham. (Part time)
Apologies: Cllr M Jones, Cllr R Spencer and Cllr J Jones.
Cllr E Reeves – Woodcroft, Hollybush Lane, Bangor on Dee.
At this point Standing Orders were suspended.
Proposed by Cllr F Tranter and seconded by Cllr B Huckle.
Christine Bowyer was welcomed to the meeting, and gave the following update on progress regarding the Community Garden:
Funding bid for the project was all okay. However, evidence of community support for the project was essential for the project to be successful.
Community Council to submit a further letter regarding funding, ownership and the fact that the Community Council would be providing third party funding for the project up to a value of £3173.50. In addition the Community Council will be providing £500.00 of match funding towards the project. This was agreed.
Councillors to canvas residents and various organisations in the village to obtain their written support for the project. Deadline Sunday 24th September 2012.
Meeting of the Task & Finish Group to take place on Monday 25th September 2012.
Christine Bowyer was thanked for attending and left the meeting.
Cllr Jones had submitted written concern that the fence at the Glebe Field was unlocked and sheep were grazing on the field.
After discussion it was agreed that the gate should be kept locked.
Proposed by Cllr F Tranter and seconded by Cllr B Huckle. All in favour.
Cllr Skelland to arrange for the hedge to be cut.
PCSO Steve O’Connell gave his report.
Theft at Hollybush.
ASB – Dispute regarding land.
RTC – Cyclist (taking part in cycle event) and vehicle. Cyclist in a serious condition.
A discussion took place with the Community Council expressing concern that there was no consultation regarding the event and road closures.
It was felt that before any future event is held and review is needed.
Arrive Alive – Station Road did not meet the criteria for this.
It was felt that Arrive Alive should cover the area of the A525 as this is a very fast road.
PCSO O’Connell took this on board.
Standing Orders were resumed.
Proposed by Cllr F Tranterand seconded by Cllr E Reeves.
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING.The Minutes of the last meeting having been circulated were agreed as a true record with the amendment that Cllrs present should read Cllr J Jones and Cllr M Jones.
Proposed by Cllr P Furberand seconded byCllr F Tranter.
- Coracle – Insurance Claim. Still ongoing. Clerk still awaiting written quote.
- Forum Meeting. Cllr B Huckle and S Morrison attended this meeting and
Cllr Huckle reported back to the Council. Items discussed were:
Universal Credit Scheme.
Hate Crime.
Equality Act. – Celia Hart, Equality Manager will attend a meeting of the Community Council if required.
Cllrs Huckle & Morrison were thanked for attending.
WCBC – New Youth Initiative for Wrexham. Dragonsong-Wrexham Youth Choir.
Wrexham Area Civic Society Awards 2012-09-18.
Ysgol Rhiwabon - Letter regarding two vacancies for Community Governors – nominations invited. No action.
The Future of Structural Funding & Horizon 2020 in North Wales Conference 12.10.2012 10am to 4pm, Glyndwr Optic Technium, St Asaph. Noted.
One Voice Wales. Motions for debate in AGM on 13.10.12. received. Noted.
North Wales Police – Community Council Meeting 11.10.2012 at 2pm, Level 4 Briefing Room, Wrexham Police Station. Cllrs P Furber and B Huckle to attend.
Information received regarding Police & Crime Commissioner Elections 15.11.2012.
The following planning applications have been GRANTED.
- 23 Friars Court, Bangor on Dee. Two single storey ground floor extensions to provide toilet/utility area and dining room. No objections from the Community Council.
- 1 Friars Mews, Bangor on Dee. Two storey extension.
- Althrey Farm, Overton Road, Bangor on Dee. Erection of single garage for Class B1 Office (amendment to previous permission).
- Potters Brook Barn, Whitchurch Road, Bangor on Dee. Change of use of part of garage/outbuilding into show room/store for sale and hire of hats (in retrospect).
- Chapel House, High Street, Bangor on Dee. Change of use from residential to primary care medical branch surgery.
Millbrook House, Overton Road, Bangor on Dee. Refused and gone to appeal.
Woodcroft, Holly Bush Lane, Bangor on Dee. Erection of sun room and garage. WITHDRAWN.
At this point Cllr E Reeves left the meeting.
Woodcroft, Hollybush Lane, Bangor on Dee. Extension to Garden Curtilage.
After discussion it was agreed that the Council should respond by stating that the buildings should be removed as part of the application. Other than this there were no objections.
Cllr Reeves returned to the meeting.
No further information available.
Cllr M Jones has arranged for a presentation by the Environment Agency and Emergency Planning for the October Community Council meeting. After discussion it was agreed that the presentation should commence at 7.00 pm, normal Council meeting to follow this.
Hall to be set up at 6.30 pm.
Clerk to inform Cllr M Jones of agreed time.
A walk of the defences has taken place. Cllr Furber assured Councillors that all items on the list requiring attention will be dealt with.
Autumn Rain – will be held on 7.11.2012 at Bangor on Dee Racecourse.
Notice Board – Agenda for next meeting. Cllr M Jones dealing with this.
Overhanging trees/shrubs at Chester Way/Whitchurch Road, reported to Street Scene. Acknowledgement received.
Fence at Ludlow Road/Station Road damaged. Reported by Clerk and repaired by WCBC.
Street Lighting – Cllr Jones expressed written concern that street lighting repairs were still required. Cllr G Hughes has been in touch with NWP, who had arranged for the repair of the light at the Buck House Hotel.
Grass Cutting. Cllr Jones submitted written concern that the grass cutting was not up to standard. This matter was discussed.
The grass has been cut at regular intervals in accordance with contract, and it was felt that the abnormal weather conditions this year (i.e. extremely wet) have made it a more difficult operation.
War Memorial repair. Cllr Furber has received a quote from Mr Woolley for £500.00 plus VAT. However, he will be meeting with the Heritage People who will inspect the memorial. Cllr Furber to report back to the Council regarding this.
Direction Signs A525 – These are dirty and require cleaning. Clerk to inform Street Scene.
Riverside Walk – Display Board is cracked. Christine Bowyer to look into the repair of this. It is possibly still under guarantee.
Youth Club – Cllr Tranter informed the Council that Mike Davies, Youth Worker attended 2 sessions on the run and no-one attended. The future of this service in Bangor on Dee is questionable.
The meeting noted the list of matters raised by Cllr M Jones and were satisfied with the progress made in dealing with these items.
The following accounts were agreed.
Proposed by: Cllr G Tranter and seconded by Cllr B Huckle.
18.8.2012NWP - Light repairs£346.98101551
18.8.2012WCBC - Rent Sandbanks£100.00101552
18.8.2012WCBC – Employers Costs£250.39101553
18.8.2012BoD Playgroup-Donation (in lieu
of war memorial planting)£35.00101554
18.8.2012Scottish Power. Energy Costs£158.47101555
18.8.2012Little Red Tractor Co. Verges£192.00101556
18.9.2012Scottish Power. Energy.£158.47101557
18.9.2012Little Red Tractor co. Verges/
18.9.2012WCBC Employers Costs£250.39101559
18.9.2012NWP Power Systems. Repairs£88.38101560
Annual Return – year ending 31.3.2012.
Draft Annual Return received.
Hacker Young have stated there are no issues arising that the Council should consider prior to approval of the Annual Return in accordance with the Accounts and Audit (Wales)(Amendment) Regulations 2010.
The Annual Return has been approved by the Community Council.
Proposed by Cllr G Tranter Seconded byCllr F Tranter. All in favour.
Section 3 signed by the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer and Chairman Cllr G Hughes.
Annual Return to be sent directly to Hacker Young, External Auditors, and await return and issue of a Notice of Conclusion of Audit.