/12th, january 2017
/kearny county senior center meeting room
Meeting called by / Don RobertsonFacilitator / Don Robertson
Note taker / Nicole Martin
Attendees / Amanda Riedle, Sharon Vanatta, Cathy Dreiling, Tori Jury, Jade Carabajal-Richter, Rosemary Bachman, Nicole Martin, Cathy Hernandez, Jed Purdy, Gary Gilbert, Bart Garcia, Dave Horner, Kim Panzer, Richard Everett, Bill Haney
Agenda topics
/call to order
/Don robertson
/Minutes approval
/don robertson
Discussion / Approved/
/don robertson
lepc sub-committee reports
/Don robertson
Discussion / None/
reports by members of the public
/don robertson
Discussion / 1. Richard and Rosemary went over the BIA, changes were made and approved. Yearly updates will be scheduled. Will send out to all entities.2. Cathy Hernandez reported on the weather. Storm heading in. ICS training will be held January 17th, 24th, 31st @ 6:30 p.m. at the EMS building for 700, 100, 200. Red Cross has a new 1-844-334-7569 for their dispatch center.
3. Jade mentioned their ER was down for 7 months. Merger number will be added in plan.
4. Don visited with new County Commissioner Rex. Gave update and invite.
5. February 17th @ Clarion Ebola training, need to register on train, number is 1068207.
Unfinished business
/don robertson
Discussion / 1. April 25th will be county wide exercise tabletop. Don will be sending out more information./
new business
/don robertson
Discussion / Elections were voted and approved for Nicole to remain secretary and Information Coordinator, Don to remain Chairman, and Rosemary for Co-Chair./
schedule next meeting
/don robertson
DiscussionNext meeting will be held April 13th at 3:30 p.m. @ TBD
/don robertson
Discussion / Moved, seconded and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 1625.C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEPC\min 1-12-17.docPage 1 of 1