Page 1 of 2 Continuing Communication Strategies Theme 4 “Education” Vocabulary list Teacher: Jeffrey Scott Longstaff
to teach to learn to approach an approach toward _____TEACHING METHODS - MOTIVATION
to move a motiona motive (a reason for doing)
to motivate to get / to feel motivated
a motivation to find motivation
-- Intrinsic motivation (Internal desire)
-- Extrinsic motivation (External reward)
to force to be forced to ___
to require to be required a requirement
encouragement to encourage to be / to feel encouraged
to have/ to take courage to be courageous
to desire a desire excitement to excite to be / to feel excited
to interest an interest to feel interested to be interesting
to query to questionto inquire to be inquisitive
to be curious to have curiosity
to empower (to give/ have power)
empowerment to feel / to be empowered
to have / to take power to be powerful
to study to be studious to do / to have homework
Teacher-centeredlearning (focus on prescribed topics to be learned)
Student-centered learning (active students direct their education)
a learning style (verbal, visual, auditory, kinesthetic)
the learning cycle(...experience, reflect, conclude, plan...)
memory to memorize some memorization
discovery to discover to uncover to reveal
creativity to create to be creative
activity to act an action to take action (do something)
interaction to interact to be interactive
to be active to be passive
to respond to be responsible to have /to take responsibility
to claim (to take) to control to take control to be in control
to excuse to be excused to make /to give /to have an excuse
to express to be expressive an expression
to impress to be impressive to make an impression
to assert to be assertive to make an assertion
a point of view a viewpoint an opinion / DEMONSTRATION OF LEARNING
to assign to do /to have assignments
to assessan assessment
to know to have knowledge
to be able to have an ability to ___
to quiza quiz to testa test
to examan exam
to be examining an examination
an entrance exam
a written examan oral exam
to retake /re-sit an exam
the final exam (“finals”)
an object /to be objective
a subject /to be subjective
to grade a grade (USA)
to mark a mark (UK)
to score a score
to rate a rating (1-10)
to pass / to fail
your records your transcripts
a paper an essay
to present (to give, to share, to show)
a present (a thing presented as a gift)
to make / to give a presentation
the present (the here and now)
to attend the attendance
to be present to be absent
a project (a task, an assignment)
to project (to send outward, to speak out)
to be projecting a projector
(a thing that projects-data projector)
the projection
(the thing that is projected)
Present a present.A present to present.
Project your project.A project to project.
a thesis a dissertation
to advise to give /to accept (bad /good) advice it is advisable to ____
to recommend a recommendation to have recommended
to criticize some criticism / constructive criticism / to correct to give feedback
to critique a critique (French)
Page 2 of 2 Continuing Communication Strategies Theme 4 “Education” Vocabulary list Teacher: Jeffrey Scott Longstaff
to educate the education systemto school a school your schooling
the / a nursery school the / a kindergarten
the / an elementary school /primary school
the / a junior high school / middle school
the / a high school a high school diploma
a certificate a qualification
the / an academy the academia an academic
some higher education:
a college a university
an undergraduate (pre-BA / BS)
a graduate / post graduate
a Bachelor’s Degree (many types)
a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree
a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree
a Master’s Degree (many types)
a Master of Arts (MA) degree
a Master of Science (MS) degree
a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree
a Doctorate (Doctoral Degree) (many types)
a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree
a Doctor of Education (Ed.D) degree
a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree
Co-education(a Co-Ed) (both sexes educated together)
Single sex education (all girls’ or all-boys’ school)
Bi-lingual education (school in 2 languages)
a religious school (schooling with basis in religion)
to rule a rule the rules
to bully to be bullied the problem of bullying / a/the curriculum(what is covered)
a / the subject (general topic)
a / the course (a one-term course)
Courses which are:
compulsory(UK) (must take)
required (USA) (must take)
electives (can choose, elect, to take)
the syllabus (plan for 1 course)
a/ the lesson (one meeting)
a / the class many meanings:
- one lesson / one class session
- a group of people
“the (graduating) class of 2012”
a lecture (teacher talks)
a workshop (an activity)
a seminar (meet & discuss)
to be practical (practice activities)
to be theoretical (theory, ideas)
a freshman (1st year)
a sophomore (2nd year)
a junior (3rd year)
a senior (4th year - will graduate)
the campus to be on campus
a/ the dormitory / dorm
your dorm room
the Greek System:
a fraternity (boys’ living collective)
a sorority (girls’ living collective)
to be academic --two meanings:
- scholarly, knowledgeable
- no practical significance
“It’s an academic question...”
“That question is academic...”
(It’s interesting, but the answer doesn’t matter)
“...get / give a chance to ...” “...find out for myself ...” “... it is over my head” “... think things through ...”
“... go with it” (try it out) “give it some time”
“... can do it with my eyes closed”
“it’s up to you” (your responsibility)
“it may come up” (it might happen)
“Just do it” (Nike slogan)
“The duty to produce destroys the desire to create”
What is your favorite subject in school? What kind of activities do you prefer to do in class?
Do you like doing homework? Do you have curiosity and interest, or does school feel like work?
What makes you the most motivated? What leaves you feeling unmotivated? How do you learn the best?
How can you get the most from school? Should education be creative? What degree do you want?