Mrs. BashorPlan Period: 1st Hour 8:25 – 9:12
Pre-Algebra Syllabus Phone: 816-675-2217
Wireless Lab email:
Textbook: Pre-Algebra – Glencoe McGraw-Hill
Each student will be assigned a book number and is responsible for that specific book. The books will have covers put on them. Replacement cost due to damage or loss is $65.
Materials needed: Loose leaf paper, “Composition” notebook dedicated to Pre-Algebra only, PENCILS (lots), eraser, pen (for note taking if preferred, highlighter, calculator (TI30X), dry erase markers, Binder or trapper keeper (if you prefer).
Grading Policy: Major Grades – 1.5 Minor Grades – 1.0
Quizzes Classroom activities
Notebooks Daily bell work
- Each student is required to keep a notebook with daily notes and examples given in class. The notebook will be graded at least twice a quarter based on content and neatness. Use the notebook ONLY for Pre-Algebra and bring it to class every day.
- Participation includes having the necessary required items for class (notebook, paper, pencil, etc.) and completing notes, work, giving input, etc. in class.
- All assignments will be done in PENCIL. Credit will not be given if donein pen until it is redone in pencil. You may use pen to take notes, but only pencil for homework. REMEMBER to bring a pencil to class each day.
- All students are required to show their work on the homework assignment and tests. Points will be deducted for not showing work (unless otherwise directed). It is very important to help find errors using the work shown.
- Calculators will rarely be used, but if you have one, bring it to class.
- All assignments will be given a due date, usually the following class period at the beginning of the period. Any late assignments will result in a 50% for the first day it is late. If it is late a second day it will be a 0. The assignment MUST still be COMPLETED.
- Each student is responsible for any missed assignments so you will need to check for make-up work. (warm-ups/bell work cannot be made up)
- Planners will be checked regularly and points will be recorded under participation. If you have lost YOUR planner, it is your responsibility to get a replacement. No plannermeans NO points.
- Students are to know and follow the student handbook rules and policies and apply those policies in the classroom as well.
- RESPECT is practiced in this classroom – respect the teacher, respect other students, respect the property.
- NO food, drink or gum allowed in class.
- If you need additional assistance during seminar, let me know and I will give you a pass to my classroom.
- ALWAYS ASK questions if you don’t understand. DON’T get behind in your work!!
- Know the Cell phone policy – NO CELL PHONES allowed in class.
- NO hall passes without YOUR planner!!!! Only 4 passes per quarter – so be sure it is important!
I/We have read through and understand the expectations of myself/my child in Pre-Algebra class.
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature