This is a sample session plan with suggested English and maths activities. Please adapt accordingly to meet the needs of young people on your programme.
Session / Wk 2: prepare and cook an evening meal on residentialTime / 1 – 1 ½ hours
Session Objectives
By the end of the session learners will be able to: / Assessment methods
- Calculate theingredients required to prepare and cook a meal for the team;
- Read and understand a recipe using a variety of reading strategies;
- Develop effective strategies for discussion by delegating tasks, working as a team and reviewing meal.
- 1:1 support/facilitation during group work/individual work;
- Targeted questioning, open and closed questioning, lower and higher order questioning;
- Observation and monitoring of learners during activities.
Previous knowledge assumed
- All learners have completed an initial and diagnostic skills assessment with support from a literacy and numeracy specialist.
- Young people should have selected and printed out recipes in the previous week. They should have also worked out quantities. However, it is good practice to recap this and provide another opportunity for young people to practise these skills.
Time / Activity / Differentiation / Resources
5 mins
5 mins
5 mins
30 mins
30 – 40mins
10 mins
10mins / Energiser: A-Z of foods.
Activity 1: getting the quantities right.
Recap the importance of using the correct amount of ingredients. Elicit responses from the group. Share recipes and recap calculations used during the previous week. Young people to calculate quantities of ingredients required for the meal. Example: working out quantities.
Activity 2: food safety and hygiene check.
Before cooking, review basic food safety and hygiene principles: ‘what must we do before we start?’ Elicit responses which should include: wash hands, clean and prepare work surfaces, wash fruit and vegetables, be careful of knives, hobs, etc. Record answers on flip chart paper.
Activity 3: allocate tasks and work out meal preparation times.
Read recipe in pairs, work out timings and delegate tasks, e.g. prepare meat and vegetables, make salsa, fry food, grate cheese, lay table, etc. Elicit responses from the group.
Team Leader to model reading strategies such as: ticking off items/actions once complete,underlining difficult words and scanning for key information such as timings/how many the recipe serves.
Ensure young people understand any unfamiliar words or processes, such as: capsicum/chargrilled/guacamole. Display on word wall.
Note – please make sure any recipes selected have a readable font and font size.
Activity 4: prepare, cook and serve fajitas. Take photographs of activities and finished products.
Activity 5: daily meal review.
Ask young people to review the meal at the dinner table, paying particular attention to taste, presentation and nutrition. Ask young people involved in cooking to review how they worked as a team. Recap discussion strategies. Elicit responses and provide prompts.
Optional: introduce team leader board and ask young people individually to award points (1pt -3pts max)for each category. For example, nutrition 3pts, taste 2 points, presentation 3 points. Young people can monitor and add up scores as the week progresses. The team with the most points wins a prize.
Clear dining table and food preparation area. Refer to rota. / Targeted Q&A
Peer to peer learning
Vary your level of support and intervention.
Provide 1:1 support
Small group discussion
Use targeted questioning to challenge and stretch appropriately, using a mix of open and closed questions.
Encourage young people to take lead roles/scribe.
Encourage young people to lead discussion.
Team Leader to vary level of intervention as required.
Use targeted questioning to challenge and stretch appropriately, using a mix of open and closed questions.
Recipes with instructional images will support weaker readers.
Establish ground rules for review and group discussion.
Team Leader to vary level of intervention as required.
Use targeted questioning to challenge and stretch appropriately, using a mix of open and closed questions. / Flip chart paper and pens
Flip chart paper
Further information about staying safe in the kitchen: Jamie Oliver’s setting up your kitchen , avoiding cross contamination, handling food safely and cooking safely
Flipchart paper
Additional time activities:
measuring time
how long does it take?
telling the time
digital time
Further information reading strategies
Cooking equipment
Post its for review
Flipchart paper and pens
Development work
Further reading and resources:
- Maths the Basic Skills Curriculum Edition – Nelson Thornes
Functional Skills Mapping
Reference: Ofqual (September 2011) Functional Skills Criteria for English and Maths: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2.
This session plan underpins many of the Entry Level 2 – Level 1 Functional Skills standards and should be adapted accordingly to meet the needs of individual learners on the programme.
Speaking, listening and Communication / Maths
Entry Level 2 - Participate in discussions/exchanges about familiar topics, making active contributions, with one or more people in familiar situations. / a) Identify the main points of short explanations and instructions;
b) Make appropriate contributions that are clearly understood;
c) Express simply feelings or opinions and understand those expressed by others;
d) Communicate information so that the meaning is clear;
e) Ask and respond to straightforward questions;
f) Follow the gist of discussions. / Entry level 2
c) Use doubling and halving in practical situations;
d) Recognise and use familiar measures, including time and money;
h) Extract information from simple lists.
Entry level 3
a) Add and subtract using three-digit numbers;
b) Solve practical problems involving multiplication and division by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10;
c) Round to the nearest 10 or 100.
d) Understand and use simple fractions;
e) Understand, estimate, measure and compare length, capacity, weight and temperature;
f) Understand decimals to two decimal places in practical
h) Complete simple calculations involving money and measures.
j) Use metric units in everyday situations;
Entry Level 3 - Respond appropriately to others and make some extended contributions in familiar formal and informal discussions and exchanges. / a) Follow the main points of discussions;
b) Use techniques to clarify and confirm understanding;
c) Give own point of view and respond appropriately to others’ point of view;
d) Use appropriate language in formal discussions/exchanges;
e) Make relevant contributions, allowing for and responding to others’ input. / Level 1
d) Add and subtract decimals up to two decimal places;
e) Solve simple problems involving ratio, where one number is a multiple of the other;
g) Solve problems requiring calculation with common measures, including money, time, length, weight, capacity and temperature;
Level 1 - Take full part in formal and informal discussions and exchanges that include unfamiliar subjects. / a) Make relevant and extended contributions to discussions, allowing for and responding to others’ input;
b) Prepare for and contribute to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions;
c) Make different kinds of contributions to discussions;
d) Present information/points of view clearly and in appropriate language.
Level 2 – Make a range of contributions to discussions in a range of contexts, including those that are unfamiliar, and make effective presentations. / b) Present information and ideas clearly and persuasively to others;
c) Adapt contributions to suit audience, purpose and situation;
d) Make significant contributions to discussions, taking a range of roles and helping to move discussion forward.
Entry Level 2 - Read and understand straightforward texts that explain, inform or recount information. / a) Understand the main events in chronological texts;
b) Read and understand simple instructions and directions;
c) Read and understand high frequency words and words with common spelling patterns;
Entry level 3 - Read and understand the purpose and content of straightforward texts that explain, inform and recount information. / b) Obtain specific information through detailed reading;
c) Use organisational features to locate information;
d) Read and understand texts in different formats using strategies/techniques appropriate to the task.
Level 1 - Read and understand a range of straightforward texts. / a) Identify the main points and ideas and how they are presented in a variety of texts;
b) Read and understand texts in detail;
c) Utilise information contained in texts.
Level 2 – Select, read, understand and compare texts and use them to gather information, ideas, arguments and opinions. / a) Select and use different types of texts to obtain and utilise relevant information;
b) Read and summarise, succinctly, information/ideas from different sources;
c) Identify the purposes of texts and comment on how meaning is conveyed.